The Pink Leader tomato has been on the market for almost 10 years and annually pleases vegetable growers with its early, very tasty fruits.
The description of the variety presented in the state register indicates that this is an ultra-early ripening variety. The period from germination to the start of harvesting takes from 86 to 91 days. This variety is recommended for cultivation in all climatic zones. Therefore, in all respects, the Leader tomato occupies a leading position. Plants belong to the determinant group and reach a height of no more than 50 cm. They do not need shaping - the plants are very compact by nature.
Many gardeners grew this variety in vertical beds and left positive reviews about it. Their results were impressive: from one 1 m2 you can get 8-10 kg of fruit. For such compact plants, this is a record yield! In addition, they form a compact root system, which is very convenient for small-volume container crops. This variety is suitable for growing on a loggia, in bag and “pocket” crops, in multi-tiered beds that serve both as a bed for vegetables and as a decorative element.
One very important thing to remember is that plants in container culture need more frequent watering, since a small volume of soil dries out faster.
Characteristics of fruits. The weight of one fruit is 150-170 g, the tomatoes are juicy. Fleshy, flat-round, sometimes slightly ribbed. Very tasty, produce amazing quality juice.
What is important to know about the variety
To obtain high yields, it is important to know the growth characteristics of the variety. The Pink Leader tomato needs fertile soil that has the structure to retain moisture, but at the same time allows it to pass freely, and is also sufficiently airy. Reviews from those who planted this variety make it clear that there is no need to skimp on organic matter when preparing the soil.
Good organic fertilizers for this variety are rotted manure, compost, and peat. At the initial stage of growth, weeding is very important. Weeds, developing faster than tomatoes, take away most of the nutrients, and thereby greatly inhibit the growth of already weak-growing tomato bushes.
To help organic matter, do not spare a complete mineral fertilizer and feed your favorite Pink Leader plants. The best period for this feeding is approximately 10-14 days after planting the seedlings in the ground.At this time, the plants begin to bloom. During the period of active fruit growth, plants need watering and fertilizing.
You can feed them either with ready-made fertilizer mixtures, following the description, or you can prepare them yourself from organic and mineral ingredients. When there are a lot of fruits on the bushes, add a complex of microelements with zinc, sodium, magnesium to the fertilizing. This will help the plants maintain a high quality harvest.
Growing in warm beds
The experience of harvesting such early tomatoes with a compact root system as Pink Leader makes it possible to recommend this variety for growing in warm beds, which are based on organic material that transfers heat to the soil. This technology is not new, and has existed since ancient times in villages where peasants kept livestock. Fresh manure from domestic animals was placed at the bottom of the ridges, covered with a layer of fertile soil and turnips, radishes, pumpkins, and later potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes were planted.
Nowadays, instead of manure, they use any vegetable waste available at hand: radish tops, potato peelings, dried mass of weeds.
All this is placed at the bottom of the bed to a depth of 40 to 70 cm, a preparation of effective microorganisms is poured over the plant residues, watered well, the bed is covered with fertile soil to ground level, covered with film and left for about three weeks to warm up. This can be done in early spring - early April. At the end of April, the bed is ready to plant Pink Leader tomato bushes on it. As reviews from gardeners have shown, this technology gives an advantage in getting early tomatoes up to two weeks!
What not to do
Sometimes there are recommendations online on how to get sweeter tomatoes.Among these recommendations is the addition of table salt to irrigation water. Under no circumstances should you do this, you will ruin the soil and seriously harm the plants! The accumulation of sugars in tomatoes depends on the genetic characteristics of the variety, as well as the provision of heat, light and potassium.
Try growing this variety and see that it is a leader!