Which strips are best to use against mites in bees, composition and folk remedies

Bee mite infestation is considered one of the most common diseases. This problem was discovered back in the seventies of the twentieth century. Then she provoked the death of many bee colonies. Today there are many methods that help avoid infection. The use of special anti-mite strips for bees allows you to cope with pests and save the bee colony.

Where do ticks come from?

Infestation with mites is considered a symptom of the development of varroatosis. This non-infectious pathology is associated with the activity of Varroa Jacobsoni mites. Parasites cause damage to brood or adults.They absorb hemolymph, which provokes anatomical abnormalities in insects and leads to their death. The pathology was first identified in Indian bees, but subsequently it spread throughout the world.

Varroatosis is a very dangerous disorder. It not only provokes a decrease in the performance of bees, but can also lead to the destruction of the entire apiary.

The following factors lead to the development of bee varroa:

  • Varroa mites detach from bees during pollen collection and wait for new carriers for 5 days, hiding in the grass or flowers. Therefore, parasites are often carried by working individuals after the completion of honey collection.
  • Parasites can enter the hive with thieving bees or vagrant drones.
  • The spread of the disease may be due to frames containing infected brood entering the hive.
  • The development of pathology is often caused by the addition of a bee colony affected by mites to a healthy colony.

Ticks are most active at temperatures of +34-36 degrees and humidity at 60-80%.

Signs of infection

The disease does not appear immediately. The characteristic symptoms of varroa become visible only after 1-2 years. These include the following:

  • The appearance of ugly bees and drones in the family. They are characterized by the absence of wings or legs, as well as deformation of the body.
  • Problems arise in the summer. At the same time, crawling individuals appear in front of the hive.
  • The appearance of dead larvae on the arrival board. They are thrown away by insects.
  • Reducing the weight of bees. Insects face protein starvation.
  • Damage to part of the exposed brood. This situation occurs in advanced cases. In this case, you can see decomposing larvae, which are easily removed from the cells.In addition, the brood becomes variegated.
  • The appearance of a tick. It can be easily seen on bees and in cells.
  • Restless behavior of bees. They are trying to get rid of the ticks.

Ticks reproduce especially actively in spring and autumn.

For the purpose of recovery, severely affected families can leave the nests. This happens in the autumn.

How to treat bees against mites

Today, to kill ticks, products based on active ingredients such as amitraz, bromopropylate, chlorobenzilate, and fluvalinate are used. Traditional recipes also help to cope with the problem.


To cope with ticks, you can use the following plates:

  • "Folbex" is a product made on the basis of chlorobenzilate. It is recommended to use it in spring and summer. The plates should be placed in the hive in the morning and evening. They are placed on a frame without honeycombs and set on fire. 2 strips are enough for 1 hive with 16 frames. The use of the drug must be stopped 1 month before the honey collection.
  • "Manhao" - the drug is used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes. These Chinese strips have a characteristic yellow tint and a slight odor. The active substance is considered very effective. It is important to follow the dosage. For the prevention and treatment of varroatosis in a large bee colony, 1 strip is enough.


Common medications that can be used to control ticks include:

  • "Bipin" - the active substance is amitraz. The product is released in ampoules. The composition is highly concentrated, so it must be mixed with water. It is recommended to use the solution immediately after preparation. For 1 street you need to use 10 milliliters of the substance.
  • "Apitak" - this drug is also made on the basis of amitraz.To prepare the solution, you need to mix 0.5 milliliters of the substance with 1 liter of warm water.

Folk remedies

If you don’t want to use chemicals, it is recommended to use traditional recipes. The most effective include the following:

  • Celandine decoction. To prepare it, you need to take 50 grams of dried or 100 grams of fresh plant per 1 liter of boiling water. It takes 3 minutes to prepare the decoction. Then the composition needs to be infused for half an hour. The product requires spraying the bees, frames and brood 3-5 times with an interval of 6-7 days.
  • Fir oil. This product must be applied to a sheet of parchment. It is recommended to use 1-2 milliliters of the substance for 1 family. Then place it over the frames with the oiled side down and cover with canvas. The entrances need to be closed for 1-2 hours. Then they need to be opened and the parchment kept for another 72 hours. During this time, the ticks will fall to the bottom, so it is necessary to install a net trap there.

Using strips and other anti-tick products helps achieve excellent results. It is important to strictly follow the instructions and adhere to safety regulations.

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