The benefits of hawthorn have been known since ancient times. In traditional and folk medicine, all parts of the plant are used to prepare collections, decoctions and infusions. But hawthorn medicinal honey is very rare. The shortage of useful product is due to the growing area of the shrub and the short flowering period, which lasts for 10-14 days. It is during this period of time that the bees must collect nectar and pollen from the hawthorn.
Appearance and taste
In temperate latitudes, hawthorn is most often found as ornamental plants in gardens and household plots. In its natural environment, the berry bush or tree prefers to grow in the subtropical climate of the Caucasus, in the Crimea, in the mountains and foothills of the Black Sea coast.
How to identify hawthorn honey among the variety of varieties, we will look into the details further.
- First of all, pay attention to the color of the beekeeping product. The delicacy, obtained from healing nectar and pollen, has shades of dark amber and brown.
- The consistency of this honey is very viscous, thick and plastic.
- The aroma of healing honey is pungent, similar to the unpleasant smell of hawthorn flowers.
- The taste is also different from most types of honey, characterized by a sharp bitterness.
- After consuming the product, your throat begins to feel sore, and a pleasant warmth spreads throughout your body.
- The hawthorn delicacy crystallizes in 30-45 days; whitish spots often form on the surface, caused by the release of glucose from the general consistency.
Interesting! In its natural environment, hawthorn often grows in hard-to-reach places. To obtain a valuable product, beekeepers often have to transport the apiary closer to the habitat of medicinal bushes and trees.
Calorie content and chemical composition
The composition of honey is determined by the presence of useful substances and vitamins, for which hawthorn itself is famous:
- micro- and macroelements are represented by potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium;
- healthy sugars, including fructose, sucrose and glucose;
- amino acids;
- organic acids.
The product also includes almost the entire line of vitamin B, ascorbic, folic and nicotinic acid. Any honey is considered high-calorie, and hawthorn honey is no exception.Per 100 g of product there are up to 320 energy units. The healthy treat consists of 90% carbohydrates, represented by healthy sugars.
Important! Hawthorn nectar contains more than 300 useful substances and vitamins necessary for the correct and efficient functioning of the human body.
Beneficial properties of hawthorn honey
Like hawthorn itself, a bee product made from flower nectar is characterized by many healing and medicinal properties:
- stabilizes heart function;
- cleanses and strengthens blood vessels;
- helps reduce blood pressure;
- has a positive effect on the lymphatic and hormonal system;
- strengthens the immune system;
- cleanses the body of harmful accumulations and toxic substances;
- takes a direct part in metabolic processes;
- improves the functioning of the digestive system;
- has a calming effect;
- helps cope with depression, increases performance, relieves fatigue;
- has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, improves the structure of hair and nail plates.
Important! For chronic diseases, before consuming medicinal nectar, you should consult with a specialized specialist.
Based on the beneficial properties of the beekeeping product, hawthorn honey is actively used not only in folk and traditional medicine, but also in cosmetology. The healing agent is consumed in its natural form, used to prepare decoctions, infusions, compresses, and teas. Also, rejuvenating masks, creams and balms are made at home based on honey.
How to use
To strengthen the immune system, dissolve a teaspoon of the healing product in a glass of warm water and drink it in the morning before eating.When treating colds and gum inflammation, rinses based on hawthorn nectar are recommended. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of the healing product in ½ glass of warm water. In case of increased acidity, it is recommended to eat a teaspoon of the treat and wash it down with warm water.
Advice! A tablespoon of hawthorn honey, eaten on an empty stomach, will help increase the body's endurance for physical and sports activities.
In folk medicine
Natural hawthorn honey is used in various areas of traditional medicine:
- the vitamins, micro- and macroelements included in the composition improve heart function, reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes;
- cleanse and give elasticity to blood vessels, reduce the possibility of blood clots;
- strengthen the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria;
- improve the functioning of the immune system;
- help with hormonal imbalance, eliminate pain symptoms during menstruation;
- stabilize the functioning of the digestive organs.
And this is not the entire list of healing properties that magical nectar has.
At home, rejuvenating, cleansing and toning masks are made based on a useful beekeeping product.
To cleanse the skin of your face or body you will need:
- a tablespoon of honey;
- a tablespoon of ground coffee or sea salt.
Advice! If the treat has crystallized, there is no need to add coffee or sea salt.
Folk remedies
To stabilize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, prepare a mixture of hawthorn honey and lemon.
- 500 g honey;
- large lemon;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic.
The lemon and zest are crushed, mixed with honey and grated garlic is added. The ingredients are mixed and left for 4-5 days at room temperature. Next, the healing agent is stored in the refrigerator. Take the mixture 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
Advice! When treating colds, add a small spoon of honey to hot tea.
Contraindications and harm
Despite all the beneficial properties, the natural product also has a number of contraindications. It is not recommended to use flower nectar for diabetes, exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive tract, low blood pressure, and diseases of the genitourinary system. It is also not allowed to give honey to children under 1.5 years of age and people prone to allergies and asthma.
How to store at home
Store honey in glass or ceramic containers with a tightly closed lid. Cans of product are placed in a dark, well-ventilated, dry room. Sunlight negatively affects the composition of honey and destroys its structure.
If stored properly, the product's shelf life is unlimited. It has been scientifically proven that honey is the only product with an unlimited shelf life.