The type of plum called Hungarian combines a number of varieties of this crop, and thanks to its high yield and unsurpassed taste, it is widely popular both among beginning lovers of fruit and berry trees and among gardeners with many years of experience. Hungarian has excellent frost resistance, so its enviable adaptability to certain climatic conditions makes it possible to grow it in regions with low temperatures.
- Characteristics of the Hungarian plum
- External description of the tree
- Fruits and harvest ripening times
- Frost resistance and drought resistance
- Immunity to diseases and insects
- Popular varieties of Vengerok
- Moscow (Tsaritsyn)
- Korneevskaya
- Pulkovskaya
- Kubanskaya
- New
- Belarusian
- Italian
- Amazing
- Donetsk
- Voronezh
- Michurinskaya
- Bogatyrskaya
- Ordinary
- Dubovskaya
- Pear-shaped
- Ural
- Hungarian
- Features of planting and caring for crops
- Selecting a location
- Soil requirements
- Selection of seedlings
- Landing
- Watering frequency
- Feeding young and mature trees
- Tree trunk care
- Formation of a plum crown
- Mulching
- Cover for the winter
Characteristics of the Hungarian plum
Varieties of this variety of plum, brought to Russia from Hungary, are almost ubiquitous, and each region has its own zoned type of these fruit and berry trees.
External description of the tree
Medium-sized trees, reaching a height of 3-4.5 meters, with a crown slightly elongated towards the top, typically oval or pyramidal in shape. Shoots located close to each other are marked with a characteristic red-brown color. The viability of these plum trees has been noted for 25-30 years.
Fruits and harvest ripening times
The fruits of Hungarian plum trees have the following distinctive features:
- large sizes - up to 6 centimeters long and about 4-5 centimeters in diameter;
- elongated, slightly oval shape;
- asymmetrical appearance - on one side the fruit lobe is convex, on the other it is flattened and smaller;
- rich dark color - with a bluish, lilac-violet tint;
- waxy coating of grayish-smoky color;
- a bone that is rough to the touch and easily separated from the pulp;
- juicy interior with elastic structure.
Self-fertile varieties are distinguished by high yields and late fruiting periods. From the beginning of planting, the first fruiting of the tree occurs only after 6-8 years. For modern hybrids - after 4 years.
The timing of plum ripening varies - mid-season varieties are ready for harvest in the last ten days of August, while late types of Hungarian plums are harvested until the end of September.
Frost resistance and drought resistance
Trees do not die during periods of prolonged drought, and also easily tolerate frosts of 20 degrees.
Immunity to diseases and insects
The described type of plum has high immunity to diseases and pests. But still, we should not forget about the prevention of diseases of this garden crop.
Popular varieties of Vengerok
Numerous varieties of the described type of plum, due to their characteristic characteristics and individual characteristics, can grow in certain climatic conditions.
For example, the popular home or, in other words, ordinary plum, which is a classic Hungarian type of this crop, loves loamy soil and the southern regions of Russia.
Moscow (Tsaritsyn)
The oldest variety of Hungarian, zoned for the Central region of Russia. Trees of this plum variety are characterized by:
- a certain height (up to 3 meters);
- spherical spreading crown;
- late maturity and fruiting at 7-8 years;
- purple-red color of fruits, weighing up to 30 grams each;
- self-fertility and high productivity.
The fruits of this variety are small in size and have an ordinary taste.
This type of plum is zoned for the Central Black Earth Region; is:
- a medium-sized tree reaching a height of 4 meters;
- self-fertile and beginning its first fruiting in the 4th year;
- a crop with oval dark purple plums and yellow interior;
- a high-yielding hybrid variety with fruits weighing up to 30 grams.
It received its name in honor of its creator, the scientist Korneev.
The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness, is suitable for cultivation in the Leningrad region and is characterized by:
- a certain height - up to 3-4 meters;
- spreading crown;
- burgundy-red color of the fruit itself with inclusions, weighing up to 25 grams each;
- fruits with a sweet and sour aftertaste;
- excellent yield.
- high resistance to the disease clasterosporiasis.
The plum variety is vigorous and relatively resistant to cold, drought and disease. The variety was bred for growth in the Krasnodar Territory and Adygea. Trees have:
- voluminous spherical fruits, up to 35 grams each;
- greenish-yellow flesh in dark-gray fruits;
- long and thick stalk;
- fruiting 6 years after planting;
- sufficient yield.
The variety is suitable for cultivation in the Lower Volga region and the North Caucasus. The described type has the following features:
- resistance to cold and drought;
- susceptibility to attack by the pest – codling moth;
- short stature;
- low yield.
The oval-shaped fruits with blue skin have tasty and juicy pulp.
This variety is characterized by:
- medium height - the tree reaches 3.5 meters in length;
- crown density;
- large, purple fruits, 40 grams each;
- orange pulp – sour in taste;
- Fruiting occurs 3 years after planting.
The variety is only partially self-fertile.
A heat-loving variety and very vulnerable. Growing in arid areas, it sheds its ovaries and can freeze out in regions with cold temperatures. Trees have:
- sufficient height - up to 5 meters;
- volumetric crown;
- dark blue, sweet fruits;
- excellent fruiting.
