Description of Echinops sharogola, agricultural technology of honey plants and when to sow

The ball-headed chinstrap is also called the barnyard grass. This is a thorny plant that is resistant to drought. The plant is taking root well. In one place, a culture can grow for 20 years. The main advantage of Echinops is that it is an excellent honey plant. This plant is great for attracting bees, and you can make delicious and healthy honey from it.

External features of the plant

The herbaceous plant belongs to the Asteraceae family. It begins to bloom in the first half of July.The perennial belongs to medicinal plants and is grown as a honey plant. It is often included in folk recipes.

This plant is characterized by the following features:

  • Mordovnik reaches a height of 2 meters.
  • The plant is characterized by long and thin stems that branch upward. Brown trichomes, similar to lint, are formed along the entire length.
  • Mordovnik has pinnately dissected foliage, at the edges of which there are spines. The plates have an elongated shape. Their length is 20 centimeters and their width is 8. The surface is rough and the edges are carved. The leaves are deep green on top and light gray underneath. The leaves grow along the stem in a spiral. At the same time, near the base they are larger in diameter, and towards the top they become smaller. The leaves are small at the ends.
  • The flowers are located on the main axis and form a spherical inflorescence with spines. Up to 35 inflorescences with a diameter of 6 centimeters are formed on the stems. Depending on the variety, the buds are white, blue or blue.
  • Echinops fruits are presented in the form of cylindrical seeds with a cup-shaped tuft.
  • The root system is taprooted and deep.

Echinoid fruiting begins in the 2nd year of the growing season. In the first season, a basket of long leaves appears on the bushes. Its diameter reaches 65 centimeters. The culture begins to bloom in July, and this process lasts until mid-August. The plant is a second wave honey plant. It blooms after the honey bushes that bloom in May and June. Bees can collect nectar from flowers throughout the day. They close only in the complete absence of lighting.

How is it grown?

Growing a crop has certain characteristics.For this process to be successful, it is important to carry out the planting work correctly.

The soil

Mordovnik is considered an undemanding crop. However, the plant loves moist and loose soil. Most often it is found in fertile areas of waste gardens. Bushes can be seen in floodplains and in weedy areas.

On dry sandy soils, the degeneration of Echinaceae occurs in 4-5 years. This is due to soil depletion and moisture deficiency.

ball-headed Echinops

Appropriate place

This plant needs full lighting. Therefore, it tries to occupy a leading position in the upper tier of herbaceous crops. However, with sufficient moisture and high soil fertility, the plant can be combined with rapeseed, motherwort, chicory, and burdock. All these crops are also considered excellent honey plants.

ball-headed Echinops

Preparation of planting material

Since Echinops seeds have bristles that cling to each other, beekeepers advise combining them with sawdust. Seed consumption per 1 hectare is 10-12 kilograms.

Planting work can be carried out before winter or in May. Seeds do not need to be stratified. They are easily stored dry. At the same time, germination rate decreases by about 10-15% every year. Therefore, seeds that have been stored for 4 years have a germination rate of about 20-30%.

ball-headed Echinops

Step-by-step work order

It is recommended to sow Echinops seeds by hand. In soft soil they should be deepened by about 5 centimeters, and in podzolic soil - by 2-3. Then the ground needs to be leveled. This can be done with a rake. Transplantation is required only after 15-20 years. Before this, Echinops can be propagated in one place.

Planting is recommended taking into account the air temperature. It should be +12-14 degrees.In this case, it is definitely recommended to control the germination of the flower.

With an adequate approach, seedlings will appear in 2-3 weeks. Then you need to adjust the bed. In this case, you need to add seeds to empty spaces in the soil. If there are a lot of flowers, it is recommended to remove the weakest shoots.

Ball-headed Echinops almost does not need to comply with agrotechnical standards. In the first spring after planting, it is recommended to feed the plant with saltpeter. Nitrogen fertilizers are also suitable for this purpose.

One feeding is enough for normal development. In subsequent years, no fertilizer is required.

Once the roots are fully formed, the plant is highly resistant to drought. In the first year, the honey plant should be watered moderately. This is especially true in hot weather. However, it is important to avoid waterlogging the soil.

Nectar productivity

Nectar is produced in a flower by nectaries. Through a conical passage, the liquid flows to the surface and covers the entire inflorescence. With high air humidity and temperatures of at least +25 degrees, one Echinops flower produces up to 7 milligrams of a transparent substance that has a tart odor.

ball-headed Echinops

Beneficial features

Honey obtained from the ball-headed mordovnik has a liquid consistency and a pleasant aroma. It does not form crystals for a long time. After hardening, the substance acquires a beige color with a white tint. The composition is characterized by medicinal properties. Tinctures are prepared from it or consumed in its pure form.

A beekeeping product made from Echinops helps treat the following pathologies:

  • infections;
  • headache;
  • digestive pathologies;
  • joint diseases;
  • age-related multiple sclerosis;
  • damage to the heart and blood vessels.

It is important to take into account that honey from the globe-headed chinstrap has pronounced allergenic properties. Therefore, it should not be used by people intolerant to bee products.

ball-headed Echinops

Flowering time and honey production

The plant blooms from July to September and lasts 25-45 days. Specific dates depend on the climatic characteristics of the region.

The main factor for breeding the crop is considered to be high honey productivity. In Russia, this plant is considered one of the most productive. In terms of nectar yield, only the linden tree competes with it. Echinoid inflorescences consist of 70% polysaccharides and disaccharides.

The bushes are characterized by fairly large rounded inflorescences. Thanks to this, several bees can be placed on them at once. In 1 hour, up to 170 insects can visit the bushes. Nectar production is constant.

In a favorable climate, the productivity of Echinops is 500-900 kilograms per hectare. Low varieties bring up to 350 kilograms of honey. During dry summers, productivity decreases by 35%.

Where does the ballhead grow?

The plant is found in the Caucasus, Central Asia and Ukraine. It is also common in the European part of the Russian Federation and Western Siberia.

Echinops globulus is a widespread crop that is distinguished by its pronounced honey-producing properties. The plant is considered very unpretentious to growing conditions.
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