A simple recipe for making blackberry compote for the winter

A tasty and healthy blackberry compote with the addition of various berries and fruits is a drink containing a set of vitamins. The article provides a recipe for preparing several versions of compote.

A tasty and healthy blackberry compote, prepared for the whole winter, supplies the body with a whole range of vitamins. Delicious additions of garden berries and fruits will add unique notes to the refined taste of the drink.To do this, you can use many options, most of which are given in the article.

Blackberry compote for the winter

Making compote yourself will require knowledge of several theoretical issues.

A few subtleties of preparation

If a housewife is going to prepare nectar from blackberries for the winter, she will need to know several secrets:

  • adding one or more additives to the compote will help to introduce new flavors;
  • adding lemon zest or a few grams of rum or liqueur will help create a unique aroma;
  • For the drink, only ripe, intact and drained berries are taken;
  • When putting blackberries in the wash, you need to remember that they are a very delicate berry;
  • depending on the size of the family and the popularity of nectar among relatives, the volume of jars is selected, but in any case they must be clean and sterilized;
  • for patients with diabetes, it is recommended to replace sugar with fructose;
  • You cannot heat water with berries for a long period - during heat treatment, beneficial substances and vitamins are washed out;
  • it is possible to use spices in the form of cloves, nutmeg or cardamom;
  • before preparing compote from frozen berries and fruits, they will need to be thawed first;
  • Before pouring the finished product, containers and lids are sterilized for at least 10-15 minutes.

blackberry compote for the winter

Before starting all work, you need to prepare high-quality ingredients.

Preparation of the main ingredient

Before work, it is necessary to carefully cull all damaged or unripe berries. As a result, only large, ripe and undamaged berries remain, without obvious signs of damage by diseases and pests.

Important! When sending a berry to the sink, you need to remember its delicate structure, be careful with the fruit, but be sure to rinse the blackberry in several waters.Under a strong stream of running water, the risk of damage to the berries increases.

blackberries in a bowl

Before preparing the drink, all debris and grass remains are removed, and the sepals are removed from the berries. Only after completing this preparatory stage can you begin to perform the main operation. Here are a few recipes for making a tasty and healthy drink for the whole winter.

Methods for preparing compote

People have come up with many compositions of blackberry juice and compote, which are prepared according to the classical scheme or in the microwave. The main difference between all types of drinks is the preparation with or without sterilization of cans and materials. The most common method is cooking in pre-prepared syrup, which is poured over fresh berries.

This allows you to more accurately select the amount of sugar and preserve nutrients.

blackberries for compote

Other housewives prefer to cook the berries for a short time in the finished syrup or simply freeze or dry the berries and prepare fresh compote in the winter.

Let us examine in detail several recipes for traditional drinking.

Recipe Brief description and composition of compote Main stages of work




Standard cooking recipe

This method will require sterilization of jars, lids and a lot of time spent on a number of operations. To prepare a 2-liter jar of nectar you will need to prepare:

· purified water - 200 ml;

· sugar to taste, but not less than 1 cup;

· blackberries - 6 cups.

If the family is large and loves the drink, the number of ingredients increases, and the compote is sealed in a 3-liter glass jar

Basic operations:

· The berries are washed in a cup of water, then the water is changed and the washing is repeated. The blackberries are placed in a colander and set aside to drain.

· The washed jars are sterilized in a water bath, and the lids are boiled in a small saucepan.

· The berries are placed in jars in layers, which are sprinkled with a thin layer of sugar.

· Boiling water from a saucepan, previously placed on high heat, is poured into the jars. Boiling water should completely fill the container.

· In a water bath, the water in the jars boils, and after boiling for 3-5 minutes, the jar is removed from the container and sealed with a boiled lid.

· All jars are placed on a blanket with the neck down, then they are wrapped in a blanket and left until they gradually cool completely

Compote of blackberries and apples for the winter

The berries are compatible with many fruits. One type of compote is made from early apples and blackberries. This addition gives the compote a new taste. Depending on the sweetness of the apple variety, you will need to adjust the weight of sugar. Recipe for making a 3-liter jar:

blackberries - 150 g;

apples - 400 g;

· sugar to taste;

· a third of a teaspoon of lemon

· Apples and blackberries are washed in several waters, dirt and sepals are removed.”