This plum variety was developed in Ukraine and grows there. This type corresponds to:
- low resistance to frost;
- the need for pollinators - the variety is not self-fertile;
- excellent taste of purple drop-shaped fruits;
- the weight of each fruit is up to 30 grams;
- a bone that can be easily separated from the pulp.
The plum variety described is different:
- high cold resistance;
- early fruiting - about 4 years from planting;
- self-fertility;
- medium, slightly pointed upward fruits, up to 30 grams each.
This plum variety needs pollinators. The Voronezh variety is characterized by:
- fruiting in the 5th year;
- average cold resistance;
- harvest ripening in the first ten days of September;
- late leaf fall;
- rapid recovery after freezing;
- large purple fruits, up to 35 grams each;
- sweetish pulp.
The variety is ideal for processing plums into juice or preparing baby food from it. The variety is zoned under the Southern Territories and the Central Black Earth region. Small fruits have tender and juicy pulp.
Important! The tree needs supports, both in winter, due to snow, and during the fruiting period due to the abundance of fruits.
In this variety, the branches extend from the trunk at right angles, so they may break during the fruiting period. Trees have the following features:
- weather resistance;
- fruiting in the 5th year;
- high productivity;
- round fruits weighing up to 40 grams;
- sweet and sour aftertaste.
The common Hungarian variety grows in the South and Central Russia. A crop with a powerful crown and voluminous fruits up to 45 grams, rarely gets sick and has a yield of up to 60, or even more, kilograms per year.
The variety is zoned for the Volgograd region and differs:
- tall;
- average frost resistance;
- small-sized fruits;
- fruiting 5 years after planting;
- partial self-fertility;
- sweet and sour taste of the fruit.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Volga region and Siberia are the main growing regions of this variety of plum. The variety is designated by the following distinctive features:
- a characteristic influx in the area of the stalk, similar in appearance to a pear;
- red fruits – weighing up to 35 grams;
- tall up to 5 meters;
- resistance to frost, diseases and pests.
The variety is zoned for the climatic conditions of the Urals. The name contains the word Hungarian, but in fact the variety refers to Canadian plums.
A species that unites all varieties, with high productivity, which came to the Balkans, presumably from Asia. Used to prepare prunes.
Features of planting and caring for crops
The culture is unpretentious in care, but still the process of growing plums is labor-intensive and may require some knowledge and skills from the gardener.
Selecting a location
Plum is a heat-loving crop, which is why planting Vengerka in lowlands, on damp soils that are not warmed by the sun, is not recommended. Plum trees grow well on hills, in sufficiently lit places, without winds and drafts. The southern and western sides of the garden plot are especially suitable for planting plum seedlings.
Soil requirements
For normal development, this type of plum will require loose soil with sufficient acidity.The root system of these trees is located at a depth of up to 0.4 meters, and therefore the depth of groundwater should not exceed half a meter.
Selection of seedlings
Particular attention should be paid to seedlings, the root system of which should be young, strong, and without signs of dryness. The bark of young trees should not have any damage, and the trunk should not have forks.
To plant a plum, you need to prepare a hole with a depth and width of 0.6/0.7 meters. Then proceed to the following step-by-step actions:
- drive a peg into the center of the hole;
- mix the fertile layer of soil removed when digging a hole with humus;
- at the bottom make a small mound from the mixture of soil and humus described above;
- erect the seedling on a mound, straighten all its roots, and tie the trunk to a peg;
- In the spring, add components in the form of superphosphate, potassium salt, and ash in a ratio of 300/60/400 grams to the planting soil, consisting of fertile soil with humus;
- Fill the hole and lightly tamp it.
For normal rooting of plums, the soil after planting must be spilled with water (3 buckets).
Watering frequency
The described culture is moisture-loving, therefore, at the moments of ovary formation and fruit ripening, it needs watering. To prevent the fruits from falling off and drying out, the soil under the trees must be moistened every season - up to 6 times, pouring 4-5 buckets into the tree trunk circle once.
Feeding young and mature trees
Every year, with the onset of spring, when digging the soil, it is necessary to add certain fertilizers containing nitrogen and natural organic matter, as well as phosphorus and potassium, to the plum tree trunk circle.
Tree trunk care
In order for the tree to not rot in the area of the root collar and not freeze in winter, it needs certain care for the tree trunk. The soil needs to be regularly loosened, moistened, and mulched with manure after harvesting.
Formation of a plum crown
Every year it is necessary to resort to the so-called regulatory pruning, during which young and weak shoots that thicken the crown must be removed.
Such an action in the spring will help to quickly activate the vital activity of the plum after wintering. To do this, it is necessary to lay a layer of compost or humus in the tree trunk circle. In the fall, after harvesting leaves and branches, it is necessary to place rotted manure in the tree trunk circle to preserve moisture throughout the winter period.
Cover for the winter
If a harsh winter is expected, young plums must be covered - using, for example, old bags, tying them around the plum trunks, using rags. Sprinkle mature trees with soil and sawdust in the tree trunk circle.