Description of the tomato variety Bolivar F1, its characteristics and yield

Tomato Bolivar from breeder L.A. Myazina is a hybrid obtained by the classical method of selection (hand pollination). Bolivar is part of the group of large-fruited tomatoes for open ground. During the work, certain goals were pursued:

  • increasing resistance to diseases and bad weather conditions;
  • improved taste;
  • large fruits;
  • early maturation;
  • productivity.

The early ripening of the hybrid allows it to be grown in areas with short summers.


The description of large-fruited tomatoes Bolivar F1 meets the wishes of most tomato lovers.The hybrid for open ground is characterized by high productivity - 4 kg of fruit per bush, which is 1.5 times higher than the productivity of older hybrids.

New generation tomatoes contain more useful elements than older varieties. Summer residents will appreciate the following valuable features:

  • presentation of the fruit;
  • transportability of tomatoes;
  • excellent pickling qualities of tomatoes.

Bolivar F1 tomatoes are planted according to the 60*60 cm pattern. When placed on 1 sq. m. 2 bushes get maximum yield.

The fruits are large, red, tasty with fleshy pulp, and ripen 80 days after germination. The declared fruit weight is 200–250 g. Due to early ripening, the bushes do not suffer from late blight. The fruits of the Bolivar tomato are universal; their uses in cooking are varied.

Tips from Myazina

Lyubov Anatolyevna conducts seminars where she gives advice to amateur vegetable growers on how to properly grow tomatoes. Let's take a look at some of them. Perhaps they will help increase the productivity of our beds.

Description of the tomato variety Bolivar F1, its characteristics and yield

Sowing dates

We calculate the sowing time as follows. The reference point is the approximate date of planting in the ground; from it you need to subtract the sum of days:

  • the age of seedlings ready for transplanting is 45–55 days;
  • 7 days for seed germination;
  • 5 days to adapt after the pick.

In regions with short summers, there should be a bud on the second cluster before planting in the ground. In this case, all the fruits will ripen.

In order to get strong, healthy seedlings of early-ripening tomatoes by June 10, seeds for seedlings must be sown from April 1 to April 10. Having planted seedlings with buds during this time, the first tomatoes are harvested in open ground in mid-July.

sowing seeds

About sowing seeds

Treat the seeds before sowing. First, place them in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.To prepare it, 1 g of manganese crystals is dissolved in a partial glass of water. The next stage of processing is soaking the tomato seeds in any hormonal preparation:

  • Agat-25.
  • Immunocytophyte.
  • Epin-Extra.
  • Zircon.

Growth stimulants help accelerate seed germination, increase their immunity and stress resistance of tomatoes. Sow the seeds in the ground the next day, without waiting for them to hatch.

sectional view of tomatoes

Sow the seeds to a depth of 2 cm. Compact the soil, then the sprout, breaking through the dense layer of soil, will throw off the flaps from the seed. To ensure friendly seedlings, always cover the box with seeds tightly with film.

Tomato seedlings absorb nutrients from the soil well at night temperatures of 14 °C and daytime temperatures of 16 °C. Under optimal conditions, tomato seedlings form good roots and produce more flowers.

Higher temperatures provoke excessive growth of stems in seedlings, weakening of roots and fewer flowers.

The effect of irrigation on the taste of tomatoes and the quality of seedlings

You cannot place boxes with seedlings on cold window sills, so that the soil does not overcool, you need to put any insulating material under them. Do not moisten the soil too much; the seeds will not have enough oxygen. For watering, use only warm water.

watering a tomato

The agronomist believes that the quality of irrigation affects the taste of ripe tomatoes. In temperate climates watering and loosening tomatoes in open ground it needs to be completed when the fruits on the bushes begin to ripen. After harvesting ripened fruits, watering can be resumed.


The first generation hybrid Bolivar F1 was bred not so long ago, but on the Internet it is easy to find reviews of summer residents who grew it. Opinions vary, but mostly positive. Summer residents discuss more about bush formation schemes and the need for pinching.Opinions differ on these issues. Some believe that there is no need for stepsons, others prefer to form 3-4 stems and remove excess stepsons.

Plant new Bolivar F1 super tomatoes at your dacha, share your impressions of the quality and quantity of tomatoes grown.
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