Most gardens and household plots are equipped with greenhouses with film or glass covering. That is why gardeners choose non-sapling varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse, trying to grow a guaranteed harvest with minimal labor costs.
Stepchildren are formed on all categories of tomatoes, but in plants that independently limit growth, lateral shoots are formed at the junction of the leaf and stem only in the lower part of the plant. The branching of the bush ends here. This category also includes standard-type plants, in which shoots of the first two orders develop on a vertical stem.
Advantages of non-grafting varieties
Plants with limited growth are called determinate; they do not require pinching.
- Determinate varieties produce crops earlier and, according to the growing season, are classified as early or mid-ripening crops. These tomatoes are suitable for open ground and greenhouses. They fully ripen during the short summer in any conditions. They are distinguished by their uniform yield, which allows harvesting before the onset of the first frost.
- Among the varieties with limited growth, a distinction is made between medium-sized and low-growing. For greenhouses and greenhouses they are suitable as the main ones or as a compacted planting. Growing tomatoes of different heights allows you to rationally use the entire volume of the greenhouse.
- Medium-sized tomatoes are perfect for greenhouses with film cover, where they correspond to the height of the structure. Such plantings make excellent use of the possibilities of open ground, and in case of cold weather they can be reliably protected.
- The main advantage of growing such tomatoes is the small number of shoots that do not need to be removed. The plant will have time to form fruits and allow them to ripen even without this procedure. For non-grasping species, a greenhouse or soil growing method is suitable.
Anyone who has ever encountered the peculiarities of growing tomatoes, and planted varieties without restricting the growth of the bush, knows how much time and effort is spent on fighting stepchildren. Therefore, the advantage of determinants is obvious.
A series of varieties "NEPAS" to help gardeners
A series of 14 non-grafting varieties with the name “NEPAS” was created by Russian breeders of the SeDeK company. It includes the most productive and sweetest, low-growing, non-sapling varieties of tomatoes. They differ in external characteristics and taste characteristics, but are united by simplified growing rules. They do not need to remove side shoots and form the plant itself. This means that it will take much less time and effort to obtain a harvest.
- The series begins with an early ripening variety with a growing season of 105 - 110 days, with a red fruit of a flat round shape, the weight of which ranges from 50 g to 80 g. The plant is unpretentious and resistant to temperature changes. Suitable for salads, making juices, various types of canning.
- The “raspberry” tomato Nepas 2 has round-shaped, even crimson-colored fruits, the weight of which is 75 - 100 g. 3.7 - 4.5 kg of tomatoes are harvested per square meter of plantings. Distinctive characteristics: yield stability, unpretentiousness, ability to set fruit well. Tomatoes are eaten fresh or canned.
- The “pink” tomato Nepas 3 is early ripening (85 – 90 days). The compact standard bush reaches a height of up to half a meter. The plant produces large fruits, weighing up to 140 g, with pink skin. The pulp is fleshy, sweetish in taste. Recommended for preparing salads and winter preparations.
- The “heart-shaped orange” tomato Nepas 4 has very beautiful fruits. The tomatoes are bright orange, round with a “spout”, and heart-shaped. The pulp is dense and sweet. Tomatoes are suitable for canning, salads and decorating dishes. The variety is valuable for its resistance to root and crown rot, yield stability, and unpretentiousness.
- The “orange” tomato Nepas 5 has fruits weighing 60–80 g, cylindrical in shape with a “spout” and slight ribbing. The skin is thick, original orange-yellow color. The pulp is dense, sweetish, very refreshing. The purpose of the fruit is for table use. Suitable even for barrel pickling.
- “High-yielding” Nepas 6 is an F1 hybrid and allows you to produce 7.5-8.0 kg of tomatoes per square meter of area. The bush is standard, low. The fruit is oval, with a small “spout”, weighs 70 – 90 g. The skin color is bright red. The pulp is dense, excellent taste. The hybrid is resistant to a number of diseases and heat-resistant. The variety has proven itself well during transportation and storage.
- “Giant” Nepas 7 is distinguished by the weight of the fruit, which reaches 200 g. The bush is standard. The fruits grow large and have excellent taste. The skin is thin, red. Productivity is 6-7 kg/m². The variety is recommended for making juices, purees, summer and winter salads.
- The “carrot” tomato Nepas 8 has a cylindrical fruit shape with a “spout”. Fruit weight is 50 - 70 g. The skin is quite dense, glossy, and red in color. The standard bush grows to a height of 60–70 cm. The yield per meter of area is up to 6 kg of “carrot” tomatoes. The variety is heat-resistant, high-yielding, recommended for preparing salads and pastes, and looks beautiful in assorted preparations.
- The elongated fruit of the Nepas 9 tomato resembles the shape of a pepper. The tomatoes are red, weigh 50–60 g, and are sweet. The height of the bush reaches 80 cm, the growing season is up to 100 days. The yield is 5 – 6 kg per meter of area.
- Nepas 10 has its own peculiarity. It is distinguished by the original crimson color of the fruit with narrow, yellow stripes. The tomatoes weigh 70–80 g, have fleshy pulp and excellent taste. Widely used in home cooking. The variety is standard, grows up to 70 cm, early ripening, with a growing season of 100 days. Reviews talk about its visual appeal and decorativeness.
- The indoor non-growing tomato Nepas 11, whose name speaks for itself, stands apart.An ultra-early ripening plant (90 - 95 days), with a standard, compact bush, it grows up to only 35 cm. Red, small tomatoes, weighing up to 20 g, look great against the background of green foliage. It is grown in boxes on balconies, winter gardens, and on the windowsill of an apartment.
- “Large-fruited” Nepas 12 is distinguished by its early maturity, ripening in 100 days. It can be grown by immediately planting the seeds in the ground. This is possible due to the small height and increased cold resistance of the plant. From a square meter of area, up to 6–7 kg of large tomatoes are collected, which are eaten fresh and processed into purees, juices, and salads. The fruits ripen large, up to 150 g, red in color, with dense pulp and excellent taste.
- The “plum-shaped” variety Nepas 13 has oval fruits with a “spout” weighing up to 90 g, red in color. The plant itself is standard, up to 70 cm tall, and produces up to 6 kg of tomatoes per 1 sq. m. per season. m. Tomatoes performed very well in canning and in summer salads.
- The sugary taste of the Nepas 14 tomato is reflected in the name of the variety. The fruits are round, dense, red in color, gain weight up to 100 g, and have a very pleasant sweet taste. The plant is of standard type, bushy. The variety is productive, resistant to unfavorable external conditions, recommended for all kinds of preparations, summer salads, where vegetables are not subjected to heat treatment.
All plants of the “Nepas” series are determinate, often of the standard type. The characteristics of each individual variety indicate external differences, but the methods of growing and caring for them are almost the same. You can choose tomatoes according to your taste, using the description of the variety and our recommendations. Suitable for canning: “Striped”, “Heart-shaped”, “Carrot”, colored varieties “with a spout”.For fresh summer salads, “Giant”, “Pink”, “Raspberry”, “Sugar”, “Large” are good.