Tomato Supersteak f1 is a new generation hybrid that is very common in Russia. Despite the fact that the selection is young, it has already won many positive reviews.
Description of the variety
The Supersteak tomato can grow in any weather conditions, perfect for glazed and unheated film shelters. It is considered mid-season: from germination to harvesting the first fruits 100-110 days. The plant is vigorous and can reach up to two meters.
During growth, up to eight brushes are formed. Fruit set occurs 15 days earlier than other mid-season hybrids.This is an excellent indicator, since this tomato is also considered large-fruited. During cultivation, it is better to use pinching in two stems, then there will be more fruits and the plant will become stronger.
Supersteak fruits are beautiful, large, red in color. They have no voids inside. On average, a tomato weighs 450 grams, the maximum weight can be about a kilogram. The pulp is dense, juicy, with a sweet, slightly sugary taste. What pleases gardeners most is that large fruits go well with high yields.
You can use tomatoes raw. Due to its large size, the whole fruit is not suitable for preservation, but they can be used in tomato juice, adjika and a variety of salads.
Growing Supersteak tomatoes
For seedlings, seeds are planted in March, the maximum burial depth is three centimeters. Before doing this, you need to treat them in potassium permanganate and then rinse with clean water. Don’t forget to feed the seedlings two or three times with special fertilizer. Supersteak tomatoes require seedlings to be hardened off before being planted in the ground.
Since they can only be grown in greenhouses, temperature standards must be observed. If the greenhouse has heating, then planting can be done in April. And if the greenhouse is not heated, then not earlier than May. The seedlings must be at least 65 days old.
You cannot plant bushes next to each other, as they will only interfere with each other. Oddly enough, but you need to limit the growth of the plant only upwards, otherwise they can grow greatly. That is why it is worth leaving a maximum of eight brushes on the bush. The lower leaves must be cut off.
Remember to regularly water the bushes only with warm water.If you decide to feed the plant, it is better to use special complex water-soluble mineral fertilizers. They are considered the most harmless.
Due to the fact that the Supersteak variety is considered a hybrid, it has genetic resistance to late blight, TMV, cladosporiosis, bacterial spot and root-knot nematode. All other tomato diseases can be easily controlled with the help of special fertilizers and treatments.
Basically, not the whole plant suffers from various diseases, but only the fruits or leaves. The affected parts are easily removed and the tomatoes continue to grow.
Supersteak tomatoes are considered one of the most unpretentious to grow.