One of the most difficult weeds that gardeners have to fight is ragweed. In addition, this herb has a harmful effect on the human body, which consists in the appearance of an allergic reaction. However, in addition to harm, ambrosia also brings benefits. It is also used in the preparation of traditional medicine to treat various diseases. In order for the herb to bring only benefits, you must use proven recipes.
- Chemical composition and properties
- Beneficial properties and harm of ambrosia
- Terms and rules of collection
- Use in folk medicine
- Compresses for radiculitis and back pain
- Gastritis, enterocolitis, rectal cancer
- Tincture for neurasthenia, against seizures
- Oil extract for wound healing
- Contraindications
- Storage
Chemical composition and properties
The healing properties of the weed are due to its chemical composition, which includes the following components:
- essential oils;
- microelements;
- biologically active substances;
- vitamins.
The aerial part of the weed contains substances such as cinerol, camphor, isorhamnenthin, coumarin, quercetin, hydroxycinnamic acids, and isobelin. Not long ago, scientists discovered new substances in ragweed that inhibit the development of cancer cells, which allows the plant to be used in the complex treatment of cancer - dihydroparthenolide and psilostaquin.
Beneficial properties and harm of ambrosia
Thanks to its rich chemical composition, ambrosia has a number of useful and medicinal properties:
- hypotensive;
- antitumor;
- antipyretic;
- anti-inflammatory;
- astringent;
- antibacterial;
- antiparasitic.
The weed plant is included in recipes for folk remedies that are used to lower blood glucose levels, to heal wounds, as well as in remedies that are used to relieve pain with a diagnosis such as radiculitis. Ambrosia has a beneficial effect on the pancreas and also improves the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Herbal products are used to improve hematopoietic processes and to prevent the development of leukemia.
Terms and rules of collection
Ambrosia shoots appear at the end of spring; to collect medicinal raw materials, it is necessary to choose the period before the plant blooms - it is at this time that it contains the maximum concentration of useful substances. The flowering period of weeds occurs in the last days of July and the first ten days of August.
To harvest ambrosia, select a dry day; it is better to do this in the afternoon, when there is no dew on the grass. It is better to collect weed while wearing a respirator or gauze bandage to minimize the negative impact of the strong odor on the respiratory tract. The cut grass is laid out in a thin layer under a canopy, turning over periodically until it is thoroughly dry. Final drying can be done at home using an oven or electric dryer.
In the event that it is necessary to collect pollen, they wait until the ragweed blooms, but the harvesting is carried out in compliance with safety requirements.
Use in folk medicine
For use in folk medicine, special recipes have been developed that must be followed so as not to harm the body.It is not advisable to use plant-based products without first consulting a doctor.
Compresses for radiculitis and back pain
To create painkillers and anti-inflammatory compresses, use fresh grass leaves or juice squeezed from them.
The procedure is carried out in several ways:
- Pluck fresh leaves of ambrosia, lightly rub them in your hands and apply them to the sore spot, covering them with a warm scarf or scarf.
- The juice is squeezed out of the leaves through gauze and rubbed into problem areas; it is advisable to carry out this procedure at night, when a person has been warm for a long time.
Gastritis, enterocolitis, rectal cancer
To prepare an infusion that is taken orally, you need dried leaves of the plant. The recipe looks like this:
- Dry raw materials are crushed and placed in enamel containers.
- Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the herb.
- Cover the pan with a lid and let it brew for 30-40 minutes.
- After this, filter through cheesecloth and take orally, storing the product in the refrigerator.
To treat gastritis and enterocolitis, drink 2 tablespoons of infusion no more than 6 times a day. The same infusion is recommended to be taken if a person is diagnosed with rectal cancer.
Tincture for neurasthenia, against seizures
In this case, a tincture is prepared using ambrosia flowers, and they can be prepared in whole bunches. Follow the following recipe:
- The inflorescences are thoroughly ground and placed in a dark glass container.
- Fill the raw material with vodka at the rate of 1 part flowers to 5 parts alcohol.
- Place the bottle in a dark place and wait for the product to infuse (about 7-9 days), shaking the container periodically.
- Take the drug half an hour before meals, 25 drops 3 times a day.
The tincture can also be used externally for compresses.
Oil extract for wound healing
The oil extract is prepared using fresh raw materials - leaves and flowers.
Folk remedy recipe:
- Plant materials are crushed and placed in a glass container.
- Pour in oil at the rate of 1 part herb to 5 parts oil (use olive, rapeseed or mustard).
- Keep the product in a dark place for 14 days, after which it is used to treat wounds.
Before you start using folk remedies from ambrosia, you should study the contraindications:
- During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- The presence of an allergic reaction and hypersensitivity to strong odors.
- Children's age up to 16 years.
Dried raw materials are stored in canvas bags or cardboard boxes in a dry and dark room. It is better to keep ambrosia tinctures and infusions in the refrigerator, but you must remember that the latter have a limited shelf life - no more than a week, after which you will have to prepare a fresh portion of the medicine.