Peanuts have beneficial properties for the human body and have many types and varieties. Growing this plant does not require much effort. The culture takes root in warm climates, does not require diligent watering, and is not picky about the location and soil.
Description of peanuts
Peanut is an annual plant, reaches a height of 25-45 cm. The maximum height is 70 cm in some species. It has a branched taproot and straight stems.Long leaves, pinnate, elongated, up to 11 cm long, have a pointed edge. Blooms with yellow-red or white inflorescences. The flowering period falls in mid-summer. The fruits are swollen, oval in shape, with a nut inside. Refers to leguminous plants.
Nutritional value and composition of peanuts
100 grams of product contains 567 kcal. Of these, 49 grams are allocated to fats, 16 grams to carbohydrates, 26 grams to proteins.
Peanuts contain a large amount of fatty acids. The main component of the nut is oil.
Fatty acids included in the oil:
- arachine;
- stearic;
- linoleic;
- oleic;
- palmitic;
- myristic;
- cerotinic;
- lignoceric;
- lauric
In addition to acids, the nut contains:
- proteins;
- starch;
- Sahara;
- amino acids;
- vitamins B, A, E;
- purines;
- glutenins.
Microelements included in the composition include:
- sodium;
- potassium;
- magnesium;
- iron;
- calcium.
Types and varieties of peanuts
The varieties of peanuts are practically no different from each other. They differ in fruit size, yield, and height.
Growing is possible in bunches and shoots. Reaches no more than 50 centimeters in height. Pods with fruits are formed 5-10 centimeters from the soil surface. This type of nut is used for confectionery purposes. It is added to cakes, chocolate, ice cream, and salted peanuts are prepared.
The most popular varieties are:
- North Carolina;
- Shulamit;
- Gregory;
- Perry;
- Wilson
- Gull.
Founder of other species and varieties. It has been grown for a long time as a main species and is widely used in all industries. By the middle of the 20th century, it was gradually replaced by more productive varieties with large peanut fruits. The plant is not tall - up to 50 cm, the immunity is weak, the yield is average, the kernels are small, covered with a bright red shell.Currently grown for processing into peanut butter and spreads.
The most popular varieties are:
- Dixie Spanish;
- Natal common;
- Tamspan 90;
- White core;
- Star;
- Comet;
- Argentinian.
A group of these varieties was developed in the 40s of the 20th century. The plants are low, up to 50 centimeters in length. The leaves are elongated and densely spaced. The nuts of this variety are larger in size and have good taste. Productivity is high. The most popular varieties are:
- Georgia green;
- Dixie runner;
- Bradford Runner;
- Egyptian giant;
- Fragrant 458;
- Tamran.
Characterized by large fruits covered with pink-red skin. Plants reach a height of 1 meter. The leaves are often located, the plant is lush. Each pod contains three nuts.
Cultivated in the United States, its characteristics are characterized by large fruits covered with a red-brown shell, reaching a height of about 1 meter. There are two types: Texas Red and White varieties. The main part of the resulting nuts is sent for processing and peanut butter is made from them.
Beneficial and harmful properties of peanuts
Peanuts have the following beneficial effects:
- has antioxidant properties;
- improves the functioning of the heart muscle;
- renews old cells;
- improves memory and stimulates the nervous system;
- has a choleretic effect;
- envelops the stomach, useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
- stimulate thrombocytopoiesis;
- improves male potency;
- has a beneficial effect on hearing;
- saturates the body with energy for a long time, dulls the feeling of hunger;
- promotes weight loss when taken in moderation.
Important! It is forbidden to take peanuts if you are allergic to them. This type of allergy is very dangerous and can be fatal.
Nuts are harmful in the following situations:
- A large amount of raw peanuts leads to gastrointestinal disorders.
- For any joint diseases, it is recommended to reduce nuts in the diet.
- If you eat a spoiled nut, it will cause serious poisoning; you must carefully inspect the fruit before eating.
