The Japanese rose tomato is considered one of the most productive varieties. It is mid-season, does not require much care, and has very tasty tomatoes. The bushes are determinate, standard type. Their height is no more than 80 cm. They have few leaves, and pinching is not required.
For many gardeners, this is considered a big plus, since you don’t need to spend a lot of time growing them. Bushes of this variety look very beautiful when the fruiting period comes.
Characteristics of the variety
Many housewives grow tomatoes of this variety because the plant is very elegant.When the bushes begin to bloom and many flowers appear, there is a feeling that this is an ornamental plant. Tomatoes have a bright pink color that catches the eye. The clusters with fruits independently gather during growth into small clusters, on which tomatoes no more than 5-6 pieces are located.
The weight of one tomato is no more than 150 grams. Their shape is round, similar to a heart, with a pointed tip. There is a small ribbing near the stalk. The description of the fruit indicates that its skin is thin, but at the same time strong, preventing even a very ripe tomato from cracking.
Tomatoes have juicy and at the same time dense pulp. There are few seeds inside, so it is pleasant to eat. They taste sweet, even sugary. The most interesting thing is that even small children can eat Japanese rose tomatoes. They have a high content of sugars and microelements.
As you can see, the characteristics of the Japanese rose are simply excellent and provide food for thought for planting tomatoes in your garden.
Planting a plant
It is best to grow such tomatoes indoors, that is, in greenhouses or in film greenhouses. If the climate in the region where tomatoes are grown is warm and does not have sharp temperature changes, then they can be grown directly in open ground.
The Japanese rose has several features in its planting that are not found in other varieties. It is propagated by seedlings. Before planting seeds, they need to be treated with a special growth stimulator. There is no need to disinfect all planting material, as in other cases.
The soil where the seeds are planted consists of turf soil with humus and washed sand.For normal growth, a constant temperature of 23 to 25 degrees is required. When the first shoots appear, they need to be placed in the sun and watered with warm, settled water.
The yield of this variety is high, which cannot but please gardeners. Taking into account the fact that they do not need to be fertilized or carefully looked after. From one bush you can easily harvest up to six kilograms of tomatoes.
Japanese rose tomatoes can be easily transported and stored for a long time, and are excellent for fresh consumption. Also used for tomato juice, adjika and whole preserves.
Reviews from gardeners
Reviews about the Japanese rose variety are mostly only good. This is not surprising, because where else can you find such a problem-free tomato with good yield? Not everyone can boast of this. Sometimes positive reviews can be spoiled due to diseases to which the plant is exposed.
Unfortunately, the variety can easily acquire any disease, so it is necessary to systematically treat the bushes against all diseases and insects. The most common diseases are late blight, fusarium, verticillium and other typical diseases of nightshades. But there is no need to be upset if the plant still gets sick, you just need to remove the affected part and treat the tomatoes with honey-containing preparations.