Prospects for the development of beekeeping in the Moscow region and bee breeds

The Moscow region is located in the basins of the Volga, Oka, Moscow and Klyazma rivers. This zone contains a forest belt and forest-steppe. The main tree species include oak, maple, and hazel. The climate here is moderate continental. It is characterized by harsh winters and not too sunny summers. Therefore, beekeeping in the Moscow region is characterized by a number of features. The main issue is the correct choice of breed.

Features of the region

The Moscow region is located in the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. It is located in the center of the East European Plain. Forest and forest-steppe zones predominate here.In the south there are broad-leaved forests, which are presented in the form of small spots to the southern part of the Oka.

In addition to oaks, other tree species grow here - linden, ash, elms. There are also field, Tatarian and Norway maple species there. The undergrowth contains honeysuckle, viburnum, hazel and other types of shrubs. In the river floodplains you can see black alder and oak forests with some elm. In the Oka valley there are floodplain meadows.

All areas of the steppe zones on the watersheds have been plowed, so they are practically not preserved. Small areas of steppes and meadows are protected in nature reserves. They are located on the slopes of Polosnia, Osetra and other areas. In the forest-steppe there are sometimes linden groves and oak forests.

Also in the Moscow region there is the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve. It is located in the Serpukhov region. Bison and steppe plants are protected there.

beekeeper with bees

What breeds of bees are bred in the Moscow region

Beekeeping in the Moscow region is characterized by certain features. In this case, the correct choice of bee breed is key. The Central Russian breed is considered a suitable option for the Moscow region.

Insects are characterized by a dark gray uniform color. The length of the proboscis reaches 6-6.4 millimeters. At the same time, a one-day-old individual weighs 110 milligrams, a barren uterus weighs 190, and a fertile uterus weighs 210.

In the Moscow region, bees often use mid and late honey collections. In this case, linden and buckwheat are considered priority plants. If bees are actively visiting honey plants of a particular type, they will not move too quickly to other sources. Insects do not put much effort into finding them.

When cold weather sets in, bees maintain a fairly high carbon dioxide level of 4%.This helps individuals almost not react to temperature changes. In terms of winter hardiness, Central Russian insects are considered the hardiest among all breeds in the world.

This species copes well with nosematosis and foulbrood of open brood. Bees are also characterized by high resistance to honeydew non-infectious toxicosis, second only to Ukrainian bees. That’s why such individuals feel great in the Moscow region.

With the advent of a period of active development, Central Russian queens lay up to 2000 eggs per day. However, they are able to do this under favorable conditions. By the beginning of the honey harvest from buckwheat and linden, the families significantly increase in size and gain strength. This helps to get a lot of propolis.

In the presence of persistent honey flow, Central Russian bees are superior in productivity to almost all other breeds. This parameter drops slightly when legumes and phacelia are used as honey plants.

It is important to take into account not only the volume of honey that can be obtained. The choice of bees should be made for yourself. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to disease resistance. The Central Russian breed is considered one of the most stable in this regard.

Beekeepers and apiaries of the Moscow region

The most popular apiaries registered in the Moscow region include:

  1. SoulHoney apiary. It is located in the west of the region - near Rzhev. The farm is located 4 kilometers away from public roads. The apiary is at least 30 kilometers away from industrial facilities. Bees collect pollen from any plants that are found in forests, swamps and fields.
  2. Apiary Bienerus. This farm is located in the Voskresensky district.It is located in an ecologically clean place near the Zamoskvoretsky reserve. In the area of ​​the apiary there are unique meadows and floodplains. Here bees make honey from various herbs.
  3. Zaydullina apiary. This object is located in the area of ​​the village of Novogrishino, Dmitrovsky district. The farm produces environmentally friendly honey.


Breeding prospects

The prospects for bee breeding are regulated by the Federal Law, which was adopted in 2016. It regulates the following methods of beekeeping development:

  • full assistance in relation to the development of beekeeping from the state;
  • providing tax incentives and favorable lending conditions that are aimed at developing the region;
  • participation in the purchase of beekeeping products and assistance in their sale on favorable terms.

Beekeeping in the Moscow region is considered a promising area, which has a number of features. It is important to choose the right breed of bees and adhere to the rules of their breeding.
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