Description of the 22 best varieties of Indian chrysanthemum, growing in open ground

Large garden chrysanthemum, or otherwise Indian golden flower, belongs to the elite species. The plant has a wide distribution area - from Europe to the Middle East and the Caucasus. Once planted, the bush will delight its owners with long-lasting flowering. Chrysanthemums of this variety range in height from 90 to 150 centimeters. The petals have a characteristic bright yellow color. The flowering period is long - from August to December.

Description and features

The genus of Indian chrysanthemums is extensive, comprising more than ten thousand specimens. The plant is not easy to grow on a personal plot, but those who succeed will be fully rewarded. Chrysanthemum flowers are bright, with large petals. Stems without branching, with incised leaves. The inflorescence is basket-shaped, predominantly yellow in color. The petals are arranged in several rows.

After flowering is completed, the chrysanthemum winters safely in the fall, and sprouts appear again in the spring. The plant is popular among gardeners and is used in landscape design and for decorating flower beds and plots. Can be cultivated in an apartment.

Popular varieties

Among the variety of types of Indian chrysanthemums, there are both popular ones, leaders, and outsiders. This positioning is caused by various reasons - ease of cultivation, availability of seed, or external characteristics of the flowers. In addition, the popularity is due to the connection with the probable regions of growth of chrysanthemum varieties.


The variety is characterized by flat large inflorescences, the petals are orange in color. The diameter of a chrysanthemum flower is about 100 millimeters. The growing season extends throughout almost the entire autumn – from September to October. The height of the Aurora stem is average - up to 1 meter.


The Anastasia variety pleases gardeners with a wide variety of colors - white, pink, green, lemon, even lilac. It remains to add to this description the gigantic size of the inflorescence - up to 20 centimeters. The disadvantage of chrysanthemum can be considered the fragility of the basket.

variety Anastasia


This species is recommended for indoor breeding; it is compact and harmonious in development. It blooms for a long time, the petals are originally colored white or pink, with 2 stripes on each petal.


Vimini is compared to a little sun: a bush up to 30 centimeters high, multi-colored, brightly colored petals. The color of chrysanthemum petals smoothly changes from brown (in the center) to orange, sometimes lemon or yellow.


A chrysanthemum variety with a strong stem, suitable for creating compositions or bouquets. The main distinguishing feature of the Gazelle is its bright white flowers, almost 20 centimeters in size.

chrysanthemum gazelle

Valentina Tereshkova

The variety, dedicated to the first female cosmonaut, will decorate the flowerbed with its presence and looks great when planted alone. The inflorescences are large, painted in dark shades of crimson. The bottom of the chrysanthemum petals is slightly lighter than the top.


The Aviator variety is recently known and is classified as semi-double. Bred in the Netherlands. The inflorescences cannot be called large; they are up to 8 centimeters. Petals are four-row, straight. Chrysanthemum easily tolerates transportation, especially when cut. The bush is shrouded in bright emerald leaves and is classified as an upright plant.


A special Dutch type of chrysanthemum, suitable for cutting and transportation. The inflorescence, at first glance, is simple, reminiscent of a chamomile. Basket up to 7 centimeters in diameter. The petals are wide, painted in lilac or burgundy tones. At the end they turn white.The height of the bush is average - up to 700 millimeters.


Chrysanthemum of Italian selection. The height of the bush is about 60 centimeters, the diameter of the inflorescence is up to 7. The petals are regular in shape, bright red in color, with an even distribution of color over the area. The center of the basket is yellow, with light greenery. The leaves have a smooth surface, feathery, herbaceous color. Cut flowers can last in a vase for up to 20 days.

Barolo from Italy


The Dutch species Bartoli produces double inflorescences of orange color. The size of the basket is from 5 to 7 centimeters. The bush is upright, about 700 millimeters high, with almost no branching. The leaves are bright green and pinnate. Cut chrysanthemum flowers last a long time and are transported.


A variety with large double flowers (up to 10 centimeters in diameter). Color - dark purple or dark purple. Chrysanthemum bush of medium height - up to 700 millimeters.


Bush hybrid of Dutch selection. The size of the basket is small, up to 7 centimeters, and is distinguished by white-lilac petals. Outwardly it resembles a chamomile, in the center there is a green chrysanthemum. Cut flowers remain unchanged for up to 20 days and emit a light tart aroma.


The Grandez species is distinguished by its miniature size and is suitable for growing in an apartment or in a pot. Petals are semi-double, multi-row, mixed colors. The bushes are small, compact, up to 40 centimeters in height. The size of the chrysanthemum inflorescence is about 7 centimeters.

view of Grandez


The Dante variety is distinguished by delicate double inflorescences of a lilac hue, up to 7 centimeters in diameter. The leaves on the bush are brightly colored and green. After being cut from the bush, chrysanthemum flowers are stored for a long time and are used to make bouquets.


The species is an early-growing species; beautiful multi-colored “daisies” bloom on a bush 40-60 centimeters high, dotted with medium-sized (7-centimeter) inflorescences. The range of colors ranges from pink to purple. The petals are white below.


The flowers are unusually colored: there is a mixture of yellow and burgundy, pink or red and white. Chrysanthemum petals are slightly curled at the base and their growth pattern resembles that of a chamomile. Bushes of medium height.

Red Start

Upright bushes of medium height (up to 70 centimeters) native to the Netherlands develop velvety-textured, purple baskets. The diameter of the inflorescence is up to 7 centimeters. The foliage is medium dense, bright green. Plants are grown for cutting.

Red Start

Royce Lovely

The Royce Lovely variety has bright pinkish-lilac terry baskets, with slightly dark petals in the center. The stem is straight, dotted with deep green leaves. Cut chrysanthemums are not afraid of transportation and are stored in bouquets for a long time.

Fanfare color mix

The bushes of this variety are of medium height, with inflorescences of semi-double texture. Plants can be grown outdoors, in an apartment. The size of the baskets is up to 6 centimeters, with the height of the bushes up to 60. The petals are colored white, pink, red, yellow or orange.


Fianna is distinguished by a tart herbal aroma and greenish-colored petals. Bushes - up to 70 centimeters, small inflorescences, about 8 centimeters in diameter. The leaves are separate and pinnate. Chrysanthemum is grown for cut flowers.

Jaguar Purple

The Jaguar Purple variety is not gigantic in size and allows the cultivation of baskets up to 10 centimeters. The average size of inflorescences is 6-7 centimeters. The bush is straight, with light branching. The color of the petals is bright purple.

Jaguar Purple


This is the general name for all varieties of Indian chrysanthemums. Considering that the genus is numerous, rich in varieties and hybrids, among the variety of shapes and colors you can find both indoor and outdoor plants with large baskets.


Experienced gardeners recommend planting flowers in rainy weather or a cloudy, not sunny day. If this condition cannot be met, then early morning or late evening is chosen for the procedure.

Pre-dug holes up to 40 centimeters deep are generously filled with settled water. Then drainage, a soil conglomerate composed of soil and a vermicompost mixture (20 to 1), is laid at the bottom. The seedling (cutting) is installed vertically, sometimes fixed on an additional support (tall species).

planting a flower

Selecting a location

The genus of chrysanthemums belongs to sun-loving plants; shadow is evil for them. The same applies to moisture. It is advisable to plant bushes on a hill. Since the root system is shallow, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

Soil requirements

Soil with sufficient air and moisture permeability is considered optimal for chrysanthemums. The content of minerals necessary for the plant will also not hurt. Poor, overly dense soils are fertilized with peat, humus or compost. It is allowed to add drainage substrate and coarse sand. The acid composition requirements are as follows: neutral or weak reaction.


It is better to plant flowers in the spring, when warm, dry weather without night frosts sets in. May is suitable for this; you can shift the planting date to the beginning of June. It was not possible to plant the chrysanthemum in the spring; this is done in the fall, until approximately September 15th. This period is important, because then frosts begin on the ground.

soil preparation

If this condition cannot be met, then the seedlings are rooted in pots by performing low pruning. Next, the container with the flower is placed in a warm, dark place. During the winter season, the soil is kept moist, so the seedling will have a better chance of gaining strength and growing.

Preparation of planting material

Since chrysanthemum does not inherit the characteristics of the variety when propagated by seeds, the following are among the most common planting methods:

  1. Cuttings.
  2. Saplings.
  3. Dividing the bush.

Of course, healthy, strong plants, without traces of disease or pest damage, are used as planting material. When cuttings, shoots are cut into pieces no more than 20 centimeters in length. Rooting occurs approximately 30 days after planting the cuttings. It is produced in boxes filled with a soil mixture (part earth, 2 parts sand and part humus). In spring, strengthened seedlings are transferred to open areas.

When grown from seeds, chrysanthemum will bloom in 2 years, not earlier.

preparation of material

Open ground planting scheme

Cuttings, immediately planted in open ground, are placed one from the other at a distance of up to half a meter. Close proximity will prevent seedlings from developing harmoniously, growing and receiving sufficient amounts of minerals from the soil. It is necessary to provide support, this is especially important for tall varieties. The plantings are covered with film to provide the seedlings with favorable conditions.


Regardless of the chosen growing method, the future queen of the flower garden must be provided with decent conditions, daily care and attention. This includes regular but not excessive watering, fertilizing, pruning and replanting. In addition, the growth of a chrysanthemum bush is influenced by the ratio of temperature and humidity and soil composition.To form a harmonious shape and ensure sustainable flowering, gardeners use pinching.


Chrysanthemum needs a constant humidity of 75%. Before flowering, this figure can be reduced to 65-60%. Therefore, watering should be regular, but not excessive. The optimal frequency is up to 2 times a week. Flooded plants have a tendency to rot.

watering can

Top dressing

Minerals for Indian goldenflower are an important addition to the “diet”. The first phase of fertilizing includes the application of fertilizers before planting; organic matter (humus) is suitable for this. The further procedure is divided into several interconnected stages:

  1. Leaf growth. At this time, the plant needs nitrogen and its compounds (use of mineral complexes).
  2. Formation of inflorescences. Chrysanthemum needs phosphorus and potassium.

Do not forget that exceeding the concentration of fertilizers in the soil will lead to inhibition of flowering. Therefore, before use, be sure to study in detail the recommendations for preparing and adding solutions of mineral complexes.


Pruning begins when the flowering of chrysanthemums is completed. Traditionally, the top of the plant is removed completely in order to later remove the rhizome from the ground along with the lump. The remaining part must be moved to a cool, dark place (cellar, basement). There the plant will be stored until spring; it will have to be moistened occasionally.

pruning a bush


Conventionally, replanting can be considered the annual digging of a chrysanthemum in the fall, since in the spring it will be planted in a new place (or an old one, but again). It is recommended to periodically move the plant around the flowerbed to avoid soil depletion.When transplanting, try to carefully remove the earthen lump so as not to damage the roots located close to the surface. After planting, the plant is immediately watered and fertilized.


For wintering there are 2 options: in the ground or in a pot. In the first case, the chrysanthemum is cut and covered, protecting it from the cold. In the second, they are transferred to the basement for the winter.

Diseases and pests

Unfortunately, the plant is subject to attacks by garden pests, and can also become the target of diseases and viruses.

spots on leaves

Chrysanthemum nematode

A worm whose presence is characterized by the appearance of rapidly darkening pale yellow spots. The best control method is to thoroughly remove in the fall the remains of weeds and foliage in which nematodes may be hiding.

Spider mite

Ticks love the juice of chrysanthemums, gradually leading the plant to exhaustion. Their presence is indicated by whitish threads and drying of leaves. The easiest way to get rid of the pest is to spray the flower with water.


Small bugs multiply quickly and are capable of destroying large plantations of horticultural crops in a short time. To eliminate the threat, traditional methods, chemistry, and loosening of plantings are used.

small bugs

Powdery mildew

Overwatering of plants leads to the development of powdery mildew. The best prevention is to follow the planting pattern (at least 40 centimeters between neighboring bushes), pinching, and ensuring optimal humidity.

Growing for bouquets

Chrysanthemums are beautiful in bouquets and compositions. For this purpose, there are special varieties intended for cutting and long-term storage.

Growing potted plants

Miniature types of Indian chrysanthemums look exceptionally attractive in pots.It is convenient to grow them in an apartment, placing them on a balcony or windowsill. Seeds are easy to buy in stores or order online.

potted plants

Features of home care

Home breeding of chrysanthemums will require meeting the plant's needs for light, heat, moisture and timely fertilizer.

Propagation by cuttings

Propagation by cuttings is a common method of propagating chrysanthemums. To do this, choose healthy plants, cutting them into pieces of 15-20 centimeters. It is important to choose the right composition of the soil mixture, not forgetting to add fertilizer to it.

Use in landscape design

Plants are used to create spatial compositions, decorate plots and flower beds. The advantage of chrysanthemums is that they are good both in individual execution and in landscape design. Bright, original, multi-colored “suns” are surprisingly good in the garden.

use in design

Useful properties for pharmacology

The stems and inflorescences contain camphor, glycosides, vitamin A, and essential oils. Therefore, indoor chrysanthemums are useful for purifying the air. They are recommended to be placed in children's rooms and bedrooms. Infusions of the plant are useful at high temperatures, to stimulate appetite, and will help with migraines.
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