· Apples are divided into 4 parts, the middle with partitions and seeds is cut out.

· The jar is filled with prepared fruits and berries. Completely filled with boiling water.

· After a 3-5 minute break, the water is drained from the cans into a pan, which is placed on the fire. Sugar and citric acid are added to the container.

· As soon as the water boils, it is poured into jars.

· The jars are sealed with sterilized lids using a special device.

· The containers are turned over and wrapped in a blanket until completely cooled.

Blackberry compote with orange

Orange adds a sophisticated citrus flavor. For a 3-liter container you will need to prepare several ingredients:

· blackberries - 2 full 500 gram jars;

sugar - 200 g;

· medium, ripe oranges - 9 pcs.;

· 1.5 liters of water

· Blackberries and oranges are washed in water.

· The berries are discarded in a colander, and the citrus fruits are cut into semicircles 5-7 mm thick.

· The jars are pre-placed in the oven and fried.

· Heated containers are evenly filled with berries and oranges.

· Boiled water from the kettle is poured into the jars, and they are closed with tight lids.

· After 15-20 minutes, the heated infusion is poured into a container, sugar and spices are added to it, and the pan is placed on the burner.

· After boiling, the jars are filled with the prepared syrup and sealed with sterilized lids.

Important! It is not recommended to overuse oranges; they will completely overwhelm the delicate taste of blackberries.

Recipe without sterilization

A quick and easy way to prepare a drink:

sugar - 1-1.5 cups;

blackberries - 3 cups;

· purified water.

This technique allows you to prepare a drink with a rich, different taste.


· The berries are placed in washed jars, which are filled with boiling water.

· After 7-8 hours, the water is poured into the pan.

· Sugar and flavorings are added to taste.

· The syrup is brought to a boil and boiled until the sugar is completely dissolved.

· Jars are filled with syrup and sealed with lids.

Compote of garden blackberries and raspberries for the winter

In order to cook a delicious compote, prepare:

· purified water - 3 l;

· 500 g of berries in equal quantities;

· 500 g sugar.

Adding a sprig of peppermint will help add a refined taste.

· The berries are placed in an enamel bowl and covered with a layer of sugar.

· The pan is filled with 3 liters of water and placed on high heat.

· While the water is boiling, the jars and lids are sterilized.

· The compote has boiled; it must be stirred slowly until the sugar is completely dissolved.

· After 5 min. After boiling, the water is poured into jars, and they are hermetically sealed with lids.

The containers are turned over and wrapped in a blanket until completely cooled.

Compote of pears and blackberries for the winter

An aromatic and very tasty drink that combines the sweetness of pear and the sourness of blackberry. Prepares very quickly:

· ripe pears - 1 kg;

blackberries - 500 g;

sugar to taste

· Berry and pear are thoroughly washed.

· Pears are cut into slices or into 4 parts, seeds and cores are removed, and the berries are peeled.

· Jars and lids are sterilized.

· Layering berries and fruits in layers, fill a third of the container with them.

· The jars are completely filled with boiling water and covered with lids.

· After 15 min. While waiting, the syrup is poured into a large container, it is placed on high heat and brought to a boil.

· It's time to add sugar and flavoring to the water to taste.

· Boiling syrup is poured into cylinders and sealed tightly.

All that remains is to wrap the compote in a blanket and leave until it cools completely

blackberry compote for the winter

Storing compote

The finished drink is placed in the cellar or basement, but if this is not possible, it must be put in a closet with a door in which a constant temperature is maintained. The drink is stored for 1.5 years. If it is not drunk during this period, you will need to pour out the old compote and close the new and fragrant nectar in old containers.

blackberry compote for the winter

After opening the lid, it is not recommended to store it at room temperature or in the heat. Such storage will lead to rapid fermentation of the liquid and the formation of mold.

Even a teenager can prepare a tasty and healthy blackberry compote according to the recipes given in the article.

The main thing is to follow all the recommendations and strictly follow the step-by-step plan for preparing blackberry nectar, which is so pleasant to drink in the winter.

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