Description of climbing roses of the Lavinia variety, planting and care rules

The Lavinia rose variety is an excellent ornamental crop that is actively used in garden design. That is why the plant is very popular among gardeners. To achieve success in growing a crop, you need to take good care of it. To do this, you need to properly moisten the soil and perform pruning. Timely application of fertilizers is of no small importance.

History of origin

The plant was bred in 1980. This was done by a German gardener. Gradually, the culture became increasingly popular among lovers of climbing roses. In 1999, she was awarded the Syracuse Rose Society Show.

Description and varietal characteristics of the graceful rose Lavinia

The climbing rose Lavinia has long and thin shoots that branch heavily. The bush can reach 3 meters in height. Its width is 1.5 meters. Flowering shoots are decorated with clusters of inflorescences, which include 3-7 roses. When the buds open, the flowers become cup-shaped. The petals gather around the corolla and are distinguished by a rich pink color.

Roses are characterized by alternate leaves. There are 5 leaf blades on 1 petiole. They are distinguished by their rich dark green color and jagged edges. The leaves are large in size and have a dense texture.

The plant is characterized by a developed root system. It goes 2 meters deep into the ground. The roots do not like stagnant moisture. Therefore, when planting, you should not place them too high.

rose Lavinia

Differences from other varieties

This is an unpretentious crop that tolerates various climatic influences. The bushes can withstand light frosts and rain. They are characterized by abundant flowering until frost. The culture is characterized by strong immunity to most diseases.

Thanks to its powerful shoots, the rose is able to grow without support.


7 flowers are formed on the brushes, the diameter of which is 9 centimeters. On large bushes up to 50 fragrant flowers appear, which have large and juicy petals. The plant blooms from May to September. In warm climates, a small number of inflorescences persist until October.

flowering buds

It is recommended to pick the first buds, since the young plant spends a lot of energy on their development. Immediately after flowering ends, old buds should not be removed. Some can be left until frost.

During the flowering period, you should not apply nitrogen fertilizers. They negatively affect the quality and quantity of flowers. After the formation of buds, the rose is watered at intervals of 10 days.

Features of cultivation

In order for the rose to develop normally, it is worth paying attention to planting work.

scarlet petals

Site preparation

When choosing a site, you should focus on the following criteria:

  1. The place should be sunny. Some partial shade is possible in the afternoon.
  2. There should be no drafts or strong wind gusts.
  3. Groundwater should be deep enough - below 2 meters.
  4. When choosing soil, you should give preference to fertile loams that have a neutral reaction.

When optimal conditions are created, the rose will grow and develop normally. Before planting, it is worth adding 40-60 grams of superphosphate and 20-25 grams of potassium salt per 1 square meter into the soil.

earth rake

Specifics of choosing seedlings

When choosing planting material, you should focus on the following features:

  1. High-quality seedlings should contain 2 or more woody shoots. It is best to choose bushes with 4 shoots that are directed in different directions.
  2. The stems should not have wrinkled parts of the bark or dry branches.
  3. There should be no spots on the plant. They indicate the presence of a disease.
  4. There should be no peeling bark in the grafting area.
  5. A healthy and fresh seedling should have swollen buds. If they are absent, one may suspect that the culture has dried out.
  6. The roots should have a dark brown tint.It is important that they are strong and elastic.

Planting process

First, it is recommended to make a recess measuring 60 centimeters. A composition of peat and humus should be placed at the bottom. It is also recommended to add some sand. After this, shorten the branches to 20 centimeters and trim the roots to 30 centimeters.

bushes planted

Then immerse the seedling in the hole and sprinkle it with fertile soil. Water generously and add soil. Deepening the root collar will ensure the appearance of additional roots. After 20 days, the soil should be carefully raked away from the plant.

Rules for caring for flowers

In order for the plant to develop normally and bloom luxuriantly, it is recommended to provide it with proper care.

Watering and fertilizing

The soil should be moistened once every 7-10 days by pouring a bucket of water under it. Rose doesn't take well to stagnant water. In this case, the root system begins to rot. In hot and dry weather, watering is carried out at intervals of 5 days.

When the first leaves appear, the rose is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. In the second year, it is worth applying organic mixtures or combined mineral fertilizers. Poor soil is fed at intervals of 10 days.

watering with hoses


In order for the plant to develop normally, it is recommended to prune it. The sanitary procedure consists of removing diseased and dry shoots. They are cut at a slight angle using a sharp knife or pruning shears.

To improve the appearance of plants, decorative pruning is carried out. The rose blooms exclusively on last year's shoots, so cutting them is prohibited. Late pruning provides the crop with enough nutrients for the winter.


The rose should be properly prepared for winter, since some of the young shoots freeze.With the arrival of frosts of -5 degrees, it is worth removing the branches from the supports and laying the bush on the ground. It is worth laying straw or peat underneath. To prevent the plant from rising, it is fixed with wire. The top of the rose should be covered with fir branches. Agrofibre is also suitable.

covered flowers

Disease and pest control

Of the pests, roses most often encounter aphids, thrips, leaf rollers, and spider mites. The plant is also susceptible to attacks by roseate sawflies. Insecticides help control insects.

Diseases to which roses are susceptible include powdery rose, gray rot, and bark burn. There is also a risk of developing bacterial cancer. Fungicides help control fungi. In advanced cases, the plant must be destroyed.


All propagation methods are divided into 2 broad categories - spring and autumn. This allows the gardener to choose the appropriate option.

nursery for cuttings

Spring ways

To propagate a plant using the lazy cutting method, you need to do the following:

  • choose a healthy lash and make several small cuts near the kidneys;
  • Make a groove with your hand and place the cut vine in it without cutting it from the bush;
  • press the vine to the ground and sprinkle it;
  • Water periodically.

In this case, several seedlings will be ready for propagation in the fall. To plant a plant in open ground, do the following:

  • cut out the middle of a healthy shoot with 3 healthy buds;
  • leave 5 sheets;
  • soak the seedling in Kornevin and place it in moist soil;
  • pour generously and cover with a glass jar;
  • When roots appear, the jar can be removed.

You can also get vaccinated:

  • Make a T-shaped cut on the rosehip root, open the bark and place a healthy rose shoot in the pocket;
  • press tightly and wrap with film;
  • sprinkle with soil 5 centimeters above the grafting site;
  • After 2 weeks, loosen the film.

cuttings prepared

Autumn way

In this case, you need to prepare a cutting from a healthy vine. Its size should be 10-15 centimeters. Lignified annual shoots are suitable for autumn rooting.

Place expanded clay, a layer of peat, sand and garden soil at the bottom of a plastic bottle. Stick the cutting in and cover it with a plastic bottle on top. Roots will appear in 3-6 weeks.

bottles on branches

Use in landscape design

Rose Lavinia goes well with other plants. Experienced gardeners advise combining it with low crops. Lavender, sage, and forget-me-not are considered optimal neighbors. Cereals and bluebells are also great.

When decorating a hedge, you should use a combination of roses and thuja. In this case, the distance between plants should be 1-1.48 meters.

Rose Lavinia is considered a popular garden crop, which is actively used in landscape design. The plant goes well with other flowers and can be used to create spectacular hedges. To get lush flowering, you need to provide the crop with comprehensive care.
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