Description of the tomato variety Zinulya and its characteristics

Tomato "Zinulya" is an early, determinate, large-fruited variety of pink tomatoes. Created for growing in greenhouses as well as in open ground. Can be grown all year round with proper agricultural technology in heated greenhouses.

Pink tomatoes have been very popular lately. However, they are usually not distinguished by their yield and early ripeness, although they are superior in taste to their red relatives. Pink tomatoes contain more B vitamins (B1, B6), as well as C, PP, pectin and antioxidants such as lycopene, selenium, carotene.

Description and characteristics of the variety

Description: “Zinulya” grows up to 0.6-0.8 m in height and does not require obligatory gartering to a vertical or horizontal support. The stem is flexible, but stable and thick. The formation of the stem of this tomato is carried out as the plant grows into 1-2 trunks. The leaves are green, normal size, round in shape. For 1 sq. m. 3-4 plants are planted.

Zinulya tomatoes

The planting technology is standard 50 x 40 cm. The period from seed germination to fruiting of the plant is 85-95 days.

The resistance of this variety to tomato diseases is high. There is a more productive and larger author’s modification of this variety, which is called “Zinulya 2”. A hybrid called “Zinaida F1” has also been bred.

Fruit characteristics: the “Zinulya” variety has large, round, even, juicy, sugary fruit. The color of a ripe tomato is soft pink with a pearlescent sheen. The skin of these vegetables is tender and thin. Tomatoes are very susceptible to cracking when humidity is unstable.

Tomato seeds

The fruits of the “Zinulya” variety have a sweet, delicate taste with a pleasant tomato sourness, as well as an aroma. They are consumed fresh, in salads, and processed into juices.

The size of the fruits on the bush is not the same and ranges from 150 to 250 grams (individual fruits up to 300 grams). The productivity of the Zinulya tomato is about 12-15 kg per 1 sq. m. The tomato is not transportable over long distances; vegetables wrinkle and crack easily.

How to distinguish varieties of varieties

The advantages of “Zinulya” tomatoes over their closest competitors are early ripening and uniform yield of fruits (up to 40% will ripen by the first harvest). It must also be said that the taste of these tomatoes is high, characteristic of the variety.

Ripe tomatoes

Tomatoes "Zinulya 2" are also pearlescent pink, tasty and sweet. However, the first vegetables grow larger in size, reaching 450 grams.The bush bears fruit longer and is more resistant to cracking. Zinuli 2 has better transportability.

The hybrid "Zinaida F1" has a good taste and is early ripening. The growing season is 80 days. The set of fruit characteristics is the same as that of the initial plant species. A valuable quality is increased resistance to cracking and disease.

Growing tomatoes

Feeding and processing

Fertilizer must be produced on time according to the following scheme:

  • 2 grams per bush of nitrogen fertilizers (before the plants flower);
  • 1-2 grams of potassium fertilizer per bush (after flowering);
  • Every 7-10 days calcium nitrate 1-2 grams per bush;
  • "Vitazim" or another biostimulant according to the dosage in the annotation.

Treatment against pests and diseases is carried out before the plants bloom, at least 10 days before harvest. The alternation of chemicals should be carried out in accordance with their compatibility, as well as their duration of action.
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