Instructions for use of Bivarool for bees and composition, active ingredient

“Bivarool” for bees is a chemical preparation that is designed to eliminate and prevent varroatosis in these insects. The active component of the composition is fluvalinate. It has a pronounced effect and is often included in preparations that are used to protect crops from pests. In order for the product to give the desired result, it is important to strictly follow the instructions for its use.

Composition and dosage form

The product is sold in glass bottles and ampoules.Their capacity can be 1 and 0.5 milliliters, respectively. The composition is sold in the form of a liquid, which has an oily consistency. The active ingredient of Bivarool is fluvalinate.

Mechanism of action

The drug "Bivarool" has pronounced acaricidal properties. It has a contact effect. With the help of the substance it is possible to destroy adult Varroa jacobsoni. The product prevents the emergence of tick populations that are resistant to the drug.

Indications for use

The composition is used to treat and prevent varroatosis of honey bees.

Instructions for use of the drug "Bivarool"

When using Bivarool, treatment is carried out in autumn and spring. This must be done at a temperature less than +10 degrees. In this case, it is important to carry out the manipulation 10-14 days before pumping out the honey. In this case, chemicals will not get into the honey. The bottle of Bivarool must be opened immediately before preparing the mixture.

It is recommended to mix the drug with water. Its temperature should be +40 degrees. For an ampoule with a capacity of 0.5 milliliters you will need 0.5 liters of warm liquid. The composition must be mixed until a homogeneous milky mixture is obtained. For ease of use of the solution, you should use a 10 milliliter syringe. Repeated treatment is usually carried out after 1 week.

With the systematic use of one product, ticks can develop lasting immunity. Therefore, many beekeepers advise alternating Bivarool and other chemicals.

When mixing the product with water according to the instructions, there is a risk of particles of the product settling on the frames.To avoid such problems, 60-65 milliliters of kerosene should be added to 0.5 liters of the prepared chemical mixture. It is recommended to shake all components well and pour them into smoke cannons. Due to kerosene, the composition is drier and more penetrating. The jet must be applied twice at a certain time interval.

Before processing, it is recommended to cover the bottom of the hive with paper greased with Vaseline. This technique is of great importance, since ticks are shed alive. You shouldn't expect instant results. It will be noticeable after about 12 hours.

When using an aqueous solution of Bivarool with a smoke gun, it is permissible to use vegetable oil instead of kerosene. Both methods are used with an interval of 1 week.

Safety precautions when working with the product

It is recommended to open the packaging only at the apiary. In this case, processing is allowed no later than 2 weeks before the main honey collection. It is important to avoid penetration of the substance into commercial honey.

Storage conditions and shelf life

"Bivarool" can be kept in sealed packaging for a maximum of 3 years from the date of manufacture. Then the substance loses its characteristics and can become dangerous. The production date is shown on the packaging.

store in packaging

The temperature in the storage room should be maintained at 0…+20 degrees. In this case, humidity should not exceed 50%. It is advisable to avoid exposure to sunlight on the drug. It should also be kept out of reach of children and pets. In addition, you should avoid water penetration into the packaging.


Effective substitutes for Bivarool include:

  1. "Bayvarol" - its active component is flumethrin.The composition produces a selective effect on ectoparasites, causing their death.
  2. “Apides” is produced in the form of strips of wood, which are impregnated with an acaricidal solution. The product has a pronounced contact effect and successfully copes with adult forms of Varroa jacobsoni.
  3. "Apifit" - comes in the form of wooden plates. The active substance of the drug is fluvalinate. The product is highly effective and completely safe for brood and adult bees. It does not affect the temperature in the hives.

Which is better: “Bivarool” or “Bipin”

Determining which product is better is quite difficult. These drugs are similar to each other. The rules for their application are the same. The difference lies in the composition and dosage. The active component of Bipin is amitraz. In addition, the composition is considered more concentrated.

"Bivarool" is an effective remedy that can be used for the treatment and prevention of varroatosis in honey bees. Strict adherence to the instructions will help you achieve the desired results.
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