Instructions for use of Aqua-flo for bees and processing rules, analogues

The drug "Aqua-flo" helps prevent or cope with varroatosis in bees. This disease is quite common in apiaries and large farms. At the same time, the innovative medicinal substance helps to destroy female pathogens without having a negative effect on bees. To get the desired effect, it is important to strictly follow the instructions.

Composition and release form

The drug "Aqua-flo" is available in the form of a white or yellowish emulsion, which has a slight specific aroma. The composition contains 20% fluvalinate, which is a third generation pyrethroid.The product also includes additional ingredients.

The medicine is produced in sealed glass ampoules with a volume of 1 milliliter. They are placed in 2 pieces in plastic bags. Each of them is placed in a cardboard package and labeled in accordance with regulatory documents.

Indications for use

The drug "Aqua-flo" is intended to destroy the causative agents of varroatosis - female saprophytic mites Varroa jacobsoni. These small blood-sucking insects from the genus of arachnids have a piercing-cutting mouthparts that easily pierce the chitinous membrane of adult bees. Mites parasitize at any stage of insect development. They are capable of infecting larvae, pupae or adults.

Aqua flo

When female mites enter the hive, they lay eggs in uncovered cells. In this case, the development of parasites takes 5 days. Adult pests absorb the hemolymph of the brood, provoking its complete destruction.

The clutch of Varroa jacobsoni includes only 1 male. The rest are females. Males do not consume food. The main task of the parasites is fertilization, after which they die, and the females continue to lay eggs. During the season, the number of clutches can reach 25.

Infection can occur in spring or autumn. Parasites overwinter in the hive, absorbing the blood of bees. For such a period, the tick requires 5 microliters of blood, while the bee has only 4. With the rapid development of varroatosis, the death of the entire family occurs by spring.

The main signs of pathology include the following:

  • decreased activity of bees during bee bread collection;
  • anxiety and aggressiveness of insects;
  • weak and variegated brood;
  • accumulation of dead debris at the bottom of the hive;
  • a decrease in the size of young insects and pathological development of the body - in this case, there is an absence of wings and a short abdomen.

It is worth noting that when varroatosis occurs, adults remove infected children from the hive. Also a symptom of the disease is the presence of dead brood on the surface of the ground and near the entrance.

the disease develops

Instructions and dosages

It is important to use the drug correctly for bees. This will help achieve the desired results without harming beneficial insects. The solution must be prepared 25 minutes before use. It is recommended to treat insects on the day the suspension is made. To do this, 1 ampoule of the drug must be mixed with 1 liter of warm water at a temperature of +36 degrees. It is recommended to stir the finished solution for several minutes.

For treatment to be effective, the air temperature must be at least +15 degrees. In this case, the solution must be warm. It is worth considering that the substance helps cope only with adult ticks.

In this case, the composition does not affect the larvae located in closed honeycombs. Therefore, it is necessary to treat the hives in early spring - before the appearance of brood. Autumn use of the drug is purely preventive. In this case, it will not be possible to eliminate the disease.

To process hives, it is recommended to do the following:

  • mix the emulsion thoroughly;
  • pour the solution into the areas between the frames along the streets - it is recommended to do this with a syringe;
  • 10 milliliters of the substance should be used for 1 street.

It is necessary to use Aqua-Flo twice to combat varroatosis. Between treatments you need to take a break of 1 week.

Contraindications for use

The use of the substance does not harm bees. When the dosage was strictly observed, no side effects were recorded. However, experts do not recommend treatment when brood appears in the hive.

sick bee

Honey is allowed to be eaten only 15 days after using the substance. Therefore, before the main collection, treatment must be stopped.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The drug "Aqua-flo" must be stored in its original packaging. In this case, the temperature can be +5-20 degrees. It is recommended to keep the drug away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children and pets. Do not keep the drug near food. The shelf life of the product is 2 years.

medicine in packaging


Effective analogues of Aqua-flo include:

  • "Amipol-T";
  • "Apides";
  • "Antivaro."

"Aqua-flo" is an effective drug that helps to cope with varroatosis pathogens and prevent their occurrence. The medicine has a contact action and helps to destroy female ticks.
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