Before growing tomatoes, everyone chooses the variety that would be ideal for achieving their goals. Some vegetable growers grow vegetables to create preserves and therefore choose tomatoes with small fruits. People who love to eat fresh tomatoes prefer to grow varieties with excellent taste. However, there are universal tomatoes that are suitable for almost any purpose. One of these is the Grandmother's Gift tomato.
Before you start planting this variety, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with its distinctive features in more detail.Characteristics and descriptions will help you study the tomato Grandma's Gift f1 in more detail.
This variety is a hybrid, so its seeds cannot be used for planting next year. The main advantages include the fact that Grandma’s Gift has good productivity and resistance to many tomato diseases, as evidenced by various reviews from gardeners. He almost never gets sick with fusarium, mosaic, powdery mildew and late blight.
Tomato bushes are indeterminate and tall. In optimal conditions they grow up to two meters. The plants have a fairly strong stem and a large number of leaves. They also have a powerful and branched root. The leaves of the tomato are round and dark green.
The variety belongs to late-ripening tomatoes, since the fruits begin to ripen 130 days after planting. To speed up the ripening of tomatoes, it is recommended to plant them only in greenhouses.
Ripe tomatoes have red skin, under which there is quite juicy and tender pulp. They are very large and heavy - each fruit weighs about 350 grams. Tomatoes have a sweetish taste with a slight sourness. They are used during the preparation of juices or ketchup.
Planting seeds
Before planting the Grandmother's Gift tomato in the ground, you need to start growing seedlings. To do everything correctly, you should familiarize yourself in advance with the features of planting seeds for seedlings.
Seed preparation
Only the best seeds should be used for planting. Therefore, you first need to select high-quality planting material. To do this, tomato seeds are calibrated.
First, all the seeds are placed in a container with saline solution and mixed for five minutes.Over time, seeds that cannot be planted in the ground will float to the surface. They must be immediately removed from the solution and discarded.
The remaining planting material should be pre-treated. First, they should be soaked for half an hour in a weak manganese solution. Then they are placed in a container with warm water for an hour, after which they are dried and soaked overnight in an ash solution. This is done to completely disinfect the planting material.
Soil preparation
Before preparing the soil, you should choose the container in which it will be located. In this case, you will have to take into account several basic nuances. You should not buy containers that are too deep, as this may cause the soil to become acidic, which will lead to diseases in the seedlings. Also, for planting seeds, you need to choose containers with special small drain holes.
To plant seeds, it is not recommended to buy the cheapest soil or take it from a greenhouse. Such soil is very bad, since it cakes quite quickly and because of this, a dense crust appears on its surface.
The best choice would be to buy soil with coconut substrate. This soil is saturated with air and is quite loose.
Many vegetable growers fertilize the soil before planting tomato seeds. However, this should not be done, since a large amount of nutrients can negatively affect seed germination. The soil for planting material should consist of two parts sawdust and part sand.
It is recommended to plant tomatoes as seedlings from the first of March to the beginning of April. To do this, small holes about one centimeter deep are made in the planting containers.3-4 seeds should be placed in each of them, after which all the holes are sprinkled with earth, and the containers are covered with a lid or film.
When growing seedlings, it is recommended to move all boxes with tomatoes to a room with good lighting. If plants don't get enough light, they will grow slower. Daylight hours for tomatoes should be at least 10-12 hours.
Planting seedlings
First, you need to understand the timing of planting this variety. In the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, seedlings must be planted in early May. However, residents of the central regions of the country will have to postpone this procedure to the beginning of June. Having decided on the deadlines, you can start working.
Soil preparation
It is necessary to plant seedlings in previously prepared soil. Young tomato seedlings need soil that is rich in nutrients. Only in this case will the plant develop normally and have good productivity.
A solution prepared from ten liters of water and a tablespoon of copper sulfate is added to the ground. The soil is watered in such a way that no more than one liter of mixture is consumed per square meter of land. After this, you can add a little mineral or organic fertilizer to the soil. Many vegetable growers add superphosphate, manure humus, and sawdust.
It is necessary to fertilize the soil several weeks before planting seedlings.
It is recommended to plant tomatoes on cloudy days or in the evening. The fact is that young seedlings do not tolerate open sun well in the first hours after planting and they need to be given time so that they can get used to the new conditions.
Seedlings need to be planted so that neighboring bushes do not interfere with each other.Therefore, they are planted at a distance of at least 55-65 cm. You also need to monitor the distance between the rows, which should not be less than 70 cm.
After creating the holes, you must carefully remove the seedlings from the pots. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the earthen lump so as not to accidentally disturb it. The extracted seedlings are placed in a vertical position in each hole, buried in soil and watered with water.
Every vegetable grower can plant Grandma's tomato. To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself in advance with the description of the variety and the features of its planting in the ground.