The best and interesting recipes for preparing honeysuckle preparations for the winter

Today there are a large number of interesting recipes for honeysuckle preparations. Juice, jam, and jam are prepared from this berry. It can be used to make marmalade, marshmallows, and compotes. The fruit makes a delicious sauce for meat. The berries can also be frozen or dried. These methods allow you to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins. Thanks to this, the fruits will bring health benefits.

Subtleties of harvesting honeysuckle for the winter

To prepare high-quality products, you need to take into account the following features:

  1. Honeysuckle must be fresh. The fruits should be collected in dry and sunny weather.
  2. The fruits must be carefully sorted. It is important to get rid of spoiled or overripe berries.
  3. There is no need to roll up the jam. A properly cooked product is covered with nylon lids.
  4. Honeysuckle must be washed and dried.
  5. To prevent the jam from becoming sugary, add 1 gram of citric acid per kilogram during the last boiling.

Preparation of ingredients and containers

Not all varieties of honeysuckle transport well. Therefore, it is recommended to sort the fruits immediately after harvesting. They should be washed before cooking. Thanks to this they will not become limp.

When sorting berries, strong and dense fruits should be set aside. Whole fruit jam is prepared from them. Soft and overripe berries are used for pureed jam. You should get rid of leaves, rotten berries and other debris.

The choice of container for storing jam is of no small importance. Banks should be small. They are pre-sterilized. This helps get rid of germs that could spoil the product. Sterilization is carried out in the oven, microwave or over steam.

honeysuckle berries

The lids that are used to seal the cans must not have any visible damage. They also need to be sterilized. You can also use nylon covers. However, it is recommended to store such jam in the refrigerator or basement.

The best cooking recipes for every taste

To prepare honeysuckle, you can use a variety of recipes, depending on your preferences.

Drying berries

You can dry honeysuckle in different ways.It all depends on the capabilities and preferences of the person.

On air

Honeysuckle can be dried in the attic or under a shed. To do this, the fruits should be placed on parchment and covered with gauze. In hot and windy weather the process will take 3-5 days. In other cases, the time increases to 7-10 days.

drying berries

In the oven

You can also dry honeysuckle in the oven. To do this, it is worth heating it to 40-45 degrees and drying the fruits until ready.

In an electric dryer

This device allows you to make various stocks, preserving the beneficial properties of the berries. Dry honeysuckle according to the instructions for the dryer.


To preserve large amounts of vitamins and microelements, honeysuckle can be frozen.


For this method, you should choose varieties with thick skin. Thanks to this, the berries will be less deformed. To do this, clean fruits are placed on a tray covered with film. It needs to be put in the freezer for 6 hours. The honeysuckle can then be bagged and well packed.

water droplets

With sugar

For this method, you can use crushed fruits. Simply put them in a container, sprinkling each layer with sugar. Then the containers are closed and gently shaken.


You can make jam from honeysuckle. There are quite a few interesting recipes for this dish.


To do this, mix honeysuckle and granulated sugar in equal parts. Leave the mixture for several hours. Then cook in several stages.


To do this, take 2 kilograms of granulated sugar per 1 kilogram of fruit. The berries should be washed and dried. Then grind with sugar and heat to 60-70 degrees. The product should be stored in a cool place.

dry jam

With strawberry

For this recipe, take 500 grams of berries and 1.5 kilograms of sugar.The fruits should be crushed, sprinkled with sugar and left for a day. Then boil for 5 minutes and cool.


To prepare this product you need to take 1.2 kilograms of fruit, 800 grams of sugar, 20 grams of gelatin. First, boil the berries with granulated sugar, then add gelatin to them. Place the finished dish in the refrigerator.

Pastila and jam

To prepare marshmallows, you can take the berries that are left after squeezing the juice. Mix them in equal parts with sugar and leave for several hours. Roll into a flat cake and dry in the oven. The cooled marshmallow can be cut.

To make jam, you need to take 1 kilogram of fruit, 2 kilograms of sugar and a couple of glasses of water. Cook, stirring constantly until the berries are softened. Pour the finished jam into jars and close.

jam in a spoon


In this case, take whole berries, 400 grams of granulated sugar and 1 liter of water. First, the jars are filled 2/3 with fruits, after which they are filled with hot syrup.


To prepare juice, you can use an ordinary juicer. To get more healthy drink, the fruits can be blanched for 3-5 minutes.


For a spicy sauce you will need 2 cups of fruit, 2/3 cup of tomato paste, a few cloves of garlic. It is also worth adding cilantro and parsley, salt, sugar, and black pepper.


For jelly, take 1 liter of berry juice and 800 grams of sugar. The mixture should be boiled until its quantity is one third of the original volume.

jelly on a plate


For 1 kilogram of fruit it is worth taking 2 kilograms of sugar. Berry juice should be mixed with hot sugar syrup and put in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Candied fruit

To do this, mix 1 kilogram of berries with a third of sugar and leave for 2-3 days. On day 2, add another third of the sugar. Perform similar actions on day 3.The mass should be stirred periodically. Strain, separating the candied fruits from the syrup.


The fruits should be crushed, add 50 grams of sugar for each kilogram of berries. Leave to ferment for 3 days. Squeeze out the pulp and pour into a bottle. Put on a glove on top.

When it subsides, you should put 200 grams of sugar per 1 liter of juice. When the glove falls off for the second time, the wine is poured into bottles and sealed with corks..

the wine is ready

Further storage

Storage of preparations depends on the cooking method. If the jam has undergone high-quality heat treatment, it can be kept without hermetically sealed. Berries ground with sugar can be stored in a cool place.

Honeysuckle is a useful product that can be used to prepare various preparations. Today there are many interesting recipes that allow you to preserve maximum vitamins in fruits.
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