Description of dwarf cedar, care and use in landscape design

Elfin cedar is a tree crop that differs in its crown of different species. Due to its unusual appearance, the plant is often called a shrub. If a large number of such crops are found in one place, they resemble a carpet. Due to its high decorative properties, the plant is often grown in garden plots. It is important to plant correctly and provide proper care.

Description of the tree

Cedar dwarf pine is also called dwarf pine.This crop is a small creeping tree that has widely spaced branches. They can form a crown of different shapes - cup-shaped, tree-like or creeping along the ground. Tree-like plants are more often found in sheltered areas, where trees can reach 4-7 meters in height and 15-18 centimeters in width near the root collar.

The branches of dwarf cedar are characterized by almost smooth gray bark. On the trunk it peels a little and has a dark brown tint with gray spots. In creeping plants, the shoots are pressed to the ground. At the same time, their tips rise upward by 30-50 centimeters. Young shoots of the crop are initially green in color and covered with many red hairs. Subsequently they become light brown.

Elf cedar is characterized by triangular bluish-green needles, which reach a length of 4-8 centimeters and form bunches of 5 pieces. The ripening of cones occurs 2 years after flowering of the crop. They are small in size and reach 4-5 centimeters in length and 3 centimeters in width. The fruits have an elongated or ovoid shape. Inside are small dark brown nuts, which are covered with a thin woody skin. The dwarf pine begins to produce seeds at 20-30 years of age and continues to do so for up to 200 years. It produces harvests at intervals of 2-4 years.

The dwarf cedar initially has a tap root with lateral branches. After which it dies and active development of lateral surface roots is observed. If the roots are immersed in a growing layer of moss or sandy and rocky sediments, adventitious roots are formed. If the plant's branches are pressed to the ground, they can take root. All this makes dwarf cedar more durable.

Where is the variety found?

The dwarf pine is found in Siberia and the Far East. It exists even beyond the Arctic Circle. In southern latitudes, the culture forms dense thickets at an altitude of 1 kilometer above sea level. In deciduous forests, the shrubs of this plant form an independent lower layer.

Application and beneficial properties

The cultivated plant is often used in landscape design. It can be used for the following purposes:

  • creation of rock gardens;
  • hedge formation;
  • design of rocky gardens;
  • decorating flower beds;
  • creating a background for the lawn.

cedar dwarf

Cedar dwarf looks great in large pots. Therefore, it can be grown for landscaping gazebos, winter gardens and terraces. In urban environments, people place culture on balconies and loggias.

The nuts of this plant can be eaten. In addition, they are used to make butter, halva, and filling for confectionery products.

Cedar dwarf wood is often used to make all kinds of souvenirs. The branches, roots and trunk of the plant are often used to obtain turpentine and aromatic resins. The substance is used in traditional and folk medicine.

The tree itself synthesizes many phytoncides, which help destroy pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, placing this coniferous plant on the site is quite useful.


A seedling of this type of cedar should be purchased at a nursery. For the middle zone, this crop is considered quite rare. When choosing a plant, it is worth examining its root system. It is important to ensure that the roots are not broken. The size of the soil ball should be more than 30 centimeters. In this case, the seedling itself must be at least 15 centimeters. It is important that it has healthy green needles and flexible shoots.

Preparing the site

Since Siberia and the Far East are considered the birthplace of creeping dwarf pine, it can easily withstand strong temperature drops, humidity fluctuations and intense winds. The culture prefers sunny areas, but can withstand partial shade well. It is important to consider that when planted in shady places, the tree becomes less lush and loses its decorative effect.

Dwarf cedar is not too demanding on the composition of the soil. It can grow even in rocky soil. Due to this, the culture is often used to create beautiful rock gardens. The only contraindication for this plant is considered to be excess moisture. Therefore, it should be planted in elevated areas or in places with deep groundwater.

cedar dwarf photo

Step-by-step planting guide

It is recommended to plant cedar dwarf Glauca or other varieties correctly. This should be done from mid-April to the end of May. In dry weather, planting work is allowed from late August to early September.

