To deoxidize the soil, various calcareous materials are used, for example, lime and dolomite flour. The difference between them is determined by the composition. Let's consider what is better to use: lime or dolomite flour, the properties and application of each material. Which is preferable to choose, lime or dolomite flour, for use in the household?
What is the difference between dolomite flour and limestone flour?
Basically, lime flour is used in agriculture, which accounts for most of the deoxidizing materials. But sometimes ground dolomite is also used, although much less frequently.
Properties and uses of lime
Lime flour, which is obtained from grinding limestone, contains 85-90% calcium and magnesium oxides, which neutralize soil acid. Water-slaked lime – fluff lime – deoxidizes the soil best. When applied per 1 sq. m of area, on average, from 300 to 700 g of powder is applied, the dosage is determined by the pH of the soil - the lower it is, the more lime is required.
In order for the effect to manifest itself faster and better, it is necessary that the lime be crushed as finely as possible and mixed well with the soil. The effect of liming manifests itself over several years, so there is no need to carry out this agrotechnical activity every year.
Reducing the acidity of acidic soils with the help of slaked lime increases plant productivity by 30-40%; deacidification of highly acidic soils gives an even greater increase in yield. It is recommended to apply fluff in the fall; when applied in the spring, it must be limed no later than 2 weeks before sowing seeds or planting plants.
When applying, it is important to mix the powder well with the soil so that the lime does not come into contact with the roots of the plants. This is necessary to avoid burning the root system. It is allowed to mix fluff with organic matter - humus or manure. Organic matter also needs to be mixed well with the soil.
How is it used and what are the properties of dolomite flour?
Available in powder and granule form. It contains calcium and magnesium oxides, like lime, but the ratio is different - about half calcium oxides and 40% magnesium oxides.
The material is used for deoxidation at acidity up to 4.5. Dosage per 1 sq. m. of strongly acidic soils - 500 g, moderately acidic - 450 g and slightly acidic - up to 400 g. Like lime, dolomite flour must be added to the soil in crushed form and everything must be mixed thoroughly. It is advisable to dig up and loosen the soil to a depth of 15 cm before applying. Sprinkle powder on top and loosen again.
Ground dolomite is recommended for deoxidizing the soil for potatoes and tomatoes, to enhance the growth of legumes, cabbage and radishes, and to increase the yield of fruit trees (the powder is applied in the fall, after harvesting). There is no need to deoxidize the soil for sorrel, celery, cranberries, and blueberries.
What is better to choose
It is believed that for deoxidation you need to choose lime flour in the form of fluff lime. It has the best characteristics, fast and long-lasting action. Lime is more effective than dolomite flour.
Both lime materials improve the properties of the soil, making it more suitable for growing plants. Even those types of crops that do not grow well in acidic soil can be planted in deoxidized soil.Calcium stimulates root growth, magnesium stimulates photosynthetic processes. With a lack of magnesium, shoot development is delayed.
In soil whose acidity decreases, conditions are created for the favorable development of beneficial microflora, and the digestibility of mineral elements from applied fertilizers increases.
Fluff lime and crushed dolomite have almost the same properties, although they differ in composition. Both materials are used in agriculture; vegetable growers prefer to use lime as a more accessible and easy-to-use fertilizer.