Creating an enclosure for quails has a number of features. This structure allows you to release birds into fresh air. However, free walking is only possible in summer. In winter, birds should be moved to cages, which should be in an insulated room. To make the enclosure safe, it is important to choose the right materials for it and follow the instructions for creating the structure.
Primary requirements
Keeping quails in an aviary has many advantages. Free range allows the birds to move more and find their own food. At the same time, it is important to build the corral correctly. The bird aviary should have an area of 1.5 meters.It is recommended to cover the top of the structure with a net. This will help prevent predatory animals from entering the pen. In addition, the fence will prevent the birds from flying out of the enclosure.
It is worth considering that birds react poorly to bright light. Therefore, it is recommended to place the enclosure in a shady place. In bad weather, it is recommended to cover the structure with oilcloth.
It is recommended to make the enclosure for quails not standard, but closed. In this case, ceilings should have a maximum height of 30 centimeters. It is recommended to make them from mosquito net or plastic. This will restrict birds from flying.
Keeping birds in an aviary leads to a decrease in egg production parameters. This is due to the fact that the quails begin to feel wild. Systematic movement of the enclosure and the introduction of mixed feed and protein foods into the diet help prevent such problems.
At the same time, raising quails in enclosures allows them to independently find plant food. In addition, the owner can breed more birds and not worry about not having enough space for them.
What tools and materials are needed?
To create fences, it is recommended to use welded mesh chain-link. Material with hinged threads is usually used for large birds. It is recommended to use galvanized material - it is considered more durable. To decorate the ceiling, you should use a plastic or mosquito net.
The tools you should take are a hammer, a saw, and pliers. It is also necessary to prepare screws, support posts, channel, and corners.
How to choose a location?
Keeping birds in an aviary is only permissible in summer. In winter, it is recommended to move the birds to a well-heated room that has a high-quality ventilation system.
When choosing a location, consider the following:
- It is most convenient to place the aviary near the room in which the quail are kept;
- in order not to disturb the birds, the aviary is placed away from walking paths;
- there should be a lot of grass on the site, which will serve as a source of vitamins;
- It is advisable to create a building on a hill - this will speed up the removal of moisture.
Instructions for making an aviary
Aviaries for birds differ in design features - it all depends on the goals and objectives of their breeding. For breeding work, it is recommended to isolate females and males. To do this, it is worth making individual pens.
To make an aviary, it is recommended to do the following:
- Choose a suitable design taking into account your capabilities, the number of birds and the size of the area. Draw up a drawing of the building.
- Buy the materials required for construction.
- Level or raise the area for the enclosure.
- Hammer or screw in the posts. Make a trench between them for the foundation.
- Weld metal corners on top and bottom. It is also permissible to use timber. It is worth attaching a mesh to such elements.
- Fix the chain-link with overlapping joints. It should be up to 10 centimeters. It is recommended to carry out all work carefully so that the sharp ends of the mesh, fasteners or wires do not protrude. This can cause injury to the birds.
- Install a drainage ditch around the perimeter.
- If you place an outdoor enclosure separately from the room in which the quails are kept, it is worth making a pitched roof or stretching a mesh on top.
- Cover the floor with plastic. This material helps to soften the movement of eggs towards the collector.
- Place drinking bowls and feeders inside.
It is recommended to build an aviary for quails according to the rules. This will help create the correct design that will not harm the birds. However, releasing birds into fresh air is only permissible in warm weather. On cold days it is recommended to keep them in cages.