- Unlimited consumption of nuts harms the stomach and is difficult to digest.
Medicinal prescriptions
Peanuts are widely used in folk medicine. Recipes help eliminate the symptoms of certain diseases. Basic recipes:
- 100 grams of nuts are poured into 400 ml of water and boiled for 15 minutes. The resulting liquid is drained and taken in the morning on an empty stomach. The decoction will eliminate inflammation in the lungs and has an expectorant effect.
- 100 grams of nuts, pour 800 ml of water. Boil for 10 minutes, consume the decoction along with peanuts. Reduces temperature and helps fight colds.
- A glass of roasted peanuts a day helps cope with Werlhof's disease.
- Pickled nuts in 6% vinegar without removing the skins. Infuse for one day and take 10 pieces per day. Normalizes blood pressure.
- A handful of fruits are crushed and fried. Mix with chopped marshmallow. Pour in 500 ml of boiled milk. Leave for 20 minutes. Pour the mixture into a thermos and leave for 10-12 hours. Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day. Helps cope with prostatitis. Duration of treatment is 10 days.
Planting peanuts
To grow peanuts in the garden, it is necessary to correctly zone the varieties for each territory.To increase the number of seedlings, seeds are planted at home in containers and then transferred to the ground. You can plant seeds directly in open ground, but then fruiting will be delayed. Seedlings are prepared from April.
The seedlings are transplanted into warm soil, the seeds germinate at 13°C. The best time for this is considered to be mid-May. Sow nuts in rows, keeping a pattern of 60 cm between rows and 20 cm between plants. They are buried in the soil to a depth of 7 cm. After transferring to the ground. The plant is watered abundantly and hilled.
Important! For sowing, it is recommended to choose large, peeled seeds. This increases the number of seedlings.
How to care for a plant
An important point is to carry out regular hilling of peanuts. The first time it is carried out 10 days after flowering. Flowering occurs in mid-July, the flower blooms early in the morning and fades in the evening. Watering is carried out depending on the climate.
In dry weather, water every 10-12 days, taking into account rains. Overwatering the soil can destroy the plant; it is necessary to ensure that the soil is constantly moist. Use drippers for irrigation or warm water. A month before harvesting, watering is completely removed. For growing peanuts, at least 8 hours of daylight per day is suitable.
Diseases and pests of crops
The main diseases that affect the bush:
- Powdery mildew. The leaves become covered with a white coating, gradually die off and turn yellow. Prevent development with any fungicide, use according to the instructions on the package.
- Phyllosticosis. Brown spots with a purple border appear on the foliage. Fungicides are used for control.
- Black spot.It develops at high humidity; black spots appear on the platinum leaves and slowly grow.
- Fusarium wilt. Manifested by the formation of rot in the roots. The development of the plant stops, parts of the stems slowly die off, and the bush dies.
- Gray rot. Most often, damage occurs after flowering. Brown spots appear on parts of the stems and leaves, and fruit formation stops.
Pests that attack the bush:
- Aphid. For prevention, the top layer of soil next to the plant is covered with tobacco dust and ash.
- Click beetle. They penetrate the peanut shell and eat the nut from the inside. For prevention, small holes are dug near the crop and carrots or beets are left in them to lure insects. The holes are covered on top with plywood or a wide board, and after the insect trap is triggered, the insect traps are destroyed.
Collection and storage conditions
Harvesting begins when the peanuts turn yellow and the fruits come out of the pods without effort. It is important not to delay this moment, as unsuitable weather conditions will destroy the harvest. The process occurs in two stages. At the first stage, all the plants are collected and shafts are formed from them. Leave to dry for several days. In the second stage, separate the pods from the stems. The fruits are dried at a temperature of 40°C, in a room with good aeration.
Peanuts are stored in the form of pods and removed before use. A room with a constant air temperature of 8-10 °C is suitable for storage. The fruits are laid out on racks, in layers no thicker than 10 cm, or placed in fabric bags.