Beneficial properties of camel thorn honey, composition and use

The steppe rose, or jantak, is popularly called camel thorn. In its natural environment, the honey plant grows in the steppe, arid regions of Central Asia, and is found in the Caucasus and Crimea. In Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, honey obtained from camel thorn is considered a particularly valuable and healing product. How to properly use this rare natural gift in order to get maximum benefit from it is described in detail below.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Jantak, or camel thorn, is an unpretentious plant; thanks to its well-developed root system, it tolerates heat and prolonged drought. The flowering time of the steppe inhabitant is extended, beginning in mid-spring and ending at the end of autumn. During this period, the camel thorn is covered with small pink flowers with sweet nectar, which the bees collect. Jantak honey is characterized by a unique medicinal composition, including many vitamins, organic acids, healthy sugars, macro- and microelements.

Steppe rose grows at a distance from various cities, settlements, roads and industries. Therefore, flower nectar does not contain harmful impurities, toxins and foreign compounds.

The rare bee gift includes:

  • biologically active substances;
  • amino acids and organic acids;
  • carbohydrates are represented by healthy sugars;
  • macro- and microelements in quantities commensurate with the periodic table;
  • the entire line of vitamin B;

Also, the structure of natural steppe rose honey includes vitamin C, nicotinic acid, vitamins K and E. The main composition of jantak honey is sugar content, up to 85%, so the product is considered high-calorie, crystallizes quite quickly, acquiring a solid consistency. Per 100 g of ready-to-eat treats there are up to 310 energy units.

Interesting! In ancient Persia, jantak was used in the preparation of preparations for healing decoctions. In the countries of Central Asia, the plant is still used in folk and traditional medicine.

Beneficial features

This valuable beekeeping product has bactericidal, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

  1. Used in the treatment of gastric disorders caused by E. coli.
  2. Strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to colds and viral diseases.
  3. Stimulates the work of the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  4. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helps get rid of insomnia, physical and mental fatigue.
  5. Stabilizes the functioning of the digestive tract.
Jantak honey, when used externally, eliminates joint pain, relieves inflammation in psoriasis and eczema, and quickly heals various damage to the skin.

Advice! At home, you can make rejuvenating and cleansing masks and scrubs based on flower nectar.


In folk medicine, Jantaka honey is used to increase tone and improve immunity. To do this, eat a teaspoon of sweets 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. For colds and increased nervous tension, nectar is added to warm tea or herbal decoction. Consumption of the bee gift during the period of exacerbation of joint diseases will help get rid of pain.

honey is flowing

For inflammatory kidney diseases

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, steppe rose delicacy is used for diseases of the urinary organs.

To prepare the healing mixture you will need:

  • Jantaka honey in the amount of 30 g;
  • fresh cranberry juice in the amount of 1 glass.

If the sweetness has hardened, it is dissolved in a water bath and then thoroughly mixed with berry juice. The resulting medicinal product is stored in the refrigerator, consumed 3 times a day, ½ teaspoon.

Important! The healing product helps eliminate inflammatory processes and accelerates urination. Before taking the honey-berry mixture, you should consult a specialist.

laugh girl

To cleanse the body

The unique chemical composition of steppe rose honey is used to intensively cleanse the body of harmful and toxic accumulations. To prepare a healing mixture, you will need jantaka sweetness and garden horseradish root in equal proportions.

Horseradish is crushed and the juice is squeezed out. If the nectar is candied, it is melted naturally or in a water bath, and only then mixed with vegetable juice. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, placed in a sterile container and stored in the refrigerator. Take the mixture 2 times a day, ½ teaspoon, 15-20 minutes before meals.

Important! The cleansing course is designed for 3-4 weeks, if necessary, repeat once every 6 months.

pour into a jar

For bleeding gums

Inflammation and bleeding gums cause a lot of discomfort and increase the risk of tooth loss. To speed up the healing process, use camel thorn honey mixed with regular salt in equal proportions. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed until the salt crystals are completely dissolved. The resulting healing agent is gently rubbed into damaged gums 4-5 times a day until complete recovery.

For a cold

Jantaka variety of bee honey has long been used to treat colds and viral diseases. For flu and sore throat, sweetness is added to warm drinks and gargles, and consumed in its natural form with tea. To lower body temperature and eliminate symptoms of nasal congestion, prepare a mixture based on flower nectar and garlic.

To do this you will need:

  • a tablespoon of bee gift;
  • 4 cloves of garlic.

The vegetable is crushed in any convenient way and thoroughly mixed with honey.The remedy is consumed before bed in the amount of 1 teaspoon. The course of treatment ranges from 5 to 7 days.

home preparation

For rheumatism

When rheumatism worsens, camel thorn nectar is used for pain-relieving compresses.

To prepare the mixture you will need:

  • a tablespoon of sweets;
  • aloe juice in the amount of 2 tablespoons;
  • a glass of vodka or alcohol.

The ingredients are thoroughly mixed, slightly heated, applied to the affected areas of the body and wrapped in natural fabric.

Advice! To get the maximum healing effect, leave the bee gift compress overnight.

spoon in water

Storage rules and periods

Store steppe rose honey in a glass or ceramic container in a dark, cool place. Due to the high content of healthy sugars, nectar quickly crystallizes, but does not lose its taste and beneficial properties.

How to distinguish real honey?

A natural, fresh bee product from jantak, it is characterized by a light amber hue and a thick, plastic consistency. During the crystallization process, the nectar becomes white or creamy. The taste of the delicacy is sweet, with pronounced fruity notes and the same aftertaste. Another feature of the product is the complete absence of any odor.

Natural janta honey is rarely found on the shelves of markets and shops, which unscrupulous beekeepers take advantage of by passing off other varieties of nectar as a valuable product.
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