Peanuts are a rare crop for most regions of the country. Despite its low prevalence, growing the crop does not require special training or complex agricultural technology. Having figured out how to properly grow peanuts at your dacha in the middle zone, you will be able to get a large harvest without any problems.
- Is it possible to grow peanuts in central Russia?
- The best varieties for a given region
- Subtleties of growing crops
- Preparation of planting material
- How to choose the right place to plant
- Nuances when choosing
- Priming
- Predecessors
- Sowing
- Specifics of the seedling method
- Features of caring for peanuts in the middle zone
- Watering, loosening and weeding
- Top dressing
- Protection from diseases and insects
- Peanut harvest
Is it possible to grow peanuts in central Russia?
The climatic conditions and soil type in the central zone of the country are suitable for planting peanuts. To successfully grow a crop, it is enough to follow standard growing rules, choose a suitable place to place the plantings and provide proper care.
The best varieties for a given region
When choosing a crop variety, you need to decide on the purpose of cultivation. If you plan to plant for further peanut oil production, you should pay attention to varieties such as Valencia, Runner, Olin, Virginia, Tamrun Oil. To grow the crop for the sake of the nuts themselves, it is recommended to plant the varieties Adyg, Stepnyak, Bayan, Acorn, Zakatala.
If you plant one of the listed varieties and in the future propagate it from the grown crop, the crop will adapt well to climatic conditions over time and will bear fruit better.
Subtleties of growing crops
To reduce the risk of problems while growing peanuts, there are several things to consider. The crop will develop better provided that the seed is properly prepared, the appropriate terrain is selected, the soil is cultivated and the subtleties of sowing seedlings are observed.
Preparation of planting material
Before sowing, peanuts must be carefully inspected and specimens must be selected without damage, rot or other defects. The selected seed material is disinfected for 15-20 minutes by placing it in a weakly concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. Then the nuts are soaked in warm water for 24 hours to germinate.
How to choose the right place to plant
Peanuts should be planted in a constantly lit area where there is no shadow during a sunny day.The groundwater level should not be high at the site where the beds are placed. You should also choose an area where there is no through blowing.
Nuances when choosing
In addition to standard conditions, when choosing a site for peanut crops, it is important to pay attention to a number of nuances. To obtain a large harvest, the type of soil, the previous crop and the correct implementation of sowing work are important.
Growing peanuts in the Moscow region in open ground, as in other regions of the central zone, is recommended to be done on light, loamy and sandy loam soil. The soil acidity indicator should be neutral, since the crop does not take root in acidified and saline areas. If the soil is too acidic, it will need to be treated with dolomite flour or dry lime before planting.
Beetroot, tomatoes, corn, pumpkin and onion crops are best suited as predecessors for peanuts. After growing these plants in the soil, they are saturated with nutritional components that have a positive effect on the growth and development of peanuts. It is also important to follow the rules of crop rotation and not plant legumes in one place for several years in a row.
To sow peanut seedlings, a spacious container is required - at least 30 cm in diameter. Sowing is performed in the following order:
- moistened soil is poured into the prepared container;
- germinated seed is planted in the center to a depth of 2-2.5 cm;
- To maintain a comfortable microclimate, the container is covered with plastic film or a lid.
Specifics of the seedling method
Before the first shoots appear, peanut seedlings are periodically ventilated and moistened as the soil dries.After the first pair of leaves has formed, the film is removed from the container. Then the seedlings are left in a bright place, for example, on an insulated windowsill. After 2 weeks of development from the moment the sprouts are discovered, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place in unprotected soil. If legumes are grown in decomposed peat pots or tablets, they can be picked without removing them from the container.
Features of caring for peanuts in the middle zone
Having planted peanuts in a permanent place, you should take care of the plantings throughout the entire growing season. An important condition when growing in the middle zone is to ensure a balanced temperature regime. Peanuts are a heat-loving crop, and cultivation should occur at temperatures between 20-27 degrees.
Temperatures below 15 and above 30 degrees lead to the death of plants.
Watering, loosening and weeding
It is necessary to moisten the beds with plants regularly, checking the condition of the soil before each irrigation. Drought and waterlogging should not be allowed so as not to disrupt the development of peanut roots. At the time of active formation of inflorescences, increased moisture is required. If the weather is hot, it is recommended, in addition to watering, to spray the above-ground parts of the plants twice a day - early in the morning and after sunset.
Each watering is accompanied by loosening the soil. An agrotechnical technique is necessary to ensure that water flows better to the roots located below and remains in the soil longer. Simultaneously with loosening, peanuts are weeded, removing weeds and plant debris.
When cultivating the land, hilling is additionally required.The need arises 1.5-2 months after planting the plants, when they begin to bend toward the ground and the ovaries sink into the ground. It is important to track this moment and hill up the plantings with loosened and moistened soil. Throughout the entire peanut growing season, hilling is carried out twice - 10 and 20 days after flowering. As an alternative to hilling, you can leave a layer of mulch made from sawdust, humus and sand on the bed.
Top dressing
The first fertilizer is applied to the ground 2-3 weeks after the peanuts are transferred to their permanent place of growth. As a top dressing, a complex mixture of potassium salt, superphosphate, water and ammonium nitrate is used. The use of fertilizing allows you to activate the growth of seedlings, promotes the growth of green mass and has a positive effect on the taste characteristics of the crop.
The second feeding is applied at the beginning of fruiting. If peanuts are planted on fertile soil, a second dose of fertilizer is not necessary. In case of slow development and unfavorable environmental conditions, it is allowed to additionally use growth stimulants.
Protection from diseases and insects
Peanuts are at risk from diseases such as powdery mildew, fusarium blight, gray mold and phyllosticosis. Having detected symptoms of diseases, it is necessary to treat the plants with fungicidal preparations. Excessively affected parts of the plantings are cut off and removed. In advanced cases, complete removal of the bushes may be necessary to stop the spread of infection.
Among the harmful insects, the crop is affected by caterpillars, thrips and aphids. Protective spraying with insecticides helps against pests. Large parasites can be collected from the beds by hand.
Peanut harvest
The harvest period is in September. In anticipation of digging up nuts, it is necessary to stop watering and wait until the top layer of soil dries, which will make the collection process more convenient. As a rule, up to 50 pods containing 6-7 nuts are formed on each bush.
The exact amount of harvest depends on the characteristics of the cultivated variety, climatic conditions, soil fertility, and the quality of agricultural technology.
After digging up the plants, you need to turn the bushes upside down and shake off the remaining soil. The peanut pods are then stored in a dark, dry place. It is advisable that the space is well ventilated. The nuts are dried until the peanuts acquire a slightly darker shell with pronounced inclusions. After this, a few peanut pods can be left for further propagation, and the rest of the crop is ready for consumption.