The best varieties of herbaceous peonies, planting and care in open ground

The herbaceous peony is a unique garden plant. It attracts attention even after flowering has finished. Most hybrids have leaves that change color throughout the season. Peony is able to grow for many years in one place and not lose its abundant flowering. In order for the plant to develop normally and not get sick, it needs to be provided with high-quality care.

Description and features

This is a powerful perennial plant that can reach 50-100 centimeters in height. It is characterized by strong roots. They are able to penetrate the soil almost 1 meter and grow up to 50 centimeters.

The bushes are dense and covered with many leaves. They include branched shoots. Peonies are characterized by petiolate leaves that have an alternate arrangement. The leaf blades are different in shape - trifoliate-pinnate, trifoliate, pinnately divided. Peony shoots can lean toward the ground, so they need support.

Herbaceous plant species are distinguished by large flowers, which reach a diameter of 15-17 centimeters.


Peonies of this type can have different rosettes. First of all, they differ in the shape of the inflorescences.

By shape

The shape of the flowers of the plant can be different - semi-double, non-double, double. Other varieties are also found.

Not terry

Such peonies are also called simple. The rosette forms 1-2 rows of petals.At the same time, the flower has a cup-shaped shape with pronounced stamens and pistils.

Beautiful peonies


Such peonies are characterized by lush yet light flowers. The rosette includes 3-7 rows of petals.


The petals of such peonies are arranged in 1-2 rows. They are characterized by numerous stamens and staminodes.


For this varieties of peonies characterized by a single-row perianth and petalodia that fill the center.


Such peonies have horizontally arranged large petals on the outside. In this case, the inner petals form a dense ball.

Globular peony

Petals arranged in the shape of a rose

Pink peonies have compact flowers with dense double flowers. At the same time, in terms of the arrangement of the petals, they are similar to a rose.

By color

There are many options for shades of such peonies. This allows each gardener to choose the best option.


These plants look very delicate. Popular representatives of white peonies include Lotus Queen, Ann Cousins.


Pink peonies are very popular among gardeners. This category includes varieties such as Corinne Wersan, Blush Queen.


An interesting representative of such peonies is the Japanese variety Velma Atkinson. It is distinguished by its early flowering.

herbaceous peony Lilac


Such peonies look very elegant. These include varieties such as Ruth Clay, Bandmaster, Paul M. Wild.


A striking representative of this category is the dark red peony Ruth Clay. It has anemone-shaped inflorescences and is distinguished by its early onset of flowering.


This category includes the spectacular Duchesse de Nemours. It is characterized by white-yellow inflorescences.


Peonies of this shade look very attractive.Spectacular representatives of coral varieties include Coral Supreme and Coral Sunset.

peony herbaceous coral


Among the varieties of herbaceous peonies you can find very unusual plants. Thus, Dutch Dwarf is characterized by unusual bluish-green leaves, and Bess Bockstoce has an original shape of inflorescences.

The best varieties

Today there are quite a few spectacular varieties of herbaceous peonies, each of which has certain characteristics.

Coral Charm

This is a mid-early variety that has coral-pink flowers. They are characterized by a pleasant aroma.

Da Fu Gui

This is a milky-flowering variety that was bred in China. It is characterized by beautiful chrysanthemum-like inflorescences.

Da Fu Gui

Pink Hawaiian Coral

This is a tall variety that reaches a height of 1 meter and has coral-pink inflorescences.

Sarah Bernhardt

This is a fairly old French variety, which is characterized by double pink flowers and has a pleasant aroma.

Princess Julian

This is an old Dutch variety that has a lily of the valley aroma. It is characterized by large light pink inflorescences.


This culture has large semi-double flowers. They reach 15-20 centimeters in diameter and are yellow in color.

Peony Bartzella

Yellow Emperor

This ITO hybrid has delicate pink petals. In the center it has a light crimson color.


This ITO hybrid appeared relatively recently - in 1999. It is characterized by pink-cream petals. The middle is dark burgundy.

Morning Lilac

This early variety has simple flowers of a rich crimson color.

Old rose Dandy

This compact plant does not exceed 50 centimeters in height. It is characterized by original beige-yellow-pink petals.

Old rose Dandy

Rock Garden Peonies

This category includes low-growing varieties. Peonies are great for rocky areas.

Early Scout

This plant reaches a maximum height of 35 centimeters. It is characterized by dark scarlet flowers.

Fairy Princess

The culture grows 45 centimeters and is distinguished by abundant flowering. The plant has crimson-red petals.


The bushes grow up to 55 centimeters and have simple flowers with a mild odor. At first they have a red tint, and then lighten.

peony Eaglet


This is a pink-shaped crop that has flowers with a diameter of 16 centimeters. It is characterized by pink petals and a faint aroma.

Aza Gray

This variety was obtained in France. Its bushes reach 80-100 centimeters and have pink inflorescences.


This is a double crop, which is distinguished by bright red flowers. The stems reach 80-90 centimeters.

Anatoly Skakadub

This plant reaches 100 centimeters, and its flowers grow up to 19 centimeters in diameter. They have a cream color.

Anatoly Skakadub

Kievan Rus

The bushes grow up to 1 meter and have double buds of pink-lilac color. The inflorescences have a faint aroma.

Alice Cruz

This is a French variety whose bushes grow up to 110 centimeters. The petals have a soft pink color.

