A simple recipe for preparing sugar-free blackcurrants in your own juice for the winter

Not everyone likes sweet jam. Many people value the true taste of berries, so they try to preserve them in such a way as to please themselves with a tasty and healthy dessert in winter. Canning black currants for the winter in their own juice without sugar has become popular. This delicacy can be consumed as an independent dish, as well as for preparing various baked goods, adding to porridge or decorating ice cream.

Subtleties of cooking

Such preparations require careful preparation of ingredients and containers so that the prepared dish does not spoil within a few days.

The main feature of cooking berries in their own juice is that it is cooked in one step and for a short interval, after which it is immediately rolled up.

Ingredients for black currants in their own juice

Whatever the recipe for currants, you will need water, as well as various spices to taste (cinnamon, vanilla). But to get the effect of fresh berries, it is better to do without them.

Product selection rules

First, you should choose the best berries: large, elastic, without obvious damage. However, the main thing is that the berries have a rich dark color. This indicates their ripeness. They are sorted out, discarding twigs and leaves, transferred to a container and filled with water. All small contaminants will rise to the surface.

black currant

Then the water is drained and the currants are refilled. This treatment guarantees high-quality cleaning of the berries before rolling.

Preparing the dishes

To prepare the container, it must be sterilized. To do this, pour water into a container and place the jar in it with the neck down. Banks are processed for different amounts of time:

  • half-liter - 20 minutes;
  • liter - 25 minutes.

After sterilization, do not immediately fill the containers. Currants are poured into cooled jars.

liter jars

Winter preparation process

Cooking currants in their own juice does not require much time. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Currants are poured into prepared hot jars to the very edges.
  2. The bottom of a large pan should be covered with cloth. After which jars with contents are placed in it.
  3. Water is poured into the pan up to the neck of the jars.Cover the top with a lid and bring to a boil. After boiling, the fire decreases. The entire sterilization process may take 15-17 minutes.
  4. If the currants have sagged too much, you can add more berries to the jars to keep the jars full. You can cheat and simply combine the contents of two jars into one.
  5. The resulting blanks are covered with lids and rolled up. You can check the quality of the twist by turning them on their side. If liquid does not flow from the neck, it is closed properly.

simple recipe

After twisting, the jars should be turned upside down and left to cool for several hours. As an alternative recipe, you can use the option of canning currants in juice prepared in advance from it.

In this case, the jars are filled with currants, filled with juice and placed in a pan with cold water.

The berries are boiled for 10 minutes, after which they are rolled using a key. The finished twists are turned over and cooled. The jars are then sent for storage.

Further storage of workpieces

The resulting blanks should be stored only in a cool place. A refrigerator is considered the best option. But if this is not possible, you can send the jars to a cold cellar. In this case, you should periodically check the preservation to prevent damage to the lids.

Berries prepared in this way can be used in any dish, successfully replacing fresh currants.

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