Building a pigsty with your own hands for 50 heads is distinguished by a number of features. To achieve success, you should prepare everything you need in advance. It is recommended to ensure that the building is always warm and dry. To get a high-quality construction, you need to draw up a diagram or drawing. Proper arrangement of the premises is of no small importance.
Primary requirements
Housing for animals must meet a number of requirements. Thanks to this, it is possible to make caring for pets easier and increase their productivity. The key requirements for a pigsty are dryness and warmth. Pigs are heat-loving animals that are highly susceptible to drafts and low temperature parameters.
Contrary to popular belief, pigs are considered clean animals. Many of their representatives demarcate rest areas and toilets. Therefore, it is recommended to constantly maintain cleanliness in the pigsty. This helps to avoid the development of common pathologies in animals.
Drawings and diagrams
Before starting construction of a pigsty, it is recommended to draw up a diagram or drawing. In this case, it is worth determining the size of the room. A minimum of 2.5 square meters is required per animal. This means that to house 50 pigs, a pigsty of at least 200 square meters is required. In this case, an area of 300 square meters is considered the ideal option. It should include paddocks for walking and outbuildings.
Required tools and materials
It is permissible to use different materials for the construction of a pigsty. They should be chosen taking into account financial capabilities. There are different types of buildings - they differ in shape and design features. To determine the amount of materials, it is recommended to calculate the dimensions and height of the building. This also affects the choice of types of materials. To build a room, the following is usually required:
- for the floor or foundation it is worth using cement and sand;
- the interior of the walls is finished with wood;
- to create partitions you will need boards or gratings;
- The roof can be made of slate or tiles.
When constructing a pigsty, it is not recommended to use concrete, since it conducts heat and causes the animals to freeze.
To build a structure, you should use the following:
- construction tools - shovels, hammers, nails, axe, hacksaw;
- boards;
- bricks;
- cement;
- insulation - foam or plastic can play its role;
- crushed stone;
- sand;
- waterproofing film;
- slate.
Stages of construction of a pigsty for 50 heads
For construction to be successful, a well-designed project will be required. You can make it yourself or use a ready-made template. After drawing up the plan, you can begin construction. It includes a number of stages.
First of all, it is recommended to lay the foundation. It is considered the basis of the entire structure, since it represents a support. It is permissible to lay the foundation from concrete or stone. It is also permitted to use other materials of similar density.
Initially, it is recommended to make a depression in the ground. Its size should be approximately 70 centimeters. After which it is worth building a foundation (about 60 centimeters in height). A blind area is made along this structure. It can be made from concrete, clay or asphalt. Thanks to this, moisture will not get inside. To prevent dampness, the base should be made at an angle, and the foundation should be covered with insulation.
It is recommended to make the walls of the pigsty from warm materials that are insulated from moisture. This will help avoid dampness and keep warm. Such materials include brick, wood, rubble. It is recommended to insulate the building from the outside, and panel it from the inside, cover it with plaster and whitewash it. The height and thickness of the walls are selected taking into account the climate of the region. In any case, a brick wall should have a thickness of at least 51-64 centimeters, and a wooden wall - 18-25 centimeters. The minimum height should be 2.5 meters.
The creation of a roof is of no small importance.If the area experiences cold winters, it needs to be insulated. Typically cinder blocks are used for this purpose. It is recommended to whitewash all surfaces and then insulate them. For this purpose, hay and sawdust are used. The roof should be covered with slate and tiles. It is recommended to make it gable.
It is also worth paying attention to the arrangement of the floor. If this part of the room is properly designed, cleaning it will not cause any difficulties. If you make mistakes, there is a risk of problems. It is recommended to make the floor solid. In this case, it is definitely worth making drains. It is recommended to cover the top of the flooring with a material that will absorb excess moisture. Sawdust or straw are ideal for this. The initial layer should be 2-6 centimeters. As you add more, the level increases.
It is necessary to provide lighting in the room. In addition to ordinary windows that need to be made during construction, you will need to use electric lamps. They are required for sufficient lighting in winter.
When building a pigsty, it is worthwhile to provide adequate ventilation. Animals emit a lot of gases, but have difficulty withstanding spoiled air. Therefore, any room requires high-quality ventilation. You can make it yourself or buy it. When constructing ventilation, it is worth taking into account the location of doors and windows. It is recommended to avoid drafts.
Arranging a pigsty
When creating a pig farm, it is permissible to use group pens or do without them. In the center it is necessary to arrange a sufficient passage for the passage of wheelbarrows and the passage of personnel. To facilitate the breeding of animals, it is recommended to equip the premises with running water. It is also worth providing for sewerage.This helps make cleaning up after the pigs easier. The construction of a pigsty has a number of features. It is recommended to correctly calculate the size of the room and prepare everything necessary. For pigs to develop normally, the room must be dry and warm.