Monsieur Jules Elie

The culture has double flowers of a lilac-pink hue. They reach 18 centimeters in diameter.

Planting in open ground

In order for the bushes to grow normally and fully develop, they need to be provided with high-quality care.

Anatoly Skakadub


First of all, it is recommended to choose the right timing for planting work. This is best done in the fall. However, spring planting is also possible.

Autumn sowing

It is best to plant peonies from late August to mid-September.But later plantings can also give good results.

Features of spring sowing

If necessary, peonies are also planted in the spring - immediately after the snow melts. However, plants tolerate this procedure very painfully and may lag behind in development.

Anatoly Skakadub

Selecting a location

Peonies are recommended to be planted in open sunny areas. It is also permissible to place them in small partial shade after lunch. In this case, the bushes should be illuminated by the sun until noon.

Soil preparation

The crop requires loamy soil. It should allow air to pass through well and have good drainage. It is recommended to lime acidic soil.

Planting scheme

Recesses for planting should be placed at intervals of 70-100 centimeters. Their depth should be 60-70 centimeters. It is worth adding 15-20 kilograms of manure mixed with peat and compost into the holes. You will also need 200 grams of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.

Anatoly Skakadub

Place fertile soil on top and you can start planting. It is recommended to firmly strengthen the roots in the hole and sprinkle them with the remaining soil. Compact the soil and water well.

Renewal buds are not recommended to be buried more than 5 centimeters, otherwise the bushes will bloom unfriendly.

When and how to replant

It is best to replant peonies in late August or early September. It is recommended to carry out the procedure after flowering has completed. To do this, you should carefully dig up the rhizome, clean it of soil and cut off the ground part. Dry the rhizome and trim to 15 centimeters. If the bush is old, the root should be divided into several fragments and transplanted to a new place.

Trimming and garter

Herbaceous peonies can become too bushy.Therefore, it is recommended to separate them at intervals of 5-8 years. Plant varieties with unstable shoots should be tied up. It is better to remove flowers after dropping the petals. To get better inflorescences, it is worth trimming the side buds.

Anatoly Skakadub

Everything you need to know about fertilizing

For normal development and lush flowering, peonies are fed several times:

  1. At the beginning of active development, it is worth using nitrogen agents.
  2. At the stage of bud formation, mineral preparations are used.
  3. At the height of flowering, phosphorus and potassium are indicated.

Care and cultivation

In order for peonies to grow and develop normally, care must be taken taking into account the seasonal factor.


In autumn, it is recommended to cut off dry stems and leaves. The remains of the shoots should be sprinkled with ash. For 1 bush, 2-3 handfuls of the product are enough.

Anatoly Skakadub


In spring, it is recommended to water the bushes rarely, but abundantly. For an adult plant, you should use 2-3 buckets of water. After watering, it is important to loosen the soil and remove weeds.


In summer it is important to water peonies abundantly. Plants often suffer from drought and moisture deficiency. Depending on precipitation, it is recommended to moisten the soil every 2-3 weeks. For 1 bush use 10-30 liters of water.


Peonies can be propagated in different ways. Vegetative methods are most often used, but sometimes seeds are also used.

Anatoly Skakadub


Hybrid varieties are rarely propagated in this way. Seedlings do not retain the characteristics of their parent crops. In this case, it will be possible to wait for flowering only after 5-7 years. This method is most often used by breeders.


This is one of the most difficult breeding options. To do this, a few days before the start of flowering, it is worth cutting off the flowering shoot and dividing it into fragments.Then soak in a growth stimulator and plant in a greenhouse.

By layering

In the spring, bend the shoots of the selected bush to the ground, secure with a metal bracket and sprinkle with soil. Periodically water and add soil. By the end of September, the cuttings will have roots. They need to be separated and transplanted to a new location.

peony propagation

Rhizome division

This is the most common and accessible method. In this case, it is recommended to divide the bushes into several fragments when transplanting. After which they can be planted in a new place.

What to do when they bloom

Flowering of peonies ends at the end of May or beginning of June. In this case, it is necessary to remove all inflorescences, and after 2 weeks add phosphorus and potassium agents. Then you should systematically water the bushes.


Sometimes peonies encounter dangerous diseases. To avoid the death of the bush, it is worth taking action in time.

Gray rot

At the same time, a gray coating appears at the base of the stem, which gradually darkens. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to follow the rules of care and avoid high humidity.

Gray rot

Powdery mildew

At the end of summer, the peony may become infected with powdery mildew. In this case, the bush becomes covered with a white coating. At the first symptoms of pathology, it is worth using a solution of soda ash.


Sometimes herbaceous peonies suffer from pest attacks. In such a situation, it is worth taking action in time.


These small parasites absorb plant juices. When they appear, it is worth spraying the bush with Karbofos.


Mite infestation is accompanied by the formation of cobwebs on the bushes. In this case, it is worth using acaricides.

Mites on a peony


These parasites cause the bushes to wilt. Insecticidal preparations help to cope with them.

Application in landscape design

These plants have excellent decorative properties.That’s why they are often used to decorate garden plots. Such crops can be used to decorate flower beds, mixborders and other compositions.

Herbaceous peonies are popular garden plants that serve to decorate the site. To achieve success in growing flowers, it is recommended to provide them with quality care.
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