Antiviral and antibacterial drugs are used against infectious diseases in beekeeping. Treatment with them is necessary to maintain the performance of insects and their health. Modern drugs have a complex effect and are capable of destroying many types of pathogens simultaneously. Let's consider the composition and purpose of "Lozeval" for bees, use according to instructions and analogues of the drug.
Composition and release form
The product is produced in the form of an oily liquid, has a specific odor, bitter taste, and is dark yellow or brownish in color. Bottled in plastic bottles of 10, 25, 100 ml and 1 l. The composition contains the substances polylenoxide, morpholinium, water, dimethyl sulfoxide and aethonium.
"Lozeval" is a veterinary drug that has a pronounced immunostimulating and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used against 18 types of pathogens and increases nonspecific resistance in bees. "Lozeval" not only prevents or cures infections, but also increases the productivity of bees by improving their health. After treatment, the yield of honey and other products increases by 10-15%, and the number of young bees increases.
What is Lozeval used for and how is it used for bees?
According to the instructions, “Lozeval” can be used to combat infectious diseases of bees:
- sac and stone brood;
- paratyphoid;
- sfilamentovirus;
- acarapidosis;
- colibacillosis;
- meleosis;
- nosimatosis;
- varratose;
- braulez;
- filamentovirus;
- acute paralysis;
- foulbrood diseases.
The action of the drug is based on the fact that the active substances, entering the body of bees, stop the activity of bacteria and viruses and negatively affect their ability to reproduce. "Lozeval" is used as a prophylactic and medicinal product, its effectiveness in prevention is 95%, in treatment 85-95%.
The “Lozeval” solution is used to treat the honeycombs and the walls of the hive inside.
When used prophylactically, the drug is used 3 times per season: the first time - in the spring, when the first flight is made, then in the summer - after the first honey harvest is collected, and the last time in the fall - after the food supply has been created.
The bees are treated with a preparation diluted in boiled water. For one family, you need to take a solution in a dosage of 5 ml of product per 300 ml of water. The honeycombs are sprayed with a sprayer three times with a break of 2 days.
Side effects and contraindications
The drug is harmless to the treated insects and humans; the substances do not accumulate in honey and other products obtained from bees. “Lozeval” belongs to products with hazard class 44, that is, it is not toxic to insects, animals, and humans. If the drug is used correctly and the dosage is followed, it does not show any side effects. Does not negatively affect bees, does not harm the reproductive system of insects, does not reduce their productivity. It has no contraindications for use. It is allowed to pump out honey one month after the last treatment.
When working with Lozeval, you should follow standard safety requirements - do not drink, do not eat, do not smoke, use gloves, wash your hands with soap after work.
special instructions
Lozeval should be used at a temperature not lower than 18 degrees Celsius. If it's cooler outside, sugar syrup is added to the solution to attract bees. Dosage – 5 ml of the drug per 1 liter of solution. The liquid is fed to the bees 2 or 3 times, taking breaks of 7 days. For each hive you need to spend 50 ml of solution.
In case of an accidental overdose of the product, it is recommended to feed the bees with sugar syrup at a 50% concentration in a dosage of half a liter of solution per family.
Shelf life and storage conditions
The anti-infective drug is stored for 3 years at temperatures from 3 to 30 degrees. If stored in the cold, a viscous emulsion may form first, then crystals. When heated they melt. The manufacturer claims that the drug can be used again, as it does not lose its medicinal properties.
The product, like other veterinary drugs, should be stored in a dry, dark place. It must be in a whole package, in a closed bottle. Do not use the drug after the expiration date. It loses its effectiveness. A solution diluted with water is not stored for a long time, so it should be prepared only before use and used for its intended purpose on the same day. Do not store the remains; pour them in a place not used for growing plants.
Are there any analogues
"Lozeval" can be replaced with drugs with a similar effect: "Izatizone", which has an identical composition, dosage and application features, but from a different manufacturer. You can use Gentamicin and other strong antibiotics - Ampicillin, Neomycin, Tetracycline, Levomycin, which can replace the agent in question to combat bacterial diseases of insects.
The drug "Lozeval" is used in beekeeping as an effective remedy for a large number of infectious diseases that can affect honey bees. It is used as a medicinal and prophylactic agent, both independently and in combination with other drugs for the treatment of diseases.
Timely prevention with the use of veterinary medicine will strengthen the immune forces of bees and improve the resistance of insects to infections. And when a disease is detected, speed up their recovery and preserve the population. “Lozeval” is stored for a long time and is available in packaging of different sizes, so it can be purchased by both owners of a small apiary and farmers who have a high consumption of veterinary products.