Description of the Taimyr tomato variety, its characteristics and cultivation features

The tomato has managed to win pride of place in the beds of gardeners around the world. The number of varieties of useful plants increases every year. Today, breeders have managed to develop tomatoes that are available for cultivation in northern regions and places with poor soil. The Taimyr tomato has become a new product of Russian selection. The large agricultural company Biotechnika was the originator of the unpretentious variety.

General information about the variety

The Taimyr tomato is declared by the originator as a variety for open ground.The plant shows high resistance to low temperatures and is available for cultivation in regions with a cool and short summer season. Tomato Taimyr general characteristics and description of the variety:

tomato taymyr

  • Ultra early ripening.
  • Standard.
  • Determinant.
  • Compact bush.
  • The foliage is average.
  • Strong, thick stems.
  • Well developed root system.
  • Medium sized green foliage.
  • Short, does not exceed 30 centimeters.
  • Up to five clusters if grown in open ground.
  • The number of fruits in a cluster is 6–7 pieces.
  • The yield of the bush is up to 1.5 kilograms of berries.
  • Cold-resistant, increased resistance to low temperatures.
  • Late blight is disease resistant.
  • Easy to care for.
  • Long-term storage possible.
  • Transportation over long distances is acceptable.

late blight disease

The characteristics of the variety made it possible to cultivate the Taimyr tomato in the coldest regions of the country. External data and technical characteristics of the fruit:

  • Round shape.
  • High density.
  • Small size, with an average weight of up to 80 grams.
  • The taste combines sweetness and sourness.
  • Friendly maturation.
  • Dark red color.
  • Juicy.
  • Not watery.

long-term storage

The salad variety is suitable for fresh consumption. The berry makes a valuable vitamin ingredient for salad or pizza. It is permissible to dry the fruits and use them as a preparation.

Recommendations for cultivation

The preferred planting method is seedlings. It is recommended to start growing work in April. To obtain strong seedlings you should:

sweetness and sourness

  • Select a box or separate containers - pots or glasses, fill with fertile soil.
  • Pre-moisten the soil.
  • The seeds are immersed 1 centimeter deep.
  • Re-moistening the soil with a spray bottle.
  • Create a greenhouse effect by covering the planting with film.
  • Maintaining room temperature from 21 degrees.
  • Place the seedlings in a well-lit place when the first shoots appear.
  • Gradually lowering the air temperature to 15–16 degrees for hardening.

moisten the soil

Compact plants are placed densely, up to 15 seedlings per square meter. After transplanting the seedlings, it is necessary to organize the first watering after 7–10 days. Subsequent watering is recommended to be carried out no more than once a week, provided there is no rain. Care activities include:

  • Feed up to 6 times during the summer.
  • Loosening and cleaning weeds.

IMPORTANT! For low-growing plants, tying is recommended to obtain a better harvest.

small size

Gardeners' opinion

Good afternoon! I recommend Taimyr variety tomatoes to residents of the North-West. The plant tolerates short, cool summers without a decrease in yield.

Kirill Petrov, 55 years old

cool summer

Good day! I discovered Taimyr. Ultra-early ripening variety, resistant to weather changes and low air temperatures. Unpretentious and easy to care for. I didn’t find any cons for myself.

Anna Gundareva, 43 years old

ultra early ripening variety
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