What are the dangers of excess mineral fertilizers in the soil and the consequences?

It is difficult to imagine modern gardening and gardening without fertilizers, because with prolonged use, soil fertility decreases and the plot ceases to produce crops. However, in order not to harm the plants and poison the soil, it is important to know why an excess of mineral fertilizers in the soil is dangerous for plantings. What can happen with excessive use of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers, how the abuse of mineral complexes affects plants and soil.

Consequences of fertilizer overdose

Mineral fertilizers are produced in the form of water-soluble salts; they provide plantings with the necessary nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and other elements.

Important: fertilizers must be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, avoiding exceeding the concentration, taking into account application intervals and weather conditions.

The process of salt balance is the basis for the absorption of fertilizers by plants. If the plant sap contains more salts than the soil, the moisture and mineral complex are absorbed by the plant system, at the same ratio the absorption stops. In the case when there are more salts in the soil than in the tissues of the seedling, the sprout begins to give up moisture to the soil, withers and dies.

An overdose of mineral salts in the soil leads to a change in the growing season (shift in flowering dates, excess green mass), this is fraught with a decrease in yield, crushing of fruits, and accumulation of nitrates in them. Significant excess of doses causes inhibition of plant development and its death. The amount of mineral concentrates applied depends on the condition of the soil, the topography of the site (fertilizers can accumulate in lowlands), and the amount of organic matter applied.

How to identify the problem

If the soil on the site is oversaturated with fertilizers, this affects the condition of the plants and is visually noticeable to an attentive summer resident. Signs of overdose vary depending on the type of element; let’s look at what happens when there is an excess:

  1. Nitrogen. The plant has a powerful fleshy stem and dark, richly colored foliage. It blooms later, spends all its energy on growing greenery, the fruits remain small and ripen later. Plantings are less resistant to fungal infections and insect pests.
  2. Magnesium. The leaves become darker, curl, the tomato tops develop poorly, the tips of the foliage stretch out and die.
  3. Phosphorus.A characteristic symptom is the appearance of necrotic spots on the leaves, the aging of the leaves accelerates, they turn yellow and fall off. Plantings suffer more when there is a lack of watering.
  4. Potassium. The foliage becomes lighter, growth slows down, and internodes lengthen. Necrosis of plant tissue occurs, it turns yellow and sheds its leaves.
  5. Calcium. Bubbles filled with liquid appear on the foliage, and the development of shoots increases, which quickly dry out.

It is important to understand that the problem is not a lack of minerals, but an excess. Many summer residents, seeing the depressed state of their plantings, organize extraordinary feeding of the beds, worsening the situation.

What to do if fertilizers are applied incorrectly?

To get rid of excess mineral fertilizers in the soil on the site, you should water the beds abundantly. Water will wash away excess salts, freeing the top layer of soil from them. They will move to the deeper layers of the earth and will not affect the development of plants. If the seedlings are hydroponically grown, it is necessary to wash the nutrient layer. For indoor plants, washing or replacing the soil is mandatory.

In order not to make a mistake with the dosage, you need to follow the manufacturer’s instructions, write down the dates of application of fertilizers, the amount, and the type of mineral complex. It is necessary to periodically check the acidity of the soil.

The combination of mineral and organic fertilizers on the site allows you to improve the condition of the soil and grow an excellent crop that will be healthy and tasty. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount and concentration of fertilizing.

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