Description of the 10 best varieties of summer white flowers, planting and care

Among the numerous bulbous plants, the white flower stands out for its beauty and tenderness. There are many known varieties that bloom at different times. One of them is the summer white flower, which blooms its beautiful inflorescences in May. It is widely used in landscape design, making it a desirable plant for gardeners.

Botanical features and description of the plant

Summer whiteflower is a bulbous plant that blooms, contrary to its name, in May. The bush reaches 45-60 centimeters in height, and up to 8 centimeters in width. The oblong green leaves grow up to 40 centimeters.

Summer whiteflower is simultaneously similar to snowdrop and lily of the valley. The peduncle consists of 3-8 snow-white flowers with green or yellow-green splashes. During ripening, the erect peduncle droops.

Additional Information! Summer whiteflower has been listed in the Red Book as an endangered species since 1984.

Why did gardeners like it so much?

Summer whiteflower is a delicate planting that flower lovers could not help but like. Along with other bulbous plants, it blooms at a time when other flowers are just growing their peduncles. Beautiful plants with bell-shaped inflorescences serve as decoration for the garden and local area, and also create a spring mood.

Features of application in landscape design

Summer whiteflower blooms in May. At the same time, late flowers bloom tulip varieties and daffodils, muscari, hyacinths, primroses, lilies of the valley, daisies. They are the same low-growing plants as white flowers, so they will combine well without crowding each other.

Bushes can be planted under the canopy of trees, as well as in flower beds and alpine slides. Bulbs can be grown in pots, moving them to different places around the house. In addition, cut flower stalks last in a vase for about a week.

summer white flower

Types and varieties of white flowers

More than 40 types of culture are known, below we will talk about the most famous of them. The most popular variety of summer whiteflower is Gravety Giant.


The height of the spring snowberry varies between 25-30 centimeters, its width is about 8 centimeters. Its leaves are green, shiny, and grow up to 25 centimeters. Blooms early in spring. The most popular varieties: Carpathicum, Wagner.


This type of snow white blooms in May. The most popular variety: Gravetye Giant, bred in England. The tips of its petals are framed with golden-emerald splashes. Used for landscaping the banks of reservoirs, garden plots, and local areas.

Flowers are blooming

Nice, or Nicene

The bulbous perennial, depending on the variety, grows from 10 to 30 centimeters. The peduncle consists of 1-3 snow-white flowers. It is an endangered species and is protected by the state in France.


The height of the bush is 10-30 centimeters. Peduncles appear in late winter - early spring. They consist of 2-4 bell-shaped flowers of white color, 2 centimeters long.


This type of white flower is used as a border plant, since its height does not exceed 15 centimeters. It spreads 3-5 centimeters wide. White flowers bloom in autumn. One inflorescence contains 1-3 buds.

variety Valentina


The low-growing shrub barely reaches a height of 10 centimeters and a width of 5 centimeters. The whiteflower received its name for its pale pink bell-shaped inflorescences, which bloom in late summer or early autumn. Gardeners love to grow this plant in pots, planting several bulbs at once.


The homeland of the Tingitan white flower is Morocco. It grows up to 20 centimeters in height. The green leaves are narrow, their width is no more than 1 centimeter. The inflorescences consist of white bells.

Gravety Giant

This is a variety of summer white flower.When grown near a pond, it can reach 50 centimeters in height. The size of bell-shaped flowers is 2-3 centimeters. Gravety Giant is called a snow flower because when it blooms, it seems as if the ground is covered with snow.

Gravety Giant

Leukoyum graveti giant

This is another name for a tall variety. It belongs to the 3rd winter hardiness zone and can withstand frosts from -34 to -40°C. Leukoum Graveti Giant is widely used in landscaping.

Advice! So that after the white flowers have faded, there is no empty space on the site, they can be planted near plants, the ground part of which appears closer to summer, for example, hosta, astilbe, ferns.

When and how to plant a plant correctly

The best time to plant summer whiteflower is autumn. By spring the bulb will be stronger and ready to bloom. When purchasing planting material, you need to pay attention that it is free of dents, scratches, and stains.

plant a plant

Select a semi-shaded place, preferably near a pond. The soil must be fertile, enriched with organic matter. Before planting white flowers, they dig it up and add river sand for water permeability.