When planting a plant, it is important to consider the following:

  1. Make a hole for planting. It should be twice the size of the root ball. The minimum pit size is 70-80 centimeters.
  2. Place drainage on the bottom. It may consist of gravel, crushed stone or expanded clay. The thickness of the drainage layer should be 15 centimeters.
  3. Place a layer of sand. Its thickness should be 20 centimeters.
  4. Place soil substrate in the hole. To do this, you need to mix turf soil, sand and soil for conifers in a ratio of 1:1:2. If the soil on the site is too heavy, it is worth liming with dolomite flour. In this case, it is recommended to use 500-600 grams of the substance per 1 square meter.
  5. Soak the roots of the seedling in a solution of potassium permanganate with a concentration of 3%.It takes 2 hours to keep the plant in liquid. This helps prevent the development of dangerous pathologies.
  6. Pour a bucket of water into the hole.
  7. Place the seedling in the planting hole. It needs to be planted together with a lump of earth. It is important to ensure that the root collar is level with the soil surface.
  8. Cover the tree trunk circle with a mulch layer. For this purpose, you can use pine bark, fallen leaves, and sawdust. It is also permissible to use special artificial material.

When planting several crops, it is necessary to maintain an interval between them. It should be at least 3-4 meters. This is considered an important condition, since plants can hardly tolerate transplantation.


Elf cedar is a very unpretentious crop. However, to maintain the decorative appearance of the plant, you still need to follow some rules.

Watering and fertilizing

This species does not require frequent watering. With the onset of spring, you can pour 1 bucket per month under the plant. In hot weather, you can increase watering by 1.5 times. From time to time the crop should be sprayed with cold water.

It is permissible to use mineral fertilizers to feed dwarf cedar. It is allowed to start using such drugs in mid-spring.

dwarf cedar tree


The tree requires periodic sanitary pruning. During this procedure, it is necessary to remove diseased, damaged, weakened and dry shoots. Thanks to this, the tree will not waste its energy. To successfully apply the culture in landscape design, the crown is formed. After completing the manipulation, the cut areas must be treated with a special substance.

Preparing for cold weather

The culture normally perceives cold weather and the influence of other unfavorable factors.However, preparing the plant for winter is still required. The upper part of the root system must be covered with peat and straw. This needs to be done in a layer of 8 centimeters. If there is a large amount of snow for the tree, it is necessary to make a small frame and insulate it with a special covering material.

Prevention against pests

Elfin cedar has a fairly strong immune system and rarely suffers from diseases and pests. However, if the rules of care are violated, the plant faces the following problems:

  1. Siberian hermes - this parasite absorbs all the juices of the tree, provokes a slowdown in its development and worsens its decorative characteristics. In this case, the needles become covered with a white coating in the form of a cobweb. If parasites are detected, the tree must be treated with insecticides. The method of microinjection into trunks is also effective. However, it will not be possible to get rid of Siberian Hermes in one go. Repeated treatments will be required later.
  2. Rust of needles - in this case, bubble-like aeciopustules of a yellow hue appear on both sides of the needles. After some time, the disease begins to progress. At the same time, needles fall off and the decorative value of the tree decreases. To cope with the pathology, it is necessary to remove the affected shoots in a timely manner. Treatment with immunostimulants and the application of microfertilizers are of no small importance.
  3. Schutte mushroom - plants planted in shady places are susceptible to this pathology. In this case, in spring, the needles acquire an orange-brown tint and are covered with small black growths of a round shape. To cope with the disease, it is necessary to remove dry branches and perform preventive treatments with Bordeaux mixture with a concentration of 1%.This is recommended to be done in early spring and autumn. In case of severe infection in the summer, it is worth using “Hom”.
  4. Aphids - most often attack young trees that have delicate needles. To get rid of parasites, it is necessary to promptly destroy ants that contribute to their spread. Insecticide solutions can be used to spray trees. Effective drugs include Decis, Aktara, Fufanon, Actellik.
  5. Scale insect - when dwarf pine is infected by this pest, the needles and young branches are covered with round, brown cones. They provoke deformation of young shoots and death of the bark. To cope with pests, it is worth using catching belts or collecting parasites manually. In advanced cases, it is recommended to use insecticidal preparations “Fitoverm”, “Aktara”, “Aktellik”.

cedar dwarf planting


It is not easy to propagate dwarf cedar, since the culture is characterized by very slow development. There are several suitable options for this plant:

  • purchase of seedlings;
  • using purchased or collected seeds;
  • the use of layering from an adult tree.

The easiest way is to propagate the crop by layering. To do this, just bend the branches of the plant to the ground, lightly sprinkle with soil and water. As a result, roots will form in this place. After rooting, the cuttings are separated from the main crop and transplanted to a permanent site.

Elfin cedar is a beautiful and useful plant that is very popular among gardeners. For the cultivation of a crop to be successful, it needs to be provided with quality care.
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