Red currant is a juicy, tasty berry, used to prepare various dishes, from jams to sauces. To preserve all the summer vitamins, you can prepare red currant jam for the winter; its 5-minute recipe, like jelly, is a godsend for busy housewives. This currant preparation can be used as an additive to baked goods, or as a medicinal aid for colds.
Features of preparing five-minute jam-jelly for the winter
To prepare a high-quality and tasty 5-minute currant dessert, you must follow the recommendations:
- Due to the pectin contained in the berry, during the preparation of currants with granulated sugar, a jelly mass comes out. But to make real thick jelly jam that holds its shape, you need to add gelatin or agar-agar to the dessert.
- To give a special taste and aroma to currant jelly, vanilla, citrus juices, orange and lemon slices are added to the mixture.
- Red currants are rich in vitamin C. To increase the content of this vitamin in the jelly, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, and almonds are used. Other berries that are in season are also suitable.
Gelatin is one of the popular ingredients that is used in almost all recipes. When adding it to dessert, you should follow the instructions.
To begin with, the substance from the bag is soaked for half an hour in hot water, mixed well until the grains dissolve, and then poured into the finished dessert.
The thickener is added immediately before the 5-minute mixture is poured into containers.
To prepare currant jelly for 5 minutes, you need to take:
- 1.3 kg granulated sugar;
- 250 ml water;
- 1 kg of currants.
These products make about 1.3 liters of jelly jam.
Selection and preparation of raw materials
Red currant fruits for jam should be taken fresh, only picked from the branches. The berries must be sorted out first, otherwise currants that have rotted and begun to deteriorate may penetrate into the jelly, which will lead to rapid spoilage and fermentation of the jam.
This process is also very important for the reason that the possible ingress of currant branches can ultimately give the delicacy an unpleasant bitter taste.
How to prepare the container?
Jelly jars need to be inspected for chips, then washed in hot water and soda solution. Rinse well and set to sterilize. Sterilization is carried out over steam for 25 minutes or in the oven for half an hour.
Place the containers in an unheated oven with their necks up and sterilize them during the heating process.
The lids also need to be boiled just before rolling the jelly.
The jam is poured into dry containers, so the jars that undergo sterilization are dried.
Cooking method
There are 2 methods for preparing five-minute jam, one of which should be used to prepare the dessert.
How to cook:
- The berries are prepared - washed, twigs, tails, unripe and bad fruits are removed.
- Water is poured into the vessel and granulated sugar is added. The mass should boil, after which the gas decreases. While stirring, you need to cook the syrup until all the sugar has dissolved. This will take about 5 minutes.
- Currants are added to the sugar mass and brought to a boil.
- Over low heat, after the mixture boils, cook the dessert for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally and eliminating foam.
- The jam is placed in a clean, sterile container and rolled up.
- The jars need to be turned upside down and wrapped. Leave it like this until it cools down.
Conditions and periods of storage of jam
It is recommended to store jam-jelly in a cool, dark room - cellar, basement, refrigerator.
To make the dessert better stored, before rolling it, sprinkle a 2 cm layer of sugar on top.
Five minutes covered with sand can be stored at room temperature, but only the jam will become very liquid. In this case, before consuming the dessert, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours to obtain a dense jelly.
Storage of red currant jam is possible throughout the year.