TOP 11 recipes for how to pickle hot peppers for the winter at home

Most often, chili is used to prepare hot seasonings, which give dishes and all kinds of vegetable preparations a special, interesting taste. Spicy lovers are encouraged to pickle peppers to enjoy an excellent snack in winter. Chili preparations have gained particular popularity in the Caucasus. There it is served with various traditional dishes, such as khachapuri, shish kebab and much more. We will tell you in detail how to properly salt hot peppers.

Features of pickling hot peppers for the winter

The experience of many housewives shows that the most suitable varieties for pickling are meaty ones. These include Vizier, Astrakhan or Wit. Each of them is tasty, juicy and spicy in its own way..

Preparation of raw materials

Preparing peppers for pickling requires removing the tails, and the seeds are generally left untouched. In combination with ginger, herbs, honey and sugar, chili pepper gives dishes even more piquant.

On a note! A particularly interesting taste is observed in preparations made from Bashkir chili or in combination with sweet bell pepper. The color palette of the fruits is yellow, red and green.

Preparing containers

In order to pickle the chili well and end up with a tasty snack, you need to follow several rules. First of all, this is the preparation of the ingredients themselves, and the second is sterilization of the jars.

How to properly pickle hot peppers?

The cold method of preparing pepper at home means that the finished dish is stored strictly in the refrigerator. With the hot method, the jars are first sterilized and then sealed. Today there are a sufficient number of cooking recipes.

hot pepper

Simple salting in cold water

Hot pepper itself is quite spicy, and the taste of the preparation is appropriate. To salt it cold, you will need water, peppers, and non-iodized coarse salt.

Cooking method:

  1. The peppers are washed and the tails are removed.
  2. Afterwards they are pierced in the middle, top and bottom.
  3. Place in a pan or other sterilized container.
  4. Prepare a salt solution (saturated), and heat the water to speed up the process.
  5. Cool the prepared solution and pour it completely into jars (pans), put pressure and a towel on top.
  6. Place in a warm, dark place for 7-9 days (during this time the workpiece will be well salted and fermented).
  7. Cover and store in a cool place.

salting in water

Salted hot pepper in Armenian

Tsitsak – this is the name of this preparation recipe. This is due to the fact that during its preparation, green pods are often used, which are not very hot.

For salting you will need:

  • 250 grams of salt;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 6 garlic cloves;
  • greenery;
  • 3 kilograms of peppers.

How to properly salt:

  1. Dry for two days.
  2. Preparation of brine.
  3. Rinsing the peppers, herbs and garlic (partially spread the last two on the bottom of a plastic pan, then add the chili and pour in the prepared brine).
  4. Place a plate on top and press for a couple of days.
  5. Store in the refrigerator only after draining in a colander and adding the brine again.

pepper in Armenian

Georgian hot pepper

You will need:

  • 20 grams of salt;
  • honey (35 grams);
  • vegetable oil;
  • one kilogram of peppers;
  • bay leaf (two pieces);
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • vinegar (230 milliliters);
  • greenery.


  1. Chili and greens are washed (the latter are finely chopped).
  2. The garlic is peeled and chopped.
  3. Make a cut at the base of the pod;
  4. Place salt, vinegar, leaf, oil and sugar in a saucepan and boil, and then add peppers.
  5. Place the finished product entirely in a container, along with the herbs, garlic, and pour in the marinade.
  6. Keep refrigerated.

Georgian recipe

With garlic and dill


  • three tablespoons of olive oil;
  • salt;
  • dill and garlic;
  • wine (dry white, 100 milliliters);
  • vinegar (apple vinegar, two teaspoons);
  • spices - to taste;
  • pepper – ground black;
  • 300 grams of pepper.


  1. Chop the garlic.
  2. Chop the dill.
  3. Place the previous ingredients in a container and add salt and ground pepper.
  4. Wash the peppers, remove the seeds.
  5. Grease a frying pan with oil, add peppers and fry.
  6. Allow the finished product to cool.
  7. Pour the spices into the same frying pan, heat them and filter.
  8. Stuff the peppers with dill and garlic.
  9. Place in a container and fill with wine, vinegar, oil.
  10. Keep refrigerated for 24 hours.

pickling for the winter

Spicy chili in tomato sauce


  • sugar (55 grams);
  • garlic (35 grams);
  • vinegar (9% - 150 milliliters);
  • bay leaf (five pieces);
  • chili (one kilogram);
  • tomato juice (three liters);
  • vegetable oil (80 grams);
  • ground black pepper.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the juice with salt, bay leaves, ground pepper and boil.
  2. Add the washed chili and also boil (15-20 minutes).
  3. Grind the garlic cloves, put the resulting mass in a saucepan and pour oil into it.
  4. Boil, add vinegar.
  5. Reduce heat.
  6. Place the finished snack in the desired container along with tomato juice.
  7. Close the lid tightly.

chili sauce

With honey

All you need to prepare this recipe is vinegar (two liters), chili (one and a half kilograms) and honey (six tablespoons).

Wash the pods, remove the tails and seeds (optional). In order to protect your hands and skin from burns, it is recommended that you perform all operations wearing disposable gloves. Chop the chili (as you like). Put honey (1 teaspoon) in a jar and place the slices tightly in it, then add honey again. Pour vinegar and roll up the jar.

With aromatic herbs

All you need is garlic (half a kilo), chili (two kilograms), salt, saffron and suneli hops (to taste).

Grind the chili and garlic using a meat grinder, add aromatic seasonings, salt and place the finished mixture in an airtight container for further storage in the refrigerator. Serve the appetizer with mayonnaise sauce (optional).

pepper in marinade

In Hungarian

Ingredients for preparation:

  • chili - half a kilo;
  • tomatoes – 3 pieces;
  • salt, sugar, dried paprika (20-30 grams);
  • vinegar (15 milliliters);
  • oil (vegetable - 200 milliliters);
  • onions (2 pieces);
  • garlic.

Rinse some ingredients and remove the seeds. Chop the onion and garlic and add oil to the resulting mixture. Prepare juice from the tomatoes, which then pour over the peppers. Leave for a couple of hours and then put into jars. Pour a brine of sugar, salt and vinegar into them. Store in a cool place.

In Korean

Wash the chili, pour boiling water over it and place in prepared containers. Add peeled garlic and a mixture of sugar, water, coriander, and salt. Bring to a boil, cool and fill jars.

korean entertainment

Without sterilization

You will need a kilogram of spicy pods, 150 milliliters of water, sugar and salt, six percent vinegar (200 milliliters), oil (vegetable).

Wash the chili, remove the seeds and chop. Prepare a marinade of water, sugar, salt and oil, then place the pepper in it, pour in the vinegar, and boil. Place in prepared containers and refrigerate.

Lightly salted hot pepper


  • Chile;
  • seasonings;
  • water (2 liters);
  • three tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of rock salt;
  • vinegar (9%);
  • horseradish.

lightly salted bitter

Dry the pods and fill them into sterilized jars. Prepare the marinade and pour it over the pods. Add horseradish root and spices to them. Pour the marinade into the pan and boil again (do this procedure 3 times).Pour in vinegar and roll up.

How and for how long can preserves be stored?

The workpiece can be dried, canned or frozen and stored for a long period of time (at least 2-3 years).
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