In 2002, after long work by domestic breeders, a new tomato variety was registered. The Miracle of the World tomato is distinguished by high yields, a rich yellow tint of the skin and pulp, and excellent taste. It is thanks to these characteristics that this variety of tomatoes is very popular among summer residents.
Main features
The Wonder of the World is not only a delicious variety of tomatoes, but also a real decoration for a summer cottage. Reviews gardeners say that this plant has the following distinctive characteristics:
- indeterminate: the bush can grow up to 2 meters in height;
- mid-ripening: after transplanting seedlings, you can get the first harvest after 100 – 110 days;
- 4 – 5 clusters are formed on 1 trunk, each of which grows 15 – 25 fruits;
- the weight of one tomato is 60 - 80 grams, the fruits are fleshy and dense in structure;
- the fruit has 3 – 4 chambers;
- the vegetable is similar in shape and color to lemon;
- ripe fruits are healthy - they contain a huge amount of various vitamins;
- excellent taste is achieved due to the increased sugar content;
- high yield - you can get 12 kilograms of tomatoes from one bush;
- resistance to a number of diseases;
- the ability of fruits to maintain their freshness for a long time;
- drought resistance.
The characteristics and description of the Miracle of the World tomato variety claim that this crop can be grown not only in greenhouses, but also in open ground.
Thanks to all the listed features, the presented variety is in great demand among summer residents. However, it is worth considering that tomato has not only positive features, but also disadvantages.
Advantages and disadvantages
The description of the Miracle of the World tomato highlights the following main advantages of the variety:
- attractive appearance;
- excellent yield indicators;
- disease resistance;
- sweetish taste of the fruit.
The disadvantages of the variety are mainly related to its indeterminate nature. Thus, due to the excessive height of the stems, the bush can easily be damaged in strong winds. Growing this variety requires the formation of specific support structures to protect tomato stems from damage.
This variety is distinguished by its universal taste and structural qualities, so it can be used in various fields:
- saturation with vitamins makes it possible to have a beneficial effect on the human body when consumed fresh;
- optimal balance of sweet and sour taste makes it possible to squeeze the most delicious rich juice;
- tomatoes are medium in size, excellent for whole-fruit canning;
- fruit preparations are bright and interesting, so they can decorate any holiday table.
The described variety is perfectly stored if harvested at the stage of milky ripeness.
Features of cultivation
In open ground conditions or greenhouse structures, this variety can be grown in any climatic zones of central Russia. Cultivation in open ground conditions can be carried out in the southern territories, for example, in the Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasian republics. In the presence of strong winds, the plant must be planted in greenhouses or use wind protection and strong trellises.
All tomato brushes must be carefully tied to the constructed support. Otherwise, due to the height and abundance of fruits on the clusters, the plant may be damaged.
To improve the quantitative and qualitative indicators of the harvest, the bush must be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Greenhouse tomatoes need to create a special microclimate, which can be achieved through regular ventilation.
The inflorescences need to be shaken regularly, which will allow the plant to pollinate. To form stems, the bushes need to be pinched, otherwise the tomato will grow greatly.
Possible diseases and pests
One of the characteristics of Miracle of the World tomatoes is strong immunity, due to which the plant rarely gets sick. The main danger to bushes may be the tobacco mosaic virus and brown spot. Sometimes bushes are affected by spider mites or mole crickets.
However, these problems can be easily overcome. Tobacco mosaic is eliminated by removing all infected leaves, then the sections are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
Brown spot is treated with the specific drug Zaslon. Then the plant needs to reduce the amount of water used for irrigation and increased ventilation.
You can overcome the mole cricket by treating the insect nests with a pepper water solution.
You can eliminate spider mites by washing them off with soap and water. Flushing is carried out until all parasites disappear.
In greenhouse conditions, tomatoes can be affected by the greenhouse whitefly. To eliminate it, you need to use Confidor.
If you follow all the listed care recommendations, this tomato variety will delight the summer resident with a rich and delicious harvest. It is interesting that each of the collected fruits will combine the maximum benefits given in the description.