Among the variety of flower crops, garden daisies occupy a leading position. These flowers deserve special attention - they decorate any flower beds, bloom for a long time, and do not make any special demands. As a rule, the most visible places are chosen for planting perennial daisies; caring for such flower beds does not require much effort.
- Description and features
- Growing
- Seedling method
- Deadlines
- How to plant
- Soil requirements
- Temperature
- Lighting
- Planting in open ground
- Seedless sowing method
- Deadlines
- Selection of location and soil
- Planting scheme
- Picking
- Thinning
- How to care
- Watering
- Weeding and loosening
- Mulching
- Top dressing
- Pruning inflorescences
- Transfer
- Reproduction
- Generative
- Vegetative
- Cuttings
- Dividing the bush
- Diseases and pests
- Powdery mildew
- Mite
- Mice
- Bronzing of leaves
- Brown spot
- Gray rot
- Rust
- After flowering
- Collection and storage of seeds
- Preparing for winter
- Kinds
- Annuals
- Perennial
- Simple inflorescences
- Semi-double
- Terry
- Popular varieties
- Robella
- Rob Roy
- Bella Daisy
- Pomponette
- Tasso
- Speedstar
- Rominette
- Aucubaefolia
- Shrewley Gold
- Prolifera
- Schneebel
- Rosa Gigantea
- Beethoven
- Dresden China
- The Pearl
- Use in landscape design
- How to grow at home
Description and features
Daisies belong to the Aster family. About 80 varieties of flowers have been bred through selection. This crop began its existence in the fields of Europe, was gradually domesticated and firmly took its place among the most popular garden flowers.
- roots: short, spatulate;
- leaves: bright, tightly adjacent to each other;
- inflorescences: of different types, with a slight elevation of the flower above the leaf rosette;
- flowers: petals can be from 1 to 5 or more rows.
To breed daisies, use one of the available methods. In the southern regions, seeds are sown in open ground; in temperate or temperate continental climates, prepared seedlings are planted.
Seedling method
Many gardeners plant prepared seedlings in open ground areas. This allows for faster flowering.
The optimal time for sowing is considered to be the end of February or the beginning of March. The time from sowing to planting in a permanent place of growth will be enough to obtain strong seedlings with the required number of true leaves.
How to plant
They prefer to sow daisy seeds in separate containers.This method eliminates damage to the root system during picking and increases the ability of seedlings.
Soil requirements
In order for the seeds to germinate and the seedlings to begin to grow, soil is prepared that takes into account the characteristics of the crop:
- the soil should be light and loose, freely allowing air and moisture to pass through;
- contain nutrients: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium;
- be disinfected in advance.
Until sprouts appear, plantings are left at a temperature of +20 to +25 degrees. After the emergence of seedlings, the containers with seedlings are removed to a place where the air temperature is between +16 and +20 degrees.
In order for seedlings to appear faster, they need at least 12 hours of daylight. Lack of lighting can cause leaves to wilt.
Planting in open ground
When sowing seeds, take into account that seedlings should be transplanted to a permanent place of growth at the beginning of summer. One seedling at a time is transplanted into holes prepared in advance using the transshipment method. It helps keep the root system intact.
Advice! A distance of 20 centimeters is left between seedlings.
Seedless sowing method
This method is suitable for regions where spring begins earlier and does not present surprises in the form of return frosts. The seeds are prepared in advance: they are checked for germination, soaked or calcined.
Seeds begin to be planted in areas of open ground provided that the soil is warmed to +15 degrees. Despite the adaptive qualities of daisies, planting material can freeze in soil that is too cold.
Selection of location and soil
Daisies are planted in areas where they can get enough sun.But the scorching rays of the sun can harm them, so the choice can be made in shaded areas.
The soil for daisies should be fertilized in the fall and have an approximate acidity level of about 6 ph. The best option would be if the groundwater in the area is as low as possible.
Warning! Places where moisture stagnates are not suitable for daisies. Soggy soil can harm the root system.
Planting scheme
Daisies are sown in rows. The scheme depends entirely on the characteristics of the site. The holes are deepened no more than 2.5 centimeters, and 20 to 25 centimeters are left between the bushes.
When planting, many gardeners bury 2-3 seeds in holes, so seedlings may be too frequent. If there are 2 or 3 strong shoots, they are dug up and planted according to the accepted pattern.
Another problem at this stage can be planting daisies too often. So that they do not interfere with each other’s growth, the strongest shoot is selected, and the weak and non-viable one is removed.
How to care
Crop care includes the usual set of agrotechnical techniques. Daisies are called unpretentious flowers, so they do not require special attention.
The fragile root system of the flower does not tolerate waterlogging. Staying in damp soil leads to smaller inflorescences and promotes the development of fungal diseases. Garden daisies are watered as the top layer of soil dries.
Weeding and loosening
These are mandatory techniques for caring for the species. After watering, the ground around the bushes is weeded and loosened to provide additional air access.
To eliminate the possibility of the development of fungal diseases, prevent the formation of weeds and the invasion of insect pests, many gardeners mulch the ground around the flower throughout the summer. To do this, use freshly cut grass, sawdust or pine needles.
Top dressing
During flowering, daisies are fed with potassium-phosphorus mixtures for flower crops. After planting or transplanting to open ground areas, daisies are not fed for 2-3 weeks, so as not to disrupt the natural adaptation process.
Pruning inflorescences
Daisies can bloom profusely all summer. To make this process more active, the faded parts are cut off. At the same time, gardeners recommend not to wait for the inflorescence to completely die off, but to pinch it off at an early stage of flowering.
In autumn, the plant is replanted for the 2nd year of existence. The transplantation scheme remains the same.
To breed daisies, choose one of the methods. When daisy bushes grow, propagation by division is suitable.
This is the main method of planting seeds. It is usually used in cases where there are no adult daisies in the areas. Seedlings are grown using seeds for main plantings.
These methods are used to propagate flowers already growing on the site. Cuttings are more suitable for propagating a plant, part of which is sick or dying due to pests.
The cutting is plucked off from an adult plant in the fall, then rooted at home throughout the winter and spring. The rooted cuttings are planted and grown like seedlings. In spring, the daisy is transferred to open ground.
Dividing the bush
In spring or autumn, a strong mother plant is selected, dug out of the ground, and divided into 2 parts with a sharp garden knife.Then the roots are treated with a growth stimulator and both parts are planted as independent bushes.
Diseases and pests
The daisy is prone to diseases due to the fragility of the root system. It also cannot resist pest infestations without additional help.
Powdery mildew
The fungus attacks the roots if the plant is overwatered. Powdery mildew can develop due to prolonged rainfall. To cure a flower, it is sprayed with a manganese solution.
The parasite spreads to daisies from neighboring crops. It eats stems and leaves and weakens the plant. To remove mites, the bushes are sprayed with a soap or tobacco solution.
Rodents often harm daisies. They appear in the fall and can destroy the root system. In areas where rodents often appear, traps or chemicals are placed to get rid of them.
Bronzing of leaves
The virus is spread by insects. Leaf blades become covered with spots. Diseased daisies are sprayed with fungicides.
Brown spot
Spots cover the entire plant. The disease develops due to waterlogging of the soil. At an early stage of the disease, the flower is dug up, dried and replanted.
Gray rot
Gray plaque appears due to dampness. After watering stops, the bushes are treated with fungicides.
A soil fungus attacks the roots, then rusty spots appear on the leaves. If treatment does not help, then the affected part of the plantings is dug up and destroyed. The contaminated soil is disinfected.
After flowering
When the daisies fade, the harvesting of seed material begins. The next step is preparing for winter.
Collection and storage of seeds
The seeds of daisies ripen unevenly.The collection extends over a long period. The faded inflorescences are shaken, the resulting seeds are dried and stored in the dark and dry.
Preparing for winter
Daisies are able to overwinter in areas of soil. To prevent the bushes from freezing, preparation is divided into several stages:
- mulch the soil layer with humus;
- cover the bushes with spruce branches, sawdust or agrofibre.
To prepare daisies for winter, they are trimmed, leaving 2-3 centimeters above the ground.
Among the variety of varieties, the main types are distinguished. Annual daisies are planted for 1 season, perennials survive the winter and bloom profusely for several years in a row.
Varieties of annual daisies are used to decorate balconies and terraces. In flower beds they are able to bloom until the first frost.
Flowering of perennials lasts throughout the summer and can persist until the onset of cold weather. The seeds of perennial flowers ripen in late summer and early autumn.
Simple inflorescences
These varieties bloom the longest. Flowers are collected in simple inflorescences. The shade of the petals depends on the variety.
These are varieties that have a special structure. The central yellow disk is surrounded by 4 or more rows of petals of different shades.
This is the most attractive variety of daisies. There are so many petals on a flower that the central circle behind them is not visible. Their shape resembles a terry ball, which explains their name.
Popular varieties
Among the variety of hybrid varieties, gardeners distinguish several dozen. The varieties are loved and recognized by collectors.
The flower grows up to 15 centimeters. The tubular inflorescences form rows of creamy pink petals.
Rob Roy
The height of the bush reaches 10 centimeters.The petals are bright red.
Bella Daisy
The red or pink flowers of the variety reach 2.5 centimeters in diameter. The petals become lighter towards the tips.
A small bush is crowned with a pompom-like flower. The shade of the petals may vary.
Tubular-type inflorescences produce pom-pom flowers in bright colors. The bush grows up to 10 centimeters.
A classic type flower with a yellow center. The petals are wide, lanceolate.
Terry variety with small flowers. Usually purple or lilac-red.
The flowers of this variety are collected in ligulate inflorescences. The bush grows up to 15 centimeters.
Shrewley Gold
The white petals have pink tips. The stems of this variety are thin and fragile.
Terry variety of lilac or burgundy shade. Flowering begins in early spring and ends in late autumn.
The flowers of this variety are snow-white. Up to 20 inflorescences can form on a bush.
Rosa Gigantea
Variety with large flowers. The color of the petals ranges from red to burgundy.
Semi-double variety. The height of the bush is 15-20 centimeters.
Dresden China
Early daisies. The flowers reach 3 centimeters in diameter.
The Pearl
A small semi-double flower. The color of the petals is pearly white.
Use in landscape design
Landscape designers love to use daisy to create multi-layered compositions. With their varied shades, daisies enliven any area.
How to grow at home
Daisy can be grown as a houseplant. Flowering coincides with the flowering period of perennial species. In the second year of existence, the flowers begin to become smaller. At home, daisies are bred by seed, as well as by cuttings.