The ultra-early ripening pink-fruited tomato Kasamori F1 of Japanese selection has recently been present on the Russian market, but has already become a favorite of vegetable growers who grow tomatoes in greenhouses for early production. In Japan, high demands are placed on the consumer and technological qualities of tomatoes cultivated under production conditions. The Kitano Seeds company and its hybrid Kasamori are no exception. High quality hybrid.
About the hybrid
The bush is of indeterminate type with shortened internodes, which is why it is compact. Recommended for growing in spring film and winter greenhouses.Ripens quickly, on the 90-100th day from germination. The available description of the fruits indicates that they are very large, over 200 g, bright pink in color, intended for salad purposes, and are suitable for sale on the fresh produce market. The shape of the fruit is flat-round, there are more than six seed nests. The fruits are formed in clusters of 5-6 pieces. Reviews from gardeners indicate that the fruits are never smaller than 200 g. On average, their weight is from 270 to 300 g, and the maximum is 550 g. The surface is even and smooth, a green spot does not form on the stalk, and no cracks in the fruit were noted.
Distinctive features of the hybrid
Vegetable growers with experience in growing this hybrid noted a number of its positive properties:
— good fruit set in any conditions, including stressful ones;
— high yield, an average of 4 kg of fruits are obtained from one bush;
— the possibility of growing in all types of film and glass shelters, including temporary ones, and in open ground.
Experts note the high plasticity of the Kasamori tomato; its characteristics allow it to be grown at all times of the year. The short production period is Kasamori's advantage.
Advice: plant seedlings of this hybrid at several times, as well as seeds directly into the soil for a seedless crop. The last fruits can be collected at the end of September and ripened at home. They do not lose their taste when harvested in the milky-waxy ripeness phase.
Growing seedlings
The timing of sowing seeds for seedlings depends on where the plants are planned to be planted in a permanent place. The following options are possible:
- in a spring heated greenhouse, sowing is done in mid-February;
- in a spring unheated greenhouse - at the end of February;
- in open ground - in the first ten days of March;
- direct sowing in open ground in two periods - at the end of April and at the beginning of May;
- direct sowing in open ground using an autumn mobile greenhouse - at the end of May.
Tomato seedlings need to be fed every 10-14 days. They accept humic-based fertilizers well. If there is a lack of light, the plants are illuminated with a phytolamp.
Caring for tomatoes in a greenhouse
The main maintenance work includes watering, weeding and loosening, fertilizing and shaping bushes. Tomato plants in a greenhouse need to be watered twice a week, and every other day during hot periods. After each watering, the soil must be loosened and weeds must be removed at the same time; they can be carriers of pests and diseases.
It is better if the soil in the greenhouse is mulched with peat, sawdust or any other material. Formation of a bush includes pinching of plants. Stepchildren must be removed until they exceed 2-2.5 cm, always with a disinfected instrument, for example, scissors. The plant forms into one stem. Weighty brushes need additional tying.