Description of Leonardo da Vinci rose variety, planting, cultivation and care

Leonardo da Vinci is a popular rose variety with a noble appearance. The flowers take a couple of weeks to bloom. In the future, constant and proper care of the flower is needed, because the growth and general condition of the plant depends on this. To increase the chances of achieving the desired result, it is necessary to choose healthy seedlings and take into account the basic principles of care, because only in this case the Leonardo da Vinci rose will reveal its true beauty.

Description and characteristics of Leonardo da Vinci roses

Leonardo da Vinci is a floribunda variety. Main differences:

  • plant height is 70-110 centimeters;
  • dark pink color of buds;
  • goblet shape;
  • dense covering;
  • one flower contains 75-80 petals;
  • the diameter of each flower is 8-10 centimeters;
  • The leaves have a glossy finish, dense structure, and green color.

During the period of active flowering, 4-6 flowers bloom simultaneously on one peduncle.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of roses:

  • compact dimensions;
  • average height of bushes;
  • It takes up to 2 weeks for flowers to bloom;
  • the buds delight with a beautiful shade on an ongoing basis, regardless of weather conditions;
  • care is easy;
  • flowers are unpretentious in terms of care;
  • resistance to major diseases and pests is noted;
  • high frost resistance.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci

There are no major disadvantages. The shrub grows quickly, so in the fall it is carried out rose pruning Leonardo Da Vinci to prevent bush thickening.

Growing roses

It is advisable to plant roses in the warm season so that rose seedlings develop properly. It is important to choose the right site and take care to improve the soil composition.

Dates and place for landing

You can plant the Leonardo Da Vinci flower in an area with good sunlight. Protection from strong gusts of wind is required. Melt water is unacceptable, otherwise the root system will rot. Planting is planned for the second half of spring. Sometimes planting work is carried out in September - October.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci

Selection and preparation of planting material

Use healthy, vigorous seedlings.

Primary requirements:

  • several strong and healthy shoots;
  • bright green color;
  • developed roots.

It is advisable to buy Leonardo Da Vinci rose seedlings in nurseries or specialized stores.

Planting a bush

Plant growth requires nutrients. The substrate is prepared specifically for planting activities. For planting you will need a hole, the depth of which should be up to 50 centimeters.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci

It is filled with a nutrient mixture:

  • 2 parts of fertile soil;
  • 1 part each of sand, peat, humus;
  • 300 grams of mineral fertilizers;
  • 200 grams of wood hall.

Before planting a rose, the seedling is treated with potassium permanganate. With the help of a special stimulator you can accelerate growth. Only those parts of the plant that have healthy and intact roots are used.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci

The seedling is placed in a hole on a small mound. The root system is expanding. The plant is covered with soil. The surface is compacted, then watered with water at room temperature. Peat and humus are used for mulching. In the future, proper care is required.

Tips for caring for roses by Leonardo Da Vinci

Regular and proper care is important for roses. It includes watering, fertilizing, pruning the bush to form proper growth, protection from diseases and pests.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci

Rules for watering and fertilizing

Too dry, hard soil is detrimental to the plant. In summer, the rose is watered every week. For one event, you need to use up to 10 liters of warm water, which is pre-settled. In autumn, the plant can be watered to a lesser extent. The completion of flowering serves as a signal to reduce moisture, because the bush is preparing for winter and excessive amounts of moisture will harm it.

In dry and warm autumn, it is necessary to water the plant occasionally so that the root system does not dry out.

It is forbidden to water the plant during the day.The ideal time for watering is morning. Water is poured closer to the roots and base. Do not pour water on flowers and leaves. Fertilizers begin to be used from the second year. Initially, the nutritional components from the planting hole are sufficient.

rose bush

Fertilizers are used several times in the warm season:

  • early spring: fertilizers with nitrogen (twice);
  • 3-4 times from the beginning of the appearance of buds and flowers;
  • potassium sulfate (once, in early autumn).

Proper watering and regular fertilizing have a successful effect on the plant.

Disease Prevention

Rose Leonardo Da Vinci is disease resistant. If there are serious disturbances in plant growth, there is a risk of developing fungal diseases, so in early spring treatment is carried out using vitriol.

rose pruning

The risk of developing diseases increases in the following situations:

  • active weed growth;
  • increased soil moisture;
  • lack of air in the root system.

For this reason, proper and regular care of the plant is important. An infectious burn is possible if the rose is not properly covered during the cold season. The disease will manifest itself with improper ventilation and high humidity under the shelter used. Most shoots turn out to be non-viable. If there are red spots on the shoots, it is advisable to carefully cut them out. Small damaged areas are cleaned and covered with garden varnish.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci

The lack of nutritional components threatens chlorosis. The leaves become yellow and dry. At the onset of the disease, fertilizers are used in the form of special preparations (for example, Kemira-Universal-2).

Pest protection

Rose Leonardo Da Vinci is resistant to pests, but sometimes bugs, spider mites, and aphids can be seen on the leaves and stem.Damaged leaves curl, become yellow and dry, and then fall off. When small cobwebs appear, a spider mite can be identified. Insecticides are used to control parasites. Before using special preparations, rose bushes are washed. This treatment allows you to save the flower.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci

Bush pruning

It is advisable to carry out moderate pruning, with 5 eyes. The procedure prolongs flowering and activates the development of shoots. In the fall, weak shoots are cut out, and in the spring, dry and damaged shoots are cut out. Be sure to leave a few main shoots for the rose bush to grow and bloom.

In the summer, they carefully monitor the condition of the bush when it blooms. It is recommended to remove wilted and damaged shoots.

Sheltering roses for the winter

At the end of autumn, when the first frosts occur, the shoots are shortened and the leaves are completely cut off. Then the base is sprinkled with dry soil, to which peat or humus is first added.

beautiful roses

Spruce branches are used for shelter. In this case, the air temperature should drop below minus 10 degrees. A frame with a non-woven covering is installed above the main part. In spring, the shelter cannot be removed immediately. Sometimes the covering material is re-thrown over the plant. It is necessary to gradually accustom the flower to the ambient temperature and the sun, and the cover is initially removed in the late afternoon.

Reproduction of the variety

The best propagation option is cuttings. The cuttings are harvested 2 weeks after the first buds appear. To do this, use a thick stem, which is divided into several parts (each cutting should be about 10 centimeters long).

The bottom of the cutting is treated with phytohormones in order to activate growth and promote the proper development of the plant.

The cuttings are planted in holes dug to a depth of 15 centimeters. The distance between them should be up to 20 centimeters. Be sure to ventilate, water the cuttings and loosen the soil for effective rooting. The top of the planting is covered with a durable film. In winter, the cuttings are covered with spruce branches and other covering materials. Roses grow only in the 3rd year.

Use in landscape design

The rose is used in group and single plantings. It can be planted at the front of a flower bed or used as a border. The beauty of the Leonardo da Vinci variety of roses will certainly be appreciated by flower growers.
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