The Briscolino tomato is a super early variety. It takes 3 months from the time the seed is planted until the harvest. The ripening period varies depending on the type of cultivation - in open ground or in a greenhouse. The weight of one fruit ranges from 25 to 40 g.
The tomatoes are harvested individually or by brush, as it resembles a cherry tomato. The fruits are often sold in markets for fresh consumption. But, tomatoes are also great for canning. The immune system of the tomato variety resists various diseases without any effort. Briscolino is not afraid of Alternaria and bacteriosis.
Tomato can be grown even under unfavorable climatic conditions.Temperature changes will not affect the yield of the vegetable in any way. The culture does not shed the ovary, and the fruits, upon reaching maturity, never crack. Valued for its excellent taste.
Briscolino is the choice of many gardeners
Ease of cultivation and care has made the Briscolino tomato variety one of the most favorite vegetables of all farmers. The characteristics of the vegetable speak for themselves:
- fruit shape - cream;
- determinate plant type;
- The color of the tomato is red.
Vegetables can be harvested either manually or mechanized. It is successfully grown in all climatic zones. Characterized by high productivity.
Growing rules
Tomato Briscolino f1 is a heat-loving crop. It can be grown from seedlings or sown directly in open ground. Depending on the planting method, choose the right time. If a person wants to sow seeds directly into the soil, he will have to wait until the cold weather passes and the soil warms up to the desired temperature. Basic Rules:
- The best time to sow tomatoes for seedlings is the first 2 weeks of March. The most suitable pot sizes are 10x10 cm.
- The culture sprouts quickly. In order for the seedlings to become sufficiently strong and able to further develop in open ground, they must germinate in pots for at least 55 days.
- In mid-May, the seedlings are planted in a permanent place. In this case, the planting pattern is 60x60 cm.
- It is important to form the plant into 1 or 2 stems before growth begins.
- If the tomatoes were planted in the garden during the specified period of time, and it is not warm enough outside, the seedlings are covered with a transparent film. Leave it in this form until the weather conditions become comfortable.
The Briscolino tomato is best planted in the place where pumpkin, legumes, carrots or beets grew.If the predecessors were potatoes, eggplants or peppers, it is not recommended to plant them on the site. The landing site should be well lit, but at the same time protected from cold winds. Tomatoes grow best in loamy soils. It is recommended to add organic fertilizers to the soil.
Tomatoes contain detailed descriptions of cultivation and care. If you strictly follow the instructions, a person should not have any problems. Positive reviews from gardeners indicate that the variety is one of the best representatives of tomatoes. The ripe fruit can be eaten fresh or used to prepare various dishes. Good fruit density can withstand transportation over long distances.