Housewives traditionally make preserves and jams from currant berries. I propose to break away from tradition and prepare redcurrant sauce for the winter. For production, you can use various types of berries growing in the country. Red and black currant berries gel better, and we will use them in our recipes. You can also make various preparations from white currants.
Red currant sauce for the winter
We collect currants from the bush or take frozen ones from the refrigerator.We sort fresh berries from twigs and other debris, wash them, and place them on a sieve. After the water has completely drained from the berries, grind them in a blender. We don’t need seeds and skin residues, so we take a fine sieve and grind and weigh the berry mass.
Weight is needed to determine the sugar norm. You need exactly half of the resulting weight of sugar. If you get 2 kg of puree, then you need 1 kg of sugar.
We will cook the currant sauce in an enamel pan. Bring the berry mass to almost a boil over low heat, after which we begin to add sugar. The mass can easily burn; to prevent this, it must be stirred continuously. When the sugar dissolves, add 1/4 teaspoon salt.
To make the taste richer, add spices:
- pepper mixture;
- ground cinnamon;
- dry, crushed cloves.
We take all the spices for preparation to taste, add a little bit, taste it. After 20 minutes of cooking, the mass should thicken, at this time add lemon juice (25 ml) to it.
Lemon juice is an excellent preservative. We wash small jars, sterilize them to be safe and pour hot sauce into them. We take the cooled jars for storage. Meat gravy contains vitamin C and is very useful in winter.
Spicy blackcurrant sauce
A homemade spicy blackcurrant sauce goes well with a pork chop. You need 500 g of ripe berries. The ripeness indicator is important.
Prepared hot blackcurrant sauce for the winter from unripe hearths will turn out to be too sour.
Pour a glass of water into the pan and pour in the cleanly washed and sorted fruits. You need to boil them a little so that they give juice, then pour in 100 g of sugar and add 1 pod of hot pepper. Softened fruits are easily rubbed through a sieve.Chop the hot pepper with a knife and add to the resulting mass.
Add spices of your choice to the pureed paste. I'm putting:
- 10 g each of paprika and coriander.
- Allspice – 5 g.
I boil the preparation for about 15-20 minutes. Pour the finished sauce into small jars. I wash and sterilize the jars in advance. The workpiece can be stored both in the refrigerator and in the cellar at the dacha.
Making tkemali sauce from red currants
For tkemali sauce you will need 2 kg of washed, sorted red and ripe currants. Boil them in a small amount of water (250 ml) and strain through a colander with small holes.
The resulting mass will have a very delicate consistency. It needs to be boiled well over low heat. You will have to cook for about an hour, stirring the chopped berries all the time. Add 0.5 tbsp to the pan. l salt and sugar 6 tbsp. l.
Garlic will add a pungent taste to the seasoning; to prepare it, take 30 g of it. Peel the garlic and chop it in a garlic press. Dry dill (10 g) and ground hot pepper (10 g) will add taste. Boil the sauce with herbs and garlic for 10 minutes. Place it only in clean, sterile jars. Use sealed lids.
Ketchup for the winter in one hour from red currants
We will prepare redcurrant ketchup quickly. The recipe is very simple. Take 1000 g of red currants, wash them, dry them, and grind them through a fine-mesh sieve. Throw away the cake. Add spices to berry sauce:
- Paprika.
- Allspice.
- Black pepper.
- Cinnamon.
- Carnation.
- Salt.
In addition, you need to pour in 350 g of sugar, pour in 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and table vinegar. Measure the volume of the resulting puree. Based on the volume, we calculate the required amount of potato starch.It needs 1/5 of the resulting volume of berry puree. Stir everything again and cook for 15 minutes. The finished ketchup remains packaged in clean jars (bottles). Currant ketchup can be used to decorate any meat dishes.
Adjika for the winter from red currants
What is kebab without adjika? Let's prepare moderately spicy adjika from red currants. Let's select and wash 250 g. All berries must be ripe. The color of ripe berries is ruby red. Pour clean berries into a large salad bowl and crush with a pestle until a paste forms.
We take a thick-walled red bell pepper, clean it of seeds, remove all partitions. You need 150 g of pepper. For spiciness, take a chili pepper (without seeds and partitions) and 4 cloves of garlic. Place everything in a blender bowl and grind.
The berry mass needs to be wiped, use a fine sieve for this. Place the resulting puree into a blender. Add a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt, chili on the tip of a knife. Grind all the ingredients in a blender, pour the resulting puree into a saucepan, and cook for 7 minutes. Adjika is ready. All that remains is to pour it into sterilized jars and sterilize them for 10 minutes. In winter, it is better to store adjika in the refrigerator, because it does not contain vinegar. Recipes for red currant sauces for the winter will be useful to any housewife.