Rules for choosing soil for transplanting sansevieria and how to plant the plant

Indoor flowers make a home cozy and unique. But to make them pleasing to the eye, you need to spend a lot of time and effort and know about the characteristics of a particular plant. Even the simplest and most familiar flowers need care and proper care. Let's talk today about what kind of soil sansevieria needs for replanting, what kind of plant it is and what it looks like.

The importance of making the right choice

Sansevieria is distinguished by its unpretentiousness and ease of maintenance.The complex name of the flower is not familiar to every lover of indoor plants; more common ones are: mother-in-law’s tongue, snake skin, pike tail. Belongs to the Asparagus family (according to some sources, Agaveceae), it received its popular names due to its dense, long striped leaves.

For pike tail, ready-made soil is suitable; you can buy soil for succulents at a flower shop or prepare the mixture yourself. Drainage is required in the pot; it should occupy at least a quarter of the container.

What soil is needed for sansevieria

For normal growth, the flower requires light, loose soil; the plant tolerates rare watering, but dies when there is excess moisture. When preparing the soil yourself, mix:

  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 3 parts leaf or turf soil;
  • 0.5 parts of humus.
To disinfect the soil, the soil is calcined before planting sansevieria. When purchasing ready-made soil for succulents, add 0.5 parts of sand to it. Such soil perfectly removes excess moisture.

Since the roots of mother-in-law's tongue are located close to the surface, a shallow, wide pot with thick walls is selected. The container must be stable. The pot requires drainage; it is made from expanded clay, pieces of red brick, and ceramic shards.

Growth rate

Sansevieria is a succulent, so it grows slowly. If a flower does not have enough light, growth and development slow down. A pot that is too large can also negatively affect its growth rate. The flower should be protected from direct sunlight; it should be provided with diffused light and moderate watering.

To improve growth, the plant can be planted in open ground in April, or a flower pot can be placed on the veranda or loggia.The main thing is to get him home before the cold weather sets in.

indoor flower

Transfer rules

You need to replant a flower when it becomes crowded in a pot. The optimal time is from March to June, but since Sansevieria does not have a pronounced dormant period, transplantation, if necessary, can be done at any time.

The roots of the plant grow, penetrate into the holes of the container with the flower, the soil swells - this is a reason for replanting. Slow growth allows you to change flower pots every 2-3 years. Adult plants are replanted after 3-5 years. The new container should not be large; the pot should be 10-15 percent larger than the previous container. A plant purchased at a flower shop must be replanted 5-7 days after it appears in the house.

The day before transplanting, water the plant. Using the blunt side of a knife or a garden scoop, carefully move the soil away from the walls of the flower pot. The container is placed on its side and the flower is removed along with the earthen lump. The roots should be inspected and damaged areas should be cut off.

A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the new pot, followed by prepared soil. The plant is placed in the center of the container and soil is added, compacting it evenly so that the flower does not fall over. Then the plant is watered. A large specimen should be tied up, the plant should be released when it is completely rooted.

How to plant pike tail at home

Sansevieria reproduces by dividing the root, rosettes, and leaves.

Important: the flower does not retain the pattern of the mother plant when propagated by leaves.

When transplanting, the mother specimen is divided, leaving healthy developed roots on each part, and planted in different containers.

The second method: the rosette is cut off from the adult plant with a sharp knife. The cut area is sprinkled with charcoal.The flower is planted in a container with soil. In the latter case, the sheet is divided into several parts, with the top and bottom marked on each part. The cut parts are left in the open air for 12-24 hours. Then the pieces of leaf are placed in a container with sand.

It is necessary to ensure that the sheet is positioned with a slight slope and is in the ground with the lower part of the cut. It is covered with a plastic bottle or glass jar and left for 1-1.5 months. The planting should be ventilated periodically, removing the can first for 10 minutes, then increasing the time. The sand is moistened once a week. The plant that has given roots is transplanted to a permanent place.

Sansevieria is an easy-to-care indoor flower that is suitable even for a busy person. It perfectly purifies the air in the room and has a positive effect on the mood and well-being of household members. The presence of even a small number of plants in the house adds coziness to the room.
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