What the uteri of wasps look like, their lifestyle and functions, danger to humans
Wasps are social insects that form colonies that live according to natural laws. Almost all wasps
How much honey can you eat without harm to your health per day - consumption norm
Honey has long been consumed as a tasty and nutritious product; it also has medicinal properties.
How to melt candied honey at home without losing quality
Every person should know how to melt honey so that it does not lose its benefits.
Storing honey at home - expiration date and required temperature
Honey is a unique product that does not lose its healing properties for a long time. Sometimes
Beneficial properties and harm of chestnut honey, how to identify a fake
The chestnut variety of honey is considered very rare and therefore very valuable. It is characterized by unique
Drawings of PPU hives and instructions for making them yourself
Typically, bee houses are made from different types of wood. Some structures have begun to be built in recent years
Drawings of polystyrene foam hives and do-it-yourself manufacturing technology
About 30 years ago, beekeepers began using various synthetic materials to build bee houses.
Useful properties and contraindications of angelica honey, how to use it
Angelica honey is characterized by a high content of beneficial components. That’s why the product is often called elite. His
Useful properties and contraindications of sweet clover honey, signs of fake
Sweet clover honey is called a very useful remedy with a unique chemical composition. This product has received wide
What plants do bees use to make white honey, its name and composition?
Honey most often has yellow or brown hues. However, sometimes there are unusual varieties.
Useful properties and contraindications of heather honey, its color and composition
Heather honey is a rather controversial product. Beekeepers consider this species to be of low quality because it
Recipes for preparing and properties of honey from pine cones, benefits and harms
Pine honey is a fairly common product. It is made from pine buds and cones.