Planting summer whiteflower is no different from planting other bulbous plants. Holes are dug and plants are planted in them to a depth of at least 6 centimeters. The larger the bulb, the deeper it is planted in the ground.

Cultivation care

Caring for bushes involves watering, fertilizing, removing weeds, and protecting them from diseases and pests. Overgrown bushes are divided and transplanted to a new location.

Bush care


Summer whiteflower is a moisture-loving plant. If a lot of snow has fallen during the winter, the initial moisture will be enough. If there is insufficient precipitation, the bushes need to be watered in early spring.

If the plant does not receive enough moisture for development, the plantings will grow short and flowering will not be abundant. In the future, the snowberry is watered as the top layer of soil dries. At the same time, you need to try to prevent drops of water from falling on the flowers.


At the beginning of spring, bulbous plants are fed with complex fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in equal amounts. In the future, nitrogen is eliminated because it promotes green growth at the expense of flowering. Phosphorus stimulates the flowering of white flowers, and potassium helps the formation and strengthening of the bulbs and their ability to overwinter well.

Phosphorus fertilizer

Soil care

Weeds must be constantly removed around the bushes, otherwise they can clog the whiteflower, causing it to grow stunted. It is better to perform the procedure manually, since the plants are planted close to each other and can be damaged when using a tool. For the same reason, the soil is loosened only around the bushes growing along the edges of the flowerbed.


When the bushes grow too large, or they are planted in the wrong place, they are replanted. The procedure is performed after the white flower has bloomed, that is, when it is at rest. The best time for this is autumn.

Preparing for winter

Summer whiteflower tolerates winter well, so it does not require shelter. Only young plants planted this fall are covered with spruce branches. You can also cover the bushes if a winter with little snow is forecast.

bloom in the snow

Diseases and pests: protection and treatment

Slugs, mice, moles, cutworms and their caterpillars can damage plantings. The ways to deal with them are as follows:

  1. To get rid of rodents, baits with poison are installed.If this option is unacceptable, you can spray the plantings several times with a decoction of wormwood or mint. Rodents cannot tolerate the aroma of these plants.
  2. To combat slugs, traps with dark beer are used, located along the perimeter of the plantings. In addition, soda ash can be sprinkled around the plantings, which will immediately kill the pests.
  3. To get rid of cutworms, several methods are used: they are collected by hand, the bushes are sprayed with an infusion of wormwood and burdock leaves, and chemicals are also used.

In addition to pests, whiteflower can be affected by various diseases. Below are the main ones and methods to combat them.

  1. Mold on bulbs. It can form from too thick plantings. To get rid of the disease, the bulbs are dug up, the affected parts are cut off, and they are sprayed with fungicides.
  2. Chlorosis. The disease occurs most often due to a lack of iron. The leaves turn yellow and the edges curl. To get rid of the disease, the soil is enriched with iron.
  3. Rust. With this disease, growing orange spots appear on the leaf blades. To prevent its occurrence, the bushes are sprayed with fungicides. Affected plants are removed from the flowerbed.

If most of the plantings are infected with diseases, they need to be dug up and the ground treated with antifungal drugs.

scoops are sitting

Reproduction methods

There are 2 ways to grow white flowers on your site: by seeds and by dividing the bush. But, the first option is rarely used by gardeners, since flowering occurs only in the 3-4th year after sowing.


To propagate the plant with this option, the seeds are collected and immediately planted in a box, since they quickly lose their viability. In winter, the soil is covered with snow and the container is placed in a cold place.This is how their natural stratification occurs, which is necessary for the growth and development of seedlings.

Note! Boxes with seedlings should be overwintered in the open air so that natural stratification of the seeds takes place..

propagation by seeds

Dividing the bush

5-7 years after planting, white flowers can be propagated by division. To do this, the bush is dug up and the bulbs are carefully separated from one another. Damaged material is removed as it can be a source of infection of the entire planting. Then each bulb is planted in a separate hole in the flowerbed.
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