For people who do not understand botany, determining the age of a tree can be difficult. However, each culture has its own assessment methods. At the same time, many are interested in how to determine the age of a pine tree. To do this, it is permissible to use different methods. To do this, you should pay attention to the height, diameter, color and structure of the bark of the crop. You can also estimate the age of the plant by looking at the whorls.
By sawing
Every person knows from childhood that you can tell the age of a tree by the number of annual rings on the back of the stump.They are concentric circles. There is an opinion that each such circle on a crop appears within a year.
To reliably estimate the age of a plant, it is recommended to count the circles from the central part of the dark color in the direction of the bark. To obtain a more accurate value, add 5 to the resulting figure. For a young tree, add no more than 3-4.
If you carefully study the appearance of the circles, you will notice that they differ in color and thickness. This is determined by climatic factors that are observed in different years. Differences in the concentric circles make it possible to determine exactly what kind of year it was - warm or cold, rainy or dry. The widest rings are characteristic of young plants.
No cutting
The age of a pine tree can also be determined by its appearance. In this case, there is no need to cut or damage it. You can find out the age of a tree using different methods. To do this, it is permissible to measure the diameter or height of the trunk. You can also count the number of whorls.
By height
It is believed that the taller the tree, the older it is. At the initial stage of development, pine adds 40-50 centimeters per year. Moreover, by the age of 30-40, its development can significantly accelerate. In this case, the annual growth is up to 1 meter during the year.
However, this method is unlikely to be suitable for very old trees. When they reach 40 meters, they no longer increase. At the same time, age may be indicated by more active dying off of the lower shoots and less significant crown splendor.
Diameter rating
To determine the age of a pine tree by diameter, it is recommended to perform the following steps:
- Measure the girth of the trunk with a tape measure. In this case, it is important to retreat 1.4 meters from the ground surface.
- To determine the diameter, you need to divide the barrel thickness by 3.14.
- To determine the age, you need to divide the resulting diameter by the growth rate of the tree circumference. For pine this figure is 0.7.
To understand this issue in more detail, we can give a simple example. So, the circumference of a tree trunk is 152 centimeters. Thus, its diameter will be 152:3.14=48.4 centimeters. After this, the resulting value must be divided by the annual increase. This is done using the formula 48.4:0.7=69 years. This will be the approximate age of the culture.
Using whorls
Whorls are fan-shaped shoots that appear on a tree every year. They are located at approximately the same height. By counting the number of such branches, it will be possible to determine the approximate age of the pine tree.
When calculating the number of whorls, it is recommended to inspect the trunk very carefully so as not to miss shoots. In this case, calculations can be carried out in the following ways:
- Determine the number of whorls that are located above the person’s chest and add 1 to the resulting value. This must be done taking into account the upper part of the crop.
- Determine the total number of whorls on the tree. It is recommended to start with a smooth trunk. You need to add the number 3 to the resulting value. This is due to the fact that whorls begin to appear on this coniferous tree no earlier than 3 years.
Determination by bark
The age of a tree can also be determined by the appearance of the bark. However, this method is considered very approximate.With its help, you will be able to understand whether the tree is young or old.
The fact is that young crops are characterized by gray bark. As it develops, it acquires brown-red shades. Below, the bark has long cracks that run longitudinally. In addition, a thick crust about 10 centimeters in size is formed there. On top, the bark has an orange-red hue and a smooth structure. In this case, peeling of thin films that have torn edges is observed.
You can estimate the age of a pine tree using a variety of methods. This is done by the annual rings and the appearance of the tree. In order not to cut down a coniferous crop, you should pay attention to visual signs - the height and diameter of the trunk, the number of whorls, the structure and color of the bark.