For those who are fond of tomatoes with original colors, the Don Juan tomato is suitable. This is a striped variety. Striped tomatoes are increasing their popularity among gardeners year after year. Tomato lovers are attracted to striped whales by their original coloring and excellent taste.
Delicious striped tomato Don Juan
The Don Juan variety was bred for cultivation in protected and open ground in any region of Russia. The plant is determinate, the bushes are low, they grow up to 70 cm per season. The variety is early ripening, ripe fruits begin to be collected 90–100 days after germination.
The yield of Don Juan is impressive: from one bush they harvest from 6.5 to 8 kg of fruit.This is a very good characteristic for a low-growing tomato. Tomatoes of this variety have low frost resistance. When planting in open ground, you should take this feature into account and do not rush to plant before the onset of consistently warm weather.
The original fruits delight gardeners. The reviews are almost all laudatory. This is no wonder: due to the original colors of the fruits, the bushes look very picturesque. Ripe fruits are red (crimson) with yellow stripes, while unripe fruits resemble small watermelons in color. The main tone of unripe tomatoes is light green, rare longitudinal stripes are dark green.
The shape of the fruit is plum-shaped, elongated. The description from the manufacturer states that the tomatoes have a spout, but from the photo of the Don Juan fruits that summer residents lay out, this is not visible; apparently, the spout is barely noticeable. The fruits are not large, but weigh from 80 to 100 g. The pulp is very juicy, delicate in structure, with a sweet and sour taste.
The fruits are eaten fresh with pleasure and used as raw materials for various kinds of preparations. Juices, sauces, and canned vegetables are prepared from tomatoes with yellow stripes. Stripes are an excellent decoration for the holiday table: light summer salads made from Don Juan tomatoes have an exquisite taste.
Housewives are especially delighted with salted and pickled striped tomatoes - thanks to their thick skin, they hold their shape well, and the color serves as a real decoration for any dish.
Growing Don Juan tomatoes
For seedlings, Don Juan seeds are sown in March; at the age of 50 - 55 days, the shoots are ready for transplanting. All gardeners note the marketable appearance of the seedlings. Due to its strong appearance, it is in good demand in the market.Before planting in the ground, the seedlings are hardened off for a week: during the day, the seedling boxes are taken out onto the street or balcony, and at night the air temperature in the room is reduced to 10 - 15 °C.
Standard care for tomatoes in the ground (greenhouse):
- tied to a support;
- remove excess stepsons;
- water in open ground depending on the weather (2 - 3 times a week), in a greenhouse - 2 times a week;
- remove weeds between rows;
- loosen the soil;
- Feed with mineral fertilizers 2–3 times per season.
Summer residents about Don Juan
Tatyana, Sverdlovsk region:
“Tomatoes are small, but very attractive in appearance and tasty. I like the variety for its unpretentiousness. We use striped tomatoes in different ways: we use them for juice, pickle them, eat them in salads, and dry them in an electric dryer. The variety is definitely good, productive, and deserves attention. Maintenance of the bushes is minimal, which is very pleasing.”
Lyudmila, Saratov:
“The youngest daughter really loves the Don Juan variety of tomatoes and calls them watermelons. We grew the variety for the first time, we will repeat it next year. The yield is good, the maintenance is minimal.”
Plant several Don Juan bushes in your garden, and tomatoes of original colors will delight the eye all summer. In winter, minke whales will cheer you up when salted and pickled. With minimal care, the variety will give maximum pleasure.