Several recipes for pickled garlic with red currants for the winter

Is there a bed of winter garlic in the garden, or currant bushes in the garden? If you have all this in your garden, I suggest preparing pickled garlic with red currants. The healing properties of this preparation are exceptional. All components are simply crammed with substances beneficial to the body.


You will immediately start sterilizing jars as soon as you find out how much benefit marinated garlic and red currants bring. Read and be amazed at what this pickled vegetable can do:

  1. Strengthens the heart muscle.
  2. Improves kidney and intestinal function.
  3. Strengthens bones.
  4. Increases the secretion of gastric juice.
  5. Improves blood clotting.
  6. Destroys germs.
  7. Strengthens the immune system.
  8. Helps cleanse the body of harmful substances.

The list is impressive. It makes sense to master some recipes for its preparation.

Marinate with currants

Red currant fruits will act as the main preservative, so we can do without vinegar essence. Let's start preparing pickled garlic with red currants.

garlic with currants

The heads will have to be disassembled into cloves, peeled, and the bottom trimmed. Soak the slices in cold water overnight. We'll pick the berries along with the twigs.

For 2 kg of cloves you will need 0.5 kg. Put them in a basin and fill them with cold water. We will change the water several times. Place the berries in a colander. Let's start preparing the marinade.

Pour 1 liter of water into the pan, add 1 tsp of citric acid. and 3 tbsp. l. salt. Don't forget about sugar - you need 1 tbsp for this volume of water. l. Bring the water to a boil. The ingredients will dissolve, the marinade is ready, you can marinate.

While the marinade was preparing, we managed to:

  1. Wash and sterilize jars.
  2. Sort through the berries.
  3. Layer cloves and currant branches.

garlic in jars

Pour the marinade into beautifully arranged jars. Place the jars on a tray and cover with lids. After 3 days, juice will flow out of them - the result of fermentation. When the fermentation process is over, seal the pickled garlic hermetically. Store in the cold.

Separate the berries if the presence of twigs in the marinade jar bothers you.

With ginger and currants

Let's start preparing garlic with currants and ginger. Makes a delicious, savory snack. During seasonal colds, it will be especially useful for the immune system.

To prepare the appetizer, you need a little ginger: for 0.4 kg of berries and 5 large heads, only 50 g. This recipe requires wine vinegar (white).You only need 250 ml. For this volume of food, take 200 ml of water, sugar and coarse table spoon each.

We clean the heads, separate them into separate cloves, and wash them. Separate the currants from the branches and also rinse them in several changes of water. Prepare the marinade for the cloves from sugar, water and salt. Bring it to a boil, then lower the cloves and boil for another 5 minutes, pour in the vinegar at the end.

Divide the peeled ginger into 2 parts. There will be enough raw materials for two small jars. Divide the berries into two parts and place them in jars. We send the ginger there too. Pour the hot marinade with cloves on top. We roll up the jars. Store in a cool place.

Apple cider vinegar and red currants - marinade for garlic

Recipes in which the main ingredient is garlic heads are very diverse. We can cook young garlic in redcurrant juice. This will be a very savory snack. Red currant juice will give the dish a pink tint.

ingredients for garlic

Let's prepare liter jars. Let's clean as many heads as can fit into them. To make the scales easier to clean, soak the heads in warm water. To prepare, squeeze 1 glass of currant juice.

Pour the juice into a saucepan with water. You need 1 liter of it, add 4 tablespoons of sugar, apple cider vinegar - 100 g, 2 tablespoons of table salt. The filling should be brought to a boil, and the cloves placed in liter jars should be marinated.

Each jar needs to be sterilized for 5 minutes before rolling. Store vegetables canned in this way in the cellar or refrigerator.

Be sure to prepare an original appetizer - garlic for the winter - according to any of the recipes. Pickled is no less healthy than fresh.In addition to the proposed options, you can use other types of preparations, where instead of currant juice you take beets or beet juice, various types of vinegar and seasonings.
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