Description of the Admiralteysky tomato variety and its characteristics

Gardeners in regions with short, cool summers dream of growing tomatoes in open ground. The Admiralteysky tomato ripens under unfavorable conditions. It produces delicious fruits already in July. The berries are completely removed before August 15th.

What attracts gardeners

This tomato variety was developed by breeders in St. Petersburg. Goal: to create a plant that can produce crops in high light, humidity and moderate summer temperatures.

Admiralteyskiy variety

The product turned out to be successful. The short summer of the Leningrad region does not prevent tomatoes from ripening. Description of the variety:

  • bears fruit in open ground and under covers made of film and non-woven material;
  • early ripening (from germination to the first sample < 100 days);
  • tomato-det, not higher than 0.7 m;
  • prone to leaf growth;
  • dark green small plates;
  • amicable maturation (two waves);
  • short spaces between leaves;
  • for large fruits that ripen quickly, plant formation is required;
  • Compliance with the rules of planting and care will ensure a yield of up to 8 kg/m².

Admiralteysky “runs away” from late blight due to the rapid ripening of tomatoes. Not affected by cladosporiosis, gray mold.

Tomato sprouts

What will please Admiralteysky

Often, improving one indicator of a variety reduces others. Early ripening of Admiralteysky does not affect the taste of the fruit. Characteristics of tomatoes:

  • heavy tomatoes (200 - 210 g);
  • dense, juicy pulp;
  • unripe fruits are green, ripe ones are red;
  • weakly expressed ribbing;
  • spherical shape, flattened at the spouts and stalk;
  • thick peel;
  • taste sweet and sour;
  • rich “tomato” aroma.

Breeders have created a variety for universal use. The fruits of Admiralteysky are delicious in salads and canapés. The skin does not crack during heat treatment, and the pulp does not spread. Berries decorate the vegetable platter. Juice and pasta diversify the winter menu.

Tomato juice

How to grow fruit baskets

Early tomatoes require strict adherence to the recommendations of agricultural technicians. Only in this case will the fruits ripen on time, the size and taste will be as indicated on the label. Growing is different from normal. Rules:

  • sow seedlings no earlier than the last ten days of March;
  • after the loops appear, place the container on a bright, cool windowsill;
  • create long daylight hours using an agricultural lamp (16-18 hours);
  • deep picking is required;
  • follow the rule: underwatering is better than overwatering;
  • Be sure to harden young tomatoes;
  • apply fertilizing to the soil and leaves;
  • plant on ridges at ground temperatures of 20 ⁰C and above;
  • do not exceed 5 tomatoes per m²;
  • watering is rare (once every 15 days), but abundant (about 7 l/bush);
  • form into 2 stems, stepson;
  • the bush overloads itself with fruits: a garter is required;
  • be sure to feed (especially during the formation of ovaries and ripening of tomatoes).

To get a good harvest, gardeners will have to work hard. Nitrogen provokes the growth of green mass and should be applied with caution. The mineral fertilizing schedule must be followed. With the coming cold snap, it is recommended to collect tomatoes. They will ripen in a dark pantry.

Tomato harvest

What gardeners say about Admiralteysky

The variety is loved by gardeners. They named it one of the 10 best tomatoes. Since 1999, the reviews have been extremely good. People like: taste, commercial quality of berries, early ripening. Attracts the universal use of fruits. Admiralteysky “registered” in dacha plots.
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