Medicinal properties and contraindications of mallow, benefits and harms of the plant

Mallow is a herbaceous plant that contains many beneficial substances. Thanks to recent researchers, the medicinal properties of the mallow herb have been found, which leads to its use in medicine. In addition, the plant is also used in cooking. What are the benefits of mallow and how to use it correctly.

Composition and medicinal properties of rose stock

The medicinal properties of mallow are due to the components it contains. The flowers of the plant contain mucilage, fructose, glucose, and vitamin C (ascorbic acid).The chemical composition provides the expectorant effect of products with mallow. In addition, flower components are effective in the development of diseases of the epidermis and have a softening and regenerating effect..

Many industrial cosmetics are rich in mallow extract, and it is also included in the preparation of homemade face and body cream. Active components help reduce sebum production of the skin and create a protective film on its upper layer. The latter prevents dryness and gives the skin a well-groomed appearance.

The extract is obtained from fresh flowers by soaking. It contains vitamins: retinol, ascorbic acid, E, which have an antioxidant effect. In this regard, the extract is used in cosmetology to improve the condition of the facial skin.

Relevant studies have proven that mallow contains beneficial substances that have a similar effect to retinoids, which stimulate skin renewal. Thus, due to the presence of polyphenols in the composition, the elasticity of the dermis increases and collagen is actively synthesized.

properties of rose stock

It contains polysaccharides that have a moisturizing effect and prevent the skin from “drying out” by regulating the level of moisture in its layers. This property allows you to add the plant extract to baby products (creams, gels, lotions), anti-aging cosmetics, and moisturizing emulsions.

Beneficial properties of seeds

The mallow herb owes its medicinal properties not only to its flowers, but also to its seeds, which have an equally beneficial composition. Among the components included in the seeds are fatty oils, which are useful for diseases of the respiratory system and are used to cleanse the lungs (bronchial tubes) of pathogenic microorganisms.

Today, the seeds of the herbaceous plant are used as a seasoning and food additive in tea and coffee. In addition, the infusion from the plant can be drunk instead of tea. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of seeds into 300 milliliters of hot water and leave for 30 minutes.

flowers for treatment

For medicinal purposes, the seeds of the plant are used in the treatment of cystitis, skin diseases, poisoning (as an antiemetic). In some cases, seeds in complex therapy help reduce the severity of symptoms of pathologies such as heart failure, dropsy, and sperm incontinence.

What are the benefits of leaves?

The benefits of leaves are in the components included in the composition. These are effective in the development of various inflammatory processes, to relieve symptoms, including diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, pneumonia). Mallow leaves are used to prepare decoctions and infusions that have a diaphoretic and antispastic effect.

In addition, leaf-based products have an enveloping effect. For this reason, they are taken to treat colitis, gastritis, and dysentery. In combination with other components, the leaves are used in the preparation of infusions and decoctions, which have an anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

leaves are useful

How is the root used?

A plant growing in the garden is also effective due to its root, which is also used in the treatment of many pathologies. It contains beneficial mucus in greater quantities than flowers and leaves. A decoction and infusion are prepared from the root for internal and external use. When used externally, the decoction and infusion help relieve inflammatory processes in the dermis.

The root is also beneficial in the development of bronchitis and colds, and is effective in the inflammatory process in the lungs and diseases in the gastrointestinal tract. On its basis, preparations are prepared that have a diuretic effect.

Harvesting and storing mallow

For medicinal use, the leaves, roots and flowers of the herbaceous plant are collected. Flowering occurs in July-August. It is during this period that the plant must be collected and stored for the winter. They pick the flowers along with the bowl.

growing a plant

Drying is carried out in the open sun, and after the flowers wither they must be transferred to the shade. Storage of finished raw materials is in a bag made of natural material. It is important to place it in a dry place where ultraviolet rays do not penetrate. Storage duration is up to 12 months.

It is recommended to collect the roots of the plant in the autumn, after the above-ground part of the mallow dies. They must be carefully dug up, washed, removing any remaining soil, then cut into pieces and dried in an electric dryer. The shelf life of roots is up to 3 years. Place them in fabric bags in a dry, ventilated place.

beautiful petals

Traditional medicine recipes

An infusion and decoction are prepared from medicinal herbs:

  • take 1 tablespoon of dried root, leaves or flowers;
  • pour the raw material with hot water in the volume of a glass;
  • put the container on the fire and leave for 15 minutes or cover with a lid and leave for an hour;
  • after that, filter and use for its intended purpose.

The finished product is taken up to 4 times a day, 2 tablespoons. For external use, take not 1, but 2 tablespoons of raw material per 200 milliliters of liquid.

standing by the fence

Use in cooking

Herbaceous mallow is also used in cooking. Food coloring is made from it.These are used to decorate desserts and cakes. In addition, the plant can be added to salads and stews to add a sweetish taste.

Contraindications for use

Products prepared from the herbaceous plant mallow are absolutely safe. The exception is cases when a person has an individual tolerance to the components that are included in the composition. Hypersensitivity is the only contraindication to taking infusion and decoction.

Before using mallow, consult a doctor. This will eliminate restrictions on taking funds and negative reactions..
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