Unusual tomatoes have become fashionable. If you read the description of this Orange Strawberry tomato variety on the package with seeds, you can say that it is perfect for growing in central Russia, as it is completely unpretentious and resistant to temperature fluctuations, and is not afraid of either drought or frost.
The name came about due to its shape and taste, reminiscent of garden strawberries. When tomatoes hang on a branch in clusters, you might think that they are not tomatoes, but orange strawberries. Country of origin: Germany. The variety was bred and tested a long time ago.
Characteristics of this variety
German Orange Strawberry tomatoes are unusual hybrids with a sweet, fruity flavor. The description of the Orange Strawberry tomato variety will help to identify all the necessary requirements for caring for it. This crop ripens quite early, in mid-summer, and produces a good harvest. The fruits can be used fresh or for making jam, juices, and pickling.
The bushes are tall and can grow up to one and a half meters, so they need to be tied with ropes. The foliage is not very dense, dark, with light fluff. The stem is thick and strong. To achieve many large fruits, you need to shoot shoots and make two or three stems from many stems. Sometimes it may not be possible to grow fruits of the correct heart-shaped shape, then the quality of watering, fertilizing or lighting should be reconsidered.
The main feature of the tomato is that it resembles strawberries in shape and taste. It looks very interesting on a plate when cut, like a heart. Vegetables hang on the clusters and usually ripen at the same time. They are juicy, sweet, fleshy, and have almost no seeds. The skin is dense and smooth. The weight of a German strawberry tomato can be more than 500 grams. The normal color is bright orange, amber or yellow, depending on the cross.
There are usually a lot of fruits, enough for canning and fresh food. The juice from them is very useful.
They can be stored for a long time and do not crack during transportation. They can be grown for sale. This variety is resistant to many diseases and tolerates temperature fluctuations or drought well. It can be grown in the northern regions, but by planting it in greenhouses. There it is better to maintain the required temperature and the required level of humidity for them.
How to grow
German Orange Strawberries are planted with seeds in special containers until mature seedlings grow. Seeds must be purchased every year; the desired variety may not grow from secondary fruits. Buying seedlings can also fail. When planting seeds, you need to remember the distance between them. And as soon as the shoots with leaves hatch, they can be planted in more spacious boxes. During growth on the windowsill, it is necessary to provide good lighting, fertilizing, and check the humidity level. Temperature is also important, 18-20 degrees in the room.
When the seedlings get stronger, they are planted in the garden. If the weather permits, you can do this in early May. Productivity directly depends on fertile land. Put manure, sand, peat, humus, and organic fertilizers there for growth and fruiting. Bushes are usually planted at intervals of 30-40 centimeters. Distance is important in order to conveniently approach the bushes and for feeding them.
Further cultivation of tomato bushes occurs according to the standard scheme. This means cutting off excess shoots and branches, lower and upper leaves, watering twice a week, and fertilizing with fertilizers once every three weeks.
Tomato Orange German Strawberry will delight you with ripe, aromatic fruits in just 90 days, if you provide it with all the necessary conditions for growth.
Tomato care
The yield of the German Orange Strawberry variety depends on the quality of its care. Also, the taste and shape of the fruit may depend on the careful attitude towards this crop. If it is not sweet and small enough, then you need to reconsider the rules for growing it.
The correct temperature during cultivation on the windowsill affects the development of shoots that are prepared for transplanting into the ground.During seed germination, it is usually at least 22 degrees, and then make sure that the temperature is 17-20 degrees.
High-quality watering with non-cold water. You can pour water into the barrel in advance, or water it with rainwater. Tomatoes love water, but it is important not to overwater. Maintaining the desired level of humidity is an important maintenance requirement.
Feeding with various fertilizers at certain times. There are times when fertilizing should be applied: this is before planting, during the flowering period, and when the tomatoes begin to ripen. These should be both mineral and organic fertilizers purchased in the store. The soil must contain humus, manure, peat, and sand.
Loosening the soil and removing weeds. You need to do this once every two weeks, so the grass grows quickly and takes away nutrients from the tomatoes, preventing them from growing. And loosening and hilling the soil helps water and nutrients penetrate faster.
Plants may not have enough light. To do this, you need to tear off excess foliage and plant bushes further away from each other. Also, do not plant other tall plants nearby.
It is important to trim the stepsons before flowering so that the fruits ripen faster and there are more of them.
Pest control is very important for vegetable crops. It is necessary to prevent various bugs, mites, slugs, and butterflies from ruining the tomatoes. For prevention, periodically spray the bushes with various means that create uncomfortable conditions for uninvited guests.
Views of summer residents
German Orange Strawberries are in demand among gardeners. They note a number of advantages that make them want to plant it again and again. But there are also negative reviews about it.
Marina, 47 years old: I grew it in a greenhouse, the fruits ripened very quickly, almost simultaneously.They turned out to be large and heavy, and the branches had to be tied up. It tastes like strawberries and tomato. The care is normal, there is nothing complicated. The whole family eats it fresh, or cut it into slices and marinate it in jars.
Andrey, 62 years old: The fruits of orange berries are very tasty and of the correct shape only when the soil is fertile, when there is constant fertilizing and sufficient watering. You also need to remember to form the bush into two stems, no more, otherwise the food will go into the foliage. These nuances can be considered disadvantages, but there are a lot of advantages: very tasty, juicy, and store well.
Descriptions of the Orange Strawberry tomato can be found in gardening books. Knowing everything about this variety, it is easier to provide the necessary care. Every summer resident can grow a German Orange Strawberry tomato. Thanks to its unforgettable taste, everyone will like it.