Description of black pine variety Oregon Green, its planting and care, application

Oregon Green pine is considered a relatively young crop, which was obtained in 1996. This plant is quite undemanding to care. It can be used for medium to large areas and planted in groups, maintaining spacing between plants. Culture develops equally well in the city and in suburban areas. It is resistant to air pollution.

Description and features

This variety of black pine was obtained in 1996 in the USA. An adult crop reaches a height of 8-15 centimeters. Moreover, its diameter is 3-8 meters. By the age of 10, the plant often reaches 4 meters.During the year, the crop increases by 20-30 centimeters. Specific parameters depend on care and external factors.

Oregon Green black pine is characterized by a neat conical or pyramidal crown. Sometimes it becomes asymmetrical. White buds, which reach a length of 2.5 centimeters, give the tree additional decorativeness. In addition, the plant has light young growths that grow vertically.

Pine is distinguished by densely planted needles, which are tightly pressed to the branches. The needles can be straight or slightly curved. They are distinguished by a dark green color and form bunches of 2 pieces. The needles have a solid structure and stay on the branches for a long time. The tree is characterized by brown cones of ovoid or elliptical shape. Their sizes reach 3-8 centimeters. The fruits grow on small petioles one at a time or form groups of 2-3 pieces.

The main features of this variety of pine include the following:

  • high resistance to frost;
  • wind resistance;
  • light-loving - the crop can withstand light partial shade;
  • resistance to salinization and slight alkalization of soil;
  • excellent development in fertile and slightly moist soil;
  • resistance to air pollution and smoke;
  • the risk of young seedlings being damaged by sunburn - this is most often observed in winter and spring.

Where is wood used?

Pinus nigra Oregon Green can be the centerpiece of the entire composition. Adult culture takes up a lot of space. Its trunk circle is at least 4 meters in size. Therefore, it is not worth planting such pine in small areas. For large spaces, a composition of several pine trees is suitable.Also, the culture will perfectly complement a Japanese garden or an alpine hill. However, in this case it is necessary to constantly adjust the shape of the crown.

Landing - tips for beginners

Oregon Green pine grows well in loamy and sandy loam soil that has good drainage. However, the plant can be placed in other types of soil. The best time for planting is the end of April or the beginning of September.

Oregon Green pine

The recess for planting should be 80-100 centimeters. In this case, it is recommended to place a substrate of turf, top layer of soil and river sand with clay at the bottom. These components are mixed in a ratio of 2:2:1. When planting, it is important to ensure that the root collar is level with the ground surface.

Immediately after planting, the crop needs abundant watering. After which the tree trunk circle should be covered with a thick layer of mulch. If organomineral fertilizer for conifers has not been added to the prepared substrate, it can be incorporated into the soil under mulch.

Further care

When growing pine, it is important to adhere to the rules of agricultural technology. At the same time, it is important to systematically loosen the soil and get rid of weeds. During the adaptation period, these procedures must be carried out regularly. It is recommended to do this for at least 2-3 years. Subsequently, such labor-intensive care will not be required.

Oregon Green pine photo

During the first 2 years after planting, it is worth applying mineral fertilizers to the soil. At the same time, it is recommended to use 40 grams of such substances per 1 square meter. Usually special fertilizers are used for conifers. In autumn, young seedlings need abundant watering. This will help avoid burns when spring arrives.

Pine of this variety does not require formative pruning.These procedures are carried out only if the crop is planted on an alpine hill or in a Japanese garden. In addition, it is important to pinch young shoots to a third of their length. This will help make the crown more luxuriant. Pruning should be done from late May to June.

The plant is considered very frost-resistant. It can withstand temperatures down to -34 degrees. It is recommended to cover young seedlings with non-woven fabric for the winter. You should not use plastic film for this purpose.

Disease Prevention

Pine of this variety often faces pest attacks. The most dangerous parasites include the following:

  1. Sawflies - attack pine needles. Pyrethroids are used to control these pests. However, parasites can be collected manually from young plants.
  2. Cutworm - causes damage to needles. “Decis”, “Aktara”, “Enzhio” help to cope with butterflies.
  3. Scale insects eat needles, which leads to their death. Products such as Calypso or Confidor Maxi help destroy these pests.
  4. Bark beetles make holes in trees. To avoid problems, preventive treatment should be carried out in the spring. For this purpose, it is worth using Bifenthrin.
  5. Pine hermes - when a tree is infected by this pest, a white coating appears on the branches. In this case, 3 insecticide treatments should be carried out. This is done in April, May and June.

Pine variety Oregon Green tree

Oregon Green pine suffers not only from pest attacks, but also from various diseases. Fungicides help to cope with them. Most often, a tree is subject to the following pathologies:

  1. Pine cancer - in this case, you need to clean the affected area, cut and destroy the branches. Unaffected fragments should be treated with a solution of copper sulfate with a concentration of 1%.
  2. Rust - to treat the plant it is worth using “Champion”, “Kuproksat” and other antifungal agents.
  3. Schutte is a fungal infection that affects mature trees. Fungicides will help cope with the problem.

Narrow-spectrum products should be used once per season. At the same time, substances such as “Kartotsid” can be used more often – up to 3 times during the season. In addition, it can be combined with other drugs.

Oregon Green Pine is an attractive ornamental plant that complements a variety of arrangements. In order for the plant to develop normally, it is important to carry out planting work correctly. It is also worth strictly adhering to the rules of agricultural technology and providing the plant with protection from diseases and pests.
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