Characteristics and features of peat soils, types and methods of improvement

The soil on the planet is heterogeneous; there are many types of it. Let's consider the characteristics and features of peat soil, its physical, chemical and mechanical properties, what types of this soil exist. What types of plants can be grown in peat soil, how and what can be done to improve its characteristics to increase crop yields.

What is peat soil

The profile of such soil, all or the predominant part, consists of peat of varying degrees of decomposition and organic composition. The thickness of the horizon can reach 0.5 m or more; underneath it there is mineral rock - dense or viscous gleyed.

The color of the peat layer ranges from brown to light brown to black-brown. The mass is loose, relatively light and moist, breaks or crumbles in the hands.

Peat soil is characteristic of the northern regions - tundra and taiga, especially in Western Siberia, and is found, although less frequently, in marshy flat areas or on slopes. Already in the forest-steppe zone there are practically no such soils. Peat soils are formed under moss or herbaceous vegetation, less often - under small-leaved and coniferous forests.

peat soil

Features and main properties

Peat soils are formed in regions with a humid climate, that is, one where moisture, surface and ground, exceeds the evaporation of moisture from the surface. Insufficient saturation of horizons with oxygen is also characteristic, which is why anaerobic processes predominate during the decomposition of organic matter. The soil of peatlands therefore turns out to be acidic and requires liming.

Peat soils have the following characteristics: they warm up for a long time and slowly, on average they are colder than other types of soils, and frosts occur more often on them. In summer, they can become very hot during the day and cool down at night, which has an adverse effect on plant roots. The earth is constantly waterlogged, it has little humus, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and microelements.

peat in hands


The type of peat soil and its properties, chemical composition and appearance determine the type of bog in which it is formed. High soils are formed in swamps located on plains in which water flow is limited, so they are heavily moistened.They are characterized by a low degree of decomposition, acidity, fibrous structure, moist, do not contain many nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, and may contain compounds harmful to plants. Colored yellowish-brown.

Lowland peat soils are formed in swamps, which are located in wide hollows with a slight slope. Moisture comes from below, from the lower horizons, and is therefore saturated with minerals that enrich the upper layer. Low-lying peat soil has a higher degree of decomposition of residues, a slightly acidic reaction, it is drier and darker, it contains more humus and nutrients. Its natural fertility is higher, it is better developed, and the vegetation on such soil is more diverse than on high ground.

Based on the thickness of the peat layer, peat soil is divided into 3 groups: less than 20 cm – thin, 20-40 cm – medium-thick, more than 40 cm – powerful.

What can be grown in peat soil?

Despite the generally low fertility, berry bushes can be grown on such soil: raspberries, blackberries, honeysuckle, currants and ornamental varieties. It is also suitable for flowers that love an acidic environment, for vegetables: nightshades, cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini, onions, root vegetables, lettuce and other greens. But to get a good harvest, it is necessary to apply fertilizers.

The advantages of peat soil for growing plants: it is light and loose, does not require frequent digging and loosening, hilling and weeding are easier than, for example, on loam. It does not become compacted after rains, the roots of weeds are easily pulled out of it.

Seedlings of vegetables and flowers grow well in peat soil, cuttings take root, it provides optimal conditions for seed germination and seedling growth, it is moist, light, soft, and warm. Swamp soil can be used to cover greenhouses for growing early vegetables. Due to its loose structure, it is easy to care for; the plants will develop quickly and will soon begin to bear fruit, since water and nutrition are easily accessible to them.

plants grow

Ways to improve

Peat soils often require: drainage (since the moisture level in them is increased), special treatment and fertilizers. It is necessary to apply organic (humus, compost, fresh manure) and mineral fertilizers, both in autumn, spring, and during the season for feeding. Typically, peat soil requires deoxidation, so before planting the first plants, you need to add slaked lime or chalk and wood ash.

Peat bogs can be improved by sanding - adding coarse dry sand to the surface and digging until it is evenly distributed throughout the soil. Sanding improves the physical properties of peat soils. When forming a peat bog on loam, the volume of sand must be increased and mixed as deeply as possible.

wheelbarrow of earth

The same effect is achieved by dried and crushed clay, which, when mixed, improves the structure and allows the soil to retain more mineral elements, which makes it more fertile. Doses of fertilizers, sand, lime depend on the type of peaty soil, acidity level, chemical composition, and physical characteristics.

Peat land can be used in agriculture only after mandatory drainage and improvement. Without carrying out agrotechnical measures, it will not be possible to get a good harvest from it.This is hampered by the natural characteristics of the soil: acidity, low heat capacity, excessive moisture saturation, poverty of humus and mineral elements